PSB2196HV1.4 ,ISAC-P TE (Subscriber Access Controll...Features:Cost/performance-optimized U -interface transceiver, compatible to PEB 2096 OCTAT-PpnHDLC- ..
PSB2196NV1.4 ,ISAC-P TE (Subscriber Access Controll...Product Brochure for ISAC-P TE 08/97ISDN Subscriber Access Controller for U -Interface Terminals PS ..
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PSB2197TV1.1 .. ,Smartlink-P (Subscriber Access Contro...Features:Cost/performance-optimized U -interface transceiver, compatible to PEB 2096 OCTAT-P and PS ..
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ISAC-P TE (Subscriber Access Controll...
SI] E lei] E Ills Product Brochure for ISAC-P TE 08/97
ISDN Subscriber Access Controller for thm-Interface Terminals PSB 2196
The PSB 2196, ISDN Subscriber Access Controller for Lhm-interface ISAC-P TE,
implements the subscriber access functions for a digital terminal to be connected
to a two-wire thm-interface. The PSB 2196 ISAC-P TE combines the functions of
the UpN-transceiver (one channel of the OCTAT-P PEB 2096) and the ISDN-
Communications Controller (ICC, PEB 2070) onto one chip. The ISAC-P TE
interfaces to voice/data devices via the IOW-2 interface. The terminal repeater
function of the lSAC-P TE allows to cascade two telephones which are
controlled by one Um-interface from the line card.
1. Potential application Customers
All kind of PBX Telephones PBX Telephone Manufactors of:
Terminal Repeater Modules - Key Systems
PC-Cards, Videophones, and Video - Small PBX Systems
Conferencing Systems with proprietary Um-interface - Mid Range PBX Systems
Terminal Adaptor with proprietary UpN-interface - Large PBX Systems
a/b-Adapter with proprietary UpN-interface
2. F eatures:
Cost/performance-optimized Upn-interface transceiver, compatible to PEB 2096 OCTAT-P
HDLC-controller with 2x32-byte FIFO per direction
HDLC-address recognition and control field handling compatible to PEB 2070
IOM-2 interface for terminal application compatible to PEB 2070 ICC
8-bit multiplexed microprocessor interface
4-wire serial programming interface
CPU-clock and reset outputs
Test loops
3. Packing
Type Ordering Code Package
PSB 2196H V1.4 Q67101-H6570 (pref. package) P-MQFP-44
PSB 2196N V1.4 Q67100-H6569 P-LCC-44
4. Product status
Product Step Status Changes
PSB 2196 N/H V 1.4 Prod. Delivery Release
5. Diagram
Pulse ICC IOM 2 UP"
LCD Width L (z) - (i) Upu
Contrast = tit" Core Interface :33; n H: Interf.
LED . I' I
Matrix (=c) 3mg,
Micrcontroller 23:};
Interface Logic
inarallel/serial y
SI] E lei] E Ills Product Brochure for ISAC-P TE 08/97
6. Documentation (Please contact our sales office for details)
Date of issue/version Type of material
User's Manual 12/94 Booklet (B1 15-H6759-X-X-7600)
. App. Note: Migration from PEB 20950 ISAC-P 12/93 Copy
to PSB 2196 ISAC-P TE
App. Note: Extending the Upn Interface Loop 6/96 Copy
Length using ISAC-PTE or SmartLink
Errata Sheet V1.1, V1.2, V1.3 6/94 T2l96-XVl5-Ll-7600
7. Development and support tools
Availabilitl Ordering number
SIPBS 104 ISAC-P TE/TR Module available Q67100-H6426
SIPB5000 Mainboard available Q67100-H8647
8. Applications
0 PBX Feature Phone
Extensions t lOM-2 fl
ARCOFl-SP pController - lSAC-P TE CII thm
PSB 2163 SAB c515A /1_1\ PSB 2196 interf.
o o o I j,,
3311 S'ivsgm” gzgggg
Keyboard Active LCD Display LEQD Matrix
0 Terminal Repeater Module
G , . {k {L Telephone 1
* ARCOFl-SP * U Interface
UPN =CCll IIE PSB 2196 PSB 2163 PSB 2196 a I it'11i'i'iira'iii
(TR-Mode) (TE-Mode)
1'rr,tu11,2,paeJter Basic Telephone Board
*PSB 2197 SmartLink-P IOM-z Telephone 2
also applicable " E a L
PSB 2163 (TE-Mode) ZIJIJZ, um
Basic Telephone Board I
0 PBX-PC Card
- iOM-2 ISAC-P TE -
111131235133 (PSB 2196) " == u,,
local bus
PC-Interf. : PC Bus
(e. g PCMCIA)