PN3569 ,Leaded Small Signal Transistor General PurposePN3569PN3569NPN General Purpose Amplifier• This device is designed for use at general purpose ampli ..
PN3569 ,Leaded Small Signal Transistor General Purposeapplications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations.
PN3569 ,Leaded Small Signal Transistor General Purposeapplications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations.
PN3638 ,PNP General Purpose AmplifierPN3638 / PN3638ADiscrete POWER & SignalTechnologiesPN3638PN3638AC TO-92BEPNP General Purpose Amplif ..
PN3638 ,PNP General Purpose AmplifierPN3638 / PN3638ADiscrete POWER & SignalTechnologiesPN3638PN3638AC TO-92BEPNP General Purpose Amplif ..
PN3638 ,PNP General Purpose Amplifierapplications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations.Thermal Characteristics TA = 25°C u ..
PT2323 , 6-Ch Audio Selector
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NPN General Purpose Amplifer
PN3569 PN3569 NPN General Purpose Amplifier • This device is designed for use at general purpose amplifiers and switches requiring collecor currents to 300mA. TO-92 1 1. Emitter 2. Base 3. Collector Absolute Maximum Ratings* T =25°C unless otherwise noted a Symbol Parameter Value Units V Collector-Emitter Voltage 40 V CEO V Collector-Base Voltage 80 V CBO V Emitter-Base Voltage 5.0 V EBO I Collector Current - Continuous 500 mA C T , T Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range - 55 ~ 150 °C J STG * These ratings are limiting values above whitch the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaird. NOTES: 1. These ratings are based on a maximum junction temperature of 150 degrees C. 2. These are steady state limits. The factory should be consulted on applications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations. Electrical Characteristics T =25°C unless otherwise noted a Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Max. Units Off Characteristics V Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage * I = 30μA, I = 0 40 V (BR)CEO C B V Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage I = 100μA, I = 0 80 (BR)CBO C E V Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage I = 10μA, I = 0 5.0 V (BR)EBO E C I Collector Cutoff Current V = 40V, I = 0 50 nA CBO CB E I Emitter Cut-off Current V = 4.0V, I = 0 25 nA EBO EB C On Characteristics h DC Current Gain V = 1V, I = 150mA 100 300 FE CE C V = 1V, I = 30mA 100 CE C V (sat) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage I = 150mA, I = 15mA 0.25 V CE C B V (on) Base-Emitter On Voltage I = 150mA, V = 1V 1.1 V BE C CE Small Signal Characteristics h Small Signal current Gain I = 50mA, V = 10V, f = 10MHz 3.0 30 fe C CE * Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 300μs, Duty Cycle ≤ 2.0% Thermal Characteristics T =25°C unless otherwise noted a Symbol Parameter Max. Units P Total Device Dissipation 625 mW D Derate above 25°C 5.0 mW/°C R Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case 83.3 °C/W θJC R Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient 200 °C/W θJA ©2003 Rev. A, November 2003