PMB8825 ,Dual-Band Power Amplifier for WLAN SystemsBlock DiagramV VCC5 CC6 BREFst nd1 Driver 2 DriverOutputStage StageStageRF RF Frequency BandsInters ..
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PMBD353 ,Schottky barrier double diodeLIMITING VALUES In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).SYMBOL PARAMETER ..
PMBD354 ,Schottky barrier double diodeLIMITING VALUES In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).SYMBOL PARAMETER ..
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PST574D , System Reset
Dual-Band Power Amplifier for WLAN Systems
WLAN Systems
The Infineon dual-band Power Amplifier PMB 8825
is an extremely linear, high power SiGe amplifier
for Wireless LAN applications and is fully compli-
ant with lEEE802.11a, 11b and 11g standards with
Dual-Band Power Amplifier for
data rates up to 54 Mbit/s in 802.11a and 11g mode. _
The PMB 8825 is designed to form an Infineon
WLAN chipset in Combination with the PMB 8680
dual-band RF Transceiver, the PMB 8787 dual-band
Modem IC (PHY) and the PMB 8789 MAC IC.
Features Applications
u Enhanced bipolar technology (SiGe) a High data-rate wireless LAN
" Dual-band and dual-mode solution a PC card wireless LAN adapters
" Single +3.3 V supply voltage a (Mini) PCI wireless LAN cards
a Highly linear PA for OFDM and DSSS/CCK u CardBus wireless LAN adapters
a Low EVM for 64 QAM/54 Mbit/s a Compact flash wireless LAN cards
a Low power droop a USB wireless LAN adapters
" Analog power control for both bands a Wireless LAN modules, access points, bridge
" Digital band select (2.4 GHz/5 GHz) products, and point-to-multipoint systems
a Digital standby mode
" Integrated power detector with buffer for power
control loop
Operating ambient temperature: -40 ... +85°C
" Small size VQFN-24 package with heat sink
PMB 8825
Dual-Band Power Amplifier
Never stop thinking.
Vccs Vccs BREF
lst Driver 2nd Driver
Stage Stage Output
RF Stage
Input - . . ' . - - . 1 ' . - T
5 GHz mm mm (5 GHz
" DIOce iitiigg
Vcc T (2.igig Ban c'tl.ii'ifiiiitia ect . I '
Enable - (Big; - Sir
Band array c l -
Select . _ . '
Power - F - (Eltgititg A
Control c - c I -
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RF _ _ _ _ 2 GHz Compensa Ion
Input - .' - - .' - —l—
2 GHz GBiiliim GBlililm
lst Driver 2nd Driver Stage
Stage Stage
Vcc1 V002
Block Diagram
Frequency Bands
I: 2.4 GHz ... 2.5 GHz Band
sat = 30 dB
- P1dB = 27 dBm
- Gain = 31 dB
I: 5.15 GHz ... 5.825 GHz Band
- sat = 27 dBm
- P1th = 24 dBm
- Gain = 22 dB
Example: Power Control Loop for WLAN System (simplified)
RF-Transceiver IC
PMB 8825
PMB 8680
Diode tiri' iiitgigiyy
PMB 8787
iti!i!raa(ii!i!t Chit
Analog power control with a 10 dB dynamic range to optimize efficiency at all power levels.
WLAN Power Amplifier
How to reach us:
Published by
Infineon Technologies AG,
SL-Martin-Strasse 53,
81669 Miinchen
© Infineon Technologies AG 2003. All Rights Reserved.
PMB 8825
Attention please!
The information herein is given to describe certain components
and shall not be considered as warranted characteristics.
Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved.
We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not
limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits,
descriptions and charts stated herein.
Infineon Technologies is an approved CECC manufacturer.
For further information on technology, delivery terms
and conditions and prices please contact your nearest
Infineon Technologies Office in Germany or our
Infineon Technologies Representatives worldwide.
Published by Infineon Technologies AG
Due to technical requirements components may contain dan-
gerous substances. For information on the types in question
please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office.
Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life.
support devices or systems with the express written approval
of Infineon Technologies, it a failure of such components can
reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that lite-support
device or system, orto affect the safety or effectiveness of that
device or system. Life-support devices or systems are intend-
ed to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or
maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is
reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other
persons may be endangered.
Printed in Germany
PS 03031. NB