PHE13007 ,Silicon Diffused Power Transistorapplications, converters, inverters, switching regulators, motor control systems,etc.QUICK REFERENC ..
PHE13007 ,Silicon Diffused Power TransistorGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe PHE13007 is a silicon npn power switching transistor in the TO220AB envelope ..
PHE13007 ,Silicon Diffused Power Transistor
PHE13007 ,Silicon Diffused Power Transistor
PHE13009 ,Silicon Diffused Power TransistorPhilips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Silicon Diffused Power Transistor PHE13009
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Silicon Diffused Power Transistor
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Silicon Diffused Power Transistor PHE13007
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe PHE13007 is a silicon npn power switching transistor in the TO220AB envelope intended for use in high
frequency electronic lighting ballast applications, converters, inverters, switching regulators, motor control systems,
SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS TYP. MAX. UNITVCESM Collector-emitter voltage peak value VBE = 0 V - 700 V
VCBO Collector-Base voltage (open emitter) - 700 V
VCEO Collector-emitter voltage (open base) - 400 V
VEBO Emitter-Base voltage (IB = 0) - 9 V Collector current (DC) - 8 A
ICM Collector current peak value - 16 A
Ptot Total power dissipation Tmb ≤ 25 ˚C - 80 W
VCEsat Collector-emitter saturation voltage IC = 5.0 A;IB = 1.0 A 0.35 2.0 V Fall time IC = 5 A; IB1 = 1 A 40 120 ns
PIN DESCRIPTION base collector emitter
tab collector
LIMITING VALUESLimiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134)
SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. MAX. UNITVCESM Collector to emitter voltage VBE = 0 V - 700 V
VCEO Collector to emitter voltage (open base) - 400 V
VCBO Collector to base voltage (open emitter) - 700 V
VEBO Emitter-Base voltage (IB = 0) - 9 V Collector current (DC) - 8 A
ICM Collector current peak value - 16 A Base current (DC) - 4 A
IBM Base current peak value - 8 A
Ptot Total power dissipation Tmb ≤ 25 ˚C - 80 W
Tstg Storage temperature -65 150 ˚C Junction temperature - 150 ˚C
SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS TYP. MAX. UNITRth j-mb Junction to mounting base - 1.56 K/W
Rth j-a Junction to ambient in free air 60 - K/W3
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Silicon Diffused Power Transistor PHE13007
STATIC CHARACTERISTICSTmb = 25 ˚C unless otherwise specified
SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITICES Collector cut-off current 1 VBE = 0 V; VCE = VCESMmax - - 0.2 mA
ICES VBE = 0 V; VCE = VCESMmax; - - 1.0 mA
Tj = 125 ˚C
IEBO Emitter cut-off current VEB = 9 V; IC = 0 A - - 1.0 mA
VCEOsust Collector-emitter sustaining voltage IB = 0 A; IC = 10 mA; 400 - - V
L = 25 mH
VCEsat Collector-emitter saturation voltage IC = 2.0 A;IB = 0.4 A - 0.15 1.0 V
VCEsat IC = 5.0 A;IB = 1.0 A - 0.35 2.0 V
VCEsat IC = 5.0 A;IB = 1.0 A - 0.51 3.0 V
(TC = 100˚C)
VBEsat Base-emitter saturation voltage IC = 2.0 A;IB = 0.4 A - 0.92 1.2 V
VBEsat IC = 5.0 A;IB = 1.0 A - 1.05 1.6 V
VBEsat IC = 5.0 A;IB = 1.0 A - 1.00 1.5 V
(TC = 100˚C)
hFE DC current gain IC = 2.0 A; VCE = 5 V 8 17 40
hFEsat IC = 5.0 A; VCE = 5 V 5 9 30
DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSTmb = 25 ˚C unless otherwise specified
SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS TYP. MAX. UNITSwitching times (resistive load) ICon = 5 A; IBon = -IBoff = 1 A;
RL = 75 ohms; VBB2 = 4 V; Turn-off storage time 1.8 3.0 μs Turn-off fall time 0.3 0.7 μs
Switching times (inductive load) ICon = 5 A; IBon = 1 A; LB = 1 μH;
-VBB = 5 V Turn-off storage time 1.2 2.0 μs Turn-off fall time 40 120 ns
Switching times (inductive load) ICon = 5 A; IBon = 1 A; LB = 1 μH;
-VBB = 5 V; Tj = 100 ˚C Turn-off storage time 1.6 3.0 μs Turn-off fall time 100 200 ns
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Silicon Diffused Power Transistor PHE13007
Fig.1. Test circuit for VCEOsust.
Fig.2. Oscilloscope display for VCEOsust.
Fig.3. Test circuit resistive load. VIM = -6 to +8 V
VCC = 250 V; tp = 20 μs; δ = tp / T = 0.01.
RB and RL calculated from ICon and IBon requirements.
Fig.4. Switching times waveforms with resistive load.
Fig.5. Test circuit inductive load.
Fig.6. Switching times waveforms with inductive load.
+ 50v
Oscilloscope30-60 Hz
VCE / V min
IC / mA
-IBoff tf
10 %
Silicon Diffused Power Transistor PHE13007
Fig.9. Typical DC current gain. hFE = f(IC)
parameter VCE
Fig.12. Collector-Emitter saturation voltage.
Solid lines = typ values, VCEsat = f(IC); at IC/IB =4.
0.01 0.05 0.1 0.3 1 235 10
0.2 0.4 0.6 1 2 56
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Silicon Diffused Power Transistor PHE13007
Fig.13. Transient thermal impedance.
Zth j-mb = f(t); parameter D = tp/T
Fig.14. Test circuit for reverse bias safe operating
Vclamp < 700V; Vcc = 150V; -Vbe = 5V,3V & 1V;
LB = 1μH; LC = 200μH.
Fig.15. Reverse bias safe operating area (Tj < Tjmax)
for -VBE = 5V,3V & 1V.
1E-06 1E-04 1E-02 1E+00
t / s
0.02 D = tpP 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Silicon Diffused Power Transistor PHE13007
MECHANICAL DATADimensions in mm
Net Mass: 2 g
Fig.16. TO220AB; pin 2 connected to mounting base.
Notes1. Refer to mounting instructions for TO220 envelopes.
2. Epoxy meets UL94 V0 at 1/8".
max3,0 max
not tinned
2,54 2,54