PEB24901HV1.2 ,IEC-DFE4-T (4 Channel ISDN Echocancel...Features Integrated wake-up unit Extended temperature range Two chip solution featuring 4 Monitor ..
PEB24902H ,ISDN Line Card TransceiverData Sheet, DS2, Jan. 2001Quad IEC AFEQuad ISDN Echocancellation Circuit Analogue Front EndPEB 2490 ..
PEB24902H ,ISDN Line Card TransceiverData Sheet, DS2, Jan. 2001Quad IEC AFEQuad ISDN Echocancellation Circuit Analogue Front EndPEB 2490 ..
PEB24902H ,ISDN Line Card TransceiverData Sheet, DS2, Jan. 2001Quad IEC AFEQuad ISDN Echocancellation Circuit Analogue Front EndPEB 2490 ..
PEB3035NV1.1 ,PRISM (Primary Rate Interface Signall...FeaturesSerial Interface● Two independent signaling/maintenance channelsprogrammable in a– serial m ..
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IEC-DFE4-T (4 Channel ISDN Echocancel...
PEB 24902/O1
ISDN Echocancellation Circuit
4-Channel for 4B3T Line Code
The ISDN 4B3T Echocancellation
Circuit 4-channel (IEC4-T) is an
optimized chipset featuring 4
times ISDN basic rate access. It
consists of the analog frontend
PEB 24902 and the digital front-
end PEB 24901. This chipset
fulfills all relevant standards.
Potential Applications
E Central oNce digital linecards
I:I Access networks linecards
I: Two chip solution featuring 4
channel full duplex data trans-
mission and reception over
two-wire metallic subscriber
loops providing ISDN basic rate
access at 144 kbit/s
El Fully compliant to:
- FTZ guideline 1TR 220
- ETSI ETR 080 (1996)
- Recommendation ITU-T G.961
n 4B3T block code at 120 kHz
symbol rate
I: LT mode for linecards
Auxiliary functions like relay
drivers and status inputs are
provided. An IOM®-2 interface is
used to provide data and control
access to the PEB 24901 thus
easing the PCB layout. The
IEC4-T chipset is pin compatible
to the lEC4-Q chipset. A sophisti-
n Low power consumption
El KOMO-i interface for stand alone
mode featuring different clock
El 1 kbit/s maintenance channel
Integrated wake-up unit
ta Monitoring of transmission
I: Maximum loop length:
- 4.2 km with 0.4 mm wire
- 8.0 km with 0.6 mm wire
Absorption of up to 18 us peak
to peak phase jitter
Switching of analog testloops
Activation and deactivation
Masterclock generation by PLL
Automatic polarity adaption
Automatic gain control
cated powermanagement system
allows to reduce the application's
powerconsumption to a minimum.
Siemens Semiconductor offers
also a broad range of other
telecom ICs making it easy to
integrate the IEC4-T into a com-
plete system solution.
I: Adaptive echocancellation
El Adaptive equalization
n 4 drivers per channel to switch
relays or a power controller
EI 2 status inputs per channel
I: Extended temperature range
I: JTAG boundary scan
I: P-MQFP-64 package
El Part of the Siemens Semicon-
ductor group system solution
Documentation and Support
I: Data Sheets
I:l Application Note
I: SMART 2000 based demon-
stration board system
(" http:llwww.siemens.delsemiconductorlcommunication
S10 Channel 0/4 = '
4+ System " g
Interface Unit A-V Receiver I4 "
SIU Channel1l5 _ g _ sox
FS C _ M-r System . , 4
Interface Unit <-rlRect"gverl-- AFE-
DCL _ IOM®- I T I T Interface
SI0 Channe|2l6 _ '
_ Handler A '4 e "
DIN _ 4+ System , SOR
Interface Unit ”IWF "
DOUT< 1 1 T I I T
SIU Channel3/7 = '
A-V System A
Interface Unit <-rlReet"siverl<-<
< POMx
Ordering Information
Sales Code Package Ordering Code Availability
PEB 24902 H V2.1 P-MQFP-64 Q67101-H6849 Production
PEF 24902 H V2.1 P-MQFP-64 Q67101-H6850 Production
PEB 24901 H V1.2 P-MQFP-64 Q67233-H1067 Production
PEF 24901 H V1.2 P-MQFP-64 Q67233-H1068 Production
Tools and Documentation
Name Ordering Code Status
Data Sheet PEB 24902 V1.1 05.96
Delta Sheet PEB 24902 V1.2 06.97
Delta Sheet PEB 24902 V2.1 09.98
Data Sheet PEB 24901 V1.1 02.95
Delta Sheet PEB 24901 V1.2 06.96
Application note "Digital Linecard" 03.96
SMART 24901 demoboard Q67230-H1091 Development
Application Example Digital Linecard
Test Unit
Published by Semiconductor Group
Block Diagram
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9:049) 89-9221 40 86
e (+49) 911454 76 22
3049) 711-137 3314
Cl (+45) 447744 77
CE) Tres Cantos.Madrid
'5: (+34) 91-514 80 00
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ll (+33) 1-4922 31 00
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e (+44) 1344-39 60 00
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tft (+82) 2-527 77 00
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© Siemens AG 1998.
All Rights Reserved,
Please note that any information contained in this
publication may be subject to change. Siemens re-
serves the right to make changes to or to discontin-
ue any product or service identified in this publica-
tion without notice.
Please contact our regional omces to receive the
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Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Ordering No. B115-H7322-X-X-7600
Printed in Germany
PS 10985.