PEF22810TV2.1 ,ETHERNET OVER VDSL CHIPSETBlock DiagramInterleaver QAM DAC Power PostFramerRS-Encoder Modulator 12 Bit Control FilterBroadban ..
PEF22810TV2.1 ,ETHERNET OVER VDSL CHIPSETP RO DU C T B RIEFTM10BaseS is an innovative technology offering the simplicity of Ethernet coupled ..
PEF22810TV21 ,ETHERNET OVER VDSL CHIPSETFeatures(QAM) 1.5 W including line driver Compatible with IEEE 802.3 Frequency division duplexing ..
PEF22822ELV2.2 ,ETHERNET OVER VDSL CHIPSETapplications Robust operation handles micro- JTAG for chip level and board MII Serial Management ..
PEF22822EL-V2.2 ,ETHERNET OVER VDSL CHIPSETFeatures(QAM) 1.5 W including line driver Compatible with IEEE 802.3 Frequency division duplexing ..
PEF22822ELV2.2 . ,ETHERNET OVER VDSL CHIPSETApplications No need for glue logic. Standard Spectral allocation allows noise- 10BaseS, Ethernet ..
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PIMD2 ,NPN/PNP resistor-equipped transistors; R1 = 22 k惟, R2 = 22 k惟General descriptionNPN/PNP double Resistor-Equipped Transistors (RET) in Surface-Mounted Device (SM ..
PEB22811HV1.3 -PEB22811H-V1.3-PEF22810-PEF22810TV2.1-PEF22810TV21-PEF22822ELV2.2-PEF22822EL-V2.2-PEF22822ELV2.2 .-PEF22822FV2.2-PEF22822F-V2.2
1OBaseSTM is an innovative technology offering the
simplicity of Ethernet coupled with the high perfor-
mance of VDSL. Utilizing 1OBaseS, a system deliv-
ers 10 Mbitls, full duplex Ethernet over existing
copper wire infrastructure up to a distance of
4000 ft/1200 m. It simultaneously supports high
speed DATA transmission with POTS, ISDN or PBX
signaling, without disruption.
Ethernet MAC and PHY functionality are integrated
into lnfineon’s 1OBaseS chipset, achieving direct
connectivity with standard Ethernet physical layer
and switching devices. Its VDSL technology uses
frequency division duplexing and QAM modula-
tion to provide robust operation. Its spectral allo-
cation allows noise-free coexistence with other
xDSL technologies in the same bundle.
1OBaseS is the best solution for distribution of
broadband services in MDU/MTU and hospitality
markets and the most suitable solution for broad-
band LAN extension applications.
" 1OBaseS, Ethernet over VDSL,
CPE (Customer Premises Equip-
ment) or NIC (Network Interface
In Multiple Dwelling/Tenant Units
(MDU/MTU) networking
n Hospitality networking
" Multi-building campus networking
I: High speed industrial environment
" Fiber, broadband wireless and
cable LAN extension
" Compatible with IEEE 802.3
Ethernet MII, RMII, SMII and
7 wire interfaces
" Symmetric 10 or 100 Mbit/s
Ethernet speed at full duplex
n Configurable as standard
Ethernet PHY for use in CPE or
NIC applications
I: MII Serial Management Interface
supports full access to all internal
registers and control of both local
and remote devices
No need for glue logic. Standard
interfaces provide direct connection
to Ethernet MAC and PHY devices
Address filtering, self-learning and
aging up to 32 addresses
Internal buffering, back pressure
and IEEE 802.3x flow control
Configurable as Ethernet MAC for
direct operation with standard
Ethernet PHY in CPE or NIC
Supports Ethernet SNMP MIB
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
Frequency division duplexing
Symmetrical/asymmetrical line
rates from below 1 Mbit/s up to
25 Mbit/s
Delivers symmetrical 10 Mbit/s
payload up to a distance of
4000 ft/1200 m
Robust operation handles micro-
interruptions, impulse noise and
severely distorted lines
Ethernet over VDSL Chipset
PEF 22810 (VDSL-L)
PEB 22811 (VDSL-A)
PEF 22822 (1OBaseS-D)
Spectral allocation allows noise-
free operation with xDSL, ISDN
(2B1 Q/4B3T), "Smartphone"
digital PBX devices
Transmit Notch filter, Scrambler,
Reed-Solomon Forward Error
Correction (FEC) and
Convolutional Interleaver with
internal SRAM
Link watchdog combined with
robust link configuration ensures
link establishment
Transmit power management
Low power consumption -
1.5 W including line driver
Power boost for extended reach
Power down mode with fast warm
start capability (< 100 ms)
Digitally Controlled Crystal Oscil-
lator (DCXO) for timing recovery
Embedded microcontroller for
stand-alone operation
JTAG for chip level and board
level testing
1OBaseS Chipset Block Diagram
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g ayiliggitar Gtgillltagr 12 Bit egigty iiilirgr Broadband
ti.!' Amplifier --""
H fl (girMI _
ty, = ADC mama: A--
RS-Deco-er aea aiigllltgr
(ttgiiirflty Recove
[MED Ana 09 Front En Contro
tirgigahr Iltiraft.gti
I Sena ano Paralle 'ost nterface I
PEF 22822 1OBaseS-D
Ordering Information
Design Tools
PEB 22811 VDSL-A
PEF 22810 VDSL-L
|mmm lRiftaigitota -. .0"
©gattaois I
1OBaseS Evaluation Kit 1OBaseS 22822 Two Boards 1OBaseS Evaluation/Demo Kit
1OBaseS NT Evaluation Board 1OBaseS 22822NT One Board NT 1OBaseS CPE Evaluation Board
IWGEEB I Sales Code . . . ' - lPizgttaois l
VDSL-L PEF 22810 T V2.1 P-DSO-8 VDSL Line Driver
VDSL-A PEB 22811 H V1.3 P-MQFP-64 Analog Front End (AFE)
1OBaseS-D PEF 22822 F V2.2 P-TQFP-144 Digital Transceiver
1OBaseS-D PEF 22822 EL V2.2 P-LFBGA-176 Digital Transceiver
Application Example
10/100 BaseT Ethernet
Ethernet grigyn ll1BM, WEE. overVDSL
Dtglta Ana 09 5w
C,--':) tttitgiihtrgr Em) -
FEB 2811 (ilifliirgr
How to reach us:
Attention please!
The information herein is given to describe certain components
and shall not be considered as warranted characteristics.
Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved.
We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not
limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits,
descriptions and charts stated herein.
Infineon Technologies is an approved CECC manufacturer.
Published by
Infineon Technologies AG,
SL-Martin-Strasse 53,
81669 Miinchen
© Infineon Technologies AG 2002. All Rights Reserved.
For further information on technology, delivery terms
and conditions and prices please contact your nearest
Infineon Technologies Office in Germany or our
Infineon Technologies Representatives worldwide.
Published by Infineon Technologies AG
Due to technical requirements components may contain dan-
gerous substances. For information on the types in question
please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office.
Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life.
support devices or systems with the express written approval
of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can
reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that Iife-support
device or system, orto affect the safety or effectiveness of that
device or system. Life-support devices or systems are intend-
ed to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or
maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is
reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other
persons may be endangered.
Ordering No. B115-H8117-X-X-7600
Printed in Germany
PS 12021 . NB