PEB2052NV1.5 ,PIC (PCM Interface Controller)applications.• SLD-bus to peripheral circuits, e.g. codec filter devices or ISDN componentsThe PIC ..
PEB2052NV1.5 ,PIC (PCM Interface Controller)Featuresdigital communication systems. In combination with the highly flexible Signal Processing Co ..
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PEB20534H-52V2.0 ,DSCC4 (DMA Supported Serial Communica...characteristics.Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved.Due to technical requirement ..
PEB2054NV1.0 ,EPIC-S (Extended PCM Interface Contro...Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161.6 U ..
PEB2054NV1.0 ,EPIC-S (Extended PCM Interface Contro...characteristics.Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved.For questions on technology, ..
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PIC (PCM Interface Controller)
PCM Interface Controller (PIC)
General Description
The PCM Interface Controller (PIC) PEB 2052 is a device
for the control of voice, data and signaling paths of up
to 16 subscribers on peripheral component boards in
digital communication systems. in combination with the
highly flexible Signal Processing Codec Filter (SICOFI)
PEB 2060/2260 it forms an optimized, analog subscriber
line board architecture. Its flexibility enables its operation
as a general-purpose controller for data switching and
MUX/DEMUX applications.
The PIC controls space and time switching functions between
subscriber line devices and time division multiplex highways.
Furthermore, it controls the flow of information between the
subscriber interface ports and a line card local processor.
To meet different requirements the PIC PEB 2052 provides
the following interfaces:
. Eight serial, bidirectional l/O ports for the transfer of voice,
data, control and signaling information between the PBC
and codec filters (e.g. SICOFI PEB 2060/2260), digital
interface circuits or signal processors.
. Double constructed PCM interface for a redundant system
coMguration with load sharing operation.
. Bit-parallel interface for the connection of a standard 8-bit
microcomputer such as SAB 8051.
PEB 2052
Type Package
PEB 2052-N P-LCC-44-1 (SMD)
. Board controller for up to 16 subscribers of a digital
switching system
. Suitable for all PCM systems (24/32/48/64 time-slots)
according to European and US standards
. SLD-bus to peripheral circuits, e.g. codec fllter devices or
ISDN components
. Time-slot assignment freely programmable for all
connected subscribers
- WP access to all internal data streams including time-slot
oriented data streams
. All functions software-programmable via a standard
wp interface
. TTL-compatible inputs and outputs, including clock input
. Single + 5 V power supply
. Advanced low power CMOS technology
Telecommunication subscriber board interface controller
IC for digital exchange PCM systems performing:
. digital exchange functions
- digital concentrator functions
. signaling and interface control functions
. multiplex functions
() ”/N ,
_-r mm a a .
. Subscriber PCM Highway 0
Subscriber _-
(SLD Bus) Interface 5 Interface .
Buffer ( : Buffer I , Highway 1
Microprocessor Interface
Data Flow within PIC
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft