PEB1756E ,Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic ApplicationsFeaturesenation streams STS-3c/STM-1, Pro Provides full TOH/POH Provides serial STS-48/STM-16, ST ..
PEB1756E// ,Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic ApplicationsFeatures (cont’d) Motorola 32-bit synchronous Specifications Provides B1, B2, H1 and H2 bit microp ..
PEB1757E ,Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic ApplicationsFeatures (cont’d) P-FCHBGA-1397 CBGA Standards Provides B1, B2, H1 and H2 bit Complies with GR-25 ..
PEB1757E ,Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic ApplicationsBlock DiagramPublished by Infineon Technologies AGP RELIMINARY P RODUCT F LYEROverviewTethys™ 4192 ..
PEB1757E ,Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic ApplicationsFeaturesSTS-12c/STM-4, STS-48c/STM-16 add/drop Complies with OIF specifications and STS-192c/STM-64 ..
PEB1757E- ,Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic ApplicationsFeaturesSTS-12c/STM-4, STS-48c/STM-16 add/drop Complies with OIF specifications and STS-192c/STM-64 ..
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PIC16F76 , 28/40-pin, 8-bit CMOS FLASH Microcontrollers
PIC16F767 , 28/40/44-Pin, 8-Bit CMOS Flash Microcontrollers with 10-Bit A/D and nanoWatt Technology
PIC16F873 , 28/40-Pin 8-Bit CMOS FLASH Microcontrollers
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PIC16F874A , 28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers
Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic Applications
Semiconductor Solutions for
High Speed Communications
and Fiber Optic Applications
Tethysm 448 is optimized for SONETISDH applications
as a full-duplex sixteen STS-48ISTM-16 or a mix of six-
teen STS-12ISTM-4 and STS-3/STM-1 MUXIDEMUX with
full framer functionality including pointer processing,
and overhead termination; ideal for aggregation, ADM
and DWDM applications. In the demultiplex ingress
direction, TethysTM 448 accepts either sixteen STS-48/
STM-16, or a mix of sixteen STS-12ISTM-4 and STS-3I
STM-1 signals in serial 2.5 Gbitls or serial 622 Mbitls or
serial 155 Mbit/s format. TethysTM 448 locates the incom-
ing SONETISDH frame, optionally de scrambles the
data, monitors the TOH and POH, and provides STS-1
level pointer processing. In addition, TethysTM 448 sup-
ports TOH and POH overhead transparency.
In the multiplex direction, TethysTM 448 accepts sixteen
STS-48ISTM-16 signals in serial 2.5 Gbitls format.
Tethysm 448 further provides corresponding functional-
ity in the DEMUX direction.
Applications Processes SONETISDH sixteen u Terminates and generates SONET
YT ADM STS-48/STM-160nthe system/cli- section, line, and path layers
a Metro Aggregation ent side serial 2.5 Gbitls interface " Provides TOH and POH
I: Digital Cross connects Provides line timing of all line and transparency
n Repeaters system side interfaces " Provides monitoring of POH bytes
YT DWDM Equipment Processes SONETISDH flexible B3 and N1/Z5
a Test Equipment concatenation streams of STS-2c, " Provides B2 SF/SD capability for
3c, 4c, ... to 48c Poisson and bursty error
Features Supports auto-detection of Concat- distribution
.3 Provides serial STS-48/STM-16, enation streams STS-3c/STM-1, " Pro Provides full TOH/POH
STS-12/STM-4 or STS-3/STM-1 STS-12c/STM-4 and add/drop
links STS-48c/STM-16 " Provides STS-1 level POH
:1 Differential CML 2.5 Gbitls I/O Supports STS-1 level pointer pro- add/drop
interface to optics cessing of STS-48/STM-16 or I: Supports more than i746 UI
u Differential CML 2.5 Gbitls I/O STM-12/STM-4 or STS-3/STM-1 programmable output skew on
interface to system/backplane streams STS48/STM-16 output links to
n TFI-5 Support Provides interfaces for dropping external cross-connects
u Processes SONETISDH sixteen alarm and status information, and I: For diagnostic purposes, Tethys
STS-48/STM-1 6 ora mix ofsixteen for forcing alarm conditions provides PRBS generator/checker
STM-12/STM-4 and STS-3/STM-1 Power dissipation of15 W, and loop backs
on the line side interface depending on mode of operation
T e t h y s TM 4 4 8
P E B 1 7 5 6 E Sy'''''''","-."
Sixteen STS-48/STM-16 MUX/DEMUX technologies
Neverstop thinking.
Features (cont'd) I: Motorola 32-bit synchronous Specifications
:1 Provides B1, B2, H1 and H2 bit microprocessor interface for con- " OIF TFl-5
error generation for both receive figuration, control, and status
and transmit direction diagnostics monitoring Standards
I: Provides 1 second performance I: Complies with GR-253, GR-1377, " ANSI T1.105-2000-193R2
monitors ITU-T G.707, and ANSI T1.105 (DRAFT)
I: 0.13 pm process, 1.2 V core, I: Provides a standard 5 signal IEEE u ANSI T1.105.05-1994
3.3 V l/O 1149.1 JTAG test port for bound- " T1X1.3/93-005Rl -1993 -
YT P-FCHBGA-1397 CBGA ary scan board test purposes preliminary
I: GR-253-CORE Sept. 2000
lihs, Exam III-n- Irtagtipgio I
1397 ball BGA - P-FCHBGA-1397
t Drop t Drop Tethys 448 Add l Force
4 x STSM8
7 4 x STS-12
STSA8 Bt - #4 3:23; 4 x STS-48/STS-12/STS-3 4 x STS-48
ST5-12 #1 "4 #1 - #4 " Pointer Processor #1 - #4 " 4 x STS-12 515-45111 ""-
STW3 #1 "" " PRBS Gen/Chk V 4 x STS-3 I e
4 x STS-48 I I Framers I
_ 4 x STS-12 I :
STW48 " - #8 4 x STS-3 ! l I
De-Framers I I I
515-12 " - " D e- I Mux I
515-3 " - " Mux I I I
4 x STSM8 I l I
k 4 x STS-12 i 4 X STSM8/STS-12/STS-3 E 4 X STS-48 i
_ e 4 STS-3 . - STS.48 M3 _ #15
STS-48 " M2 Démmers = Pointer Processor 4 x STS 12 - =
STSM2 " _ m #13 - #16 PRBS Gen/Chk #13 - #1 4 X STS-3
STS-3 #9 - M2 Framers
4 x STS-48
4 x 51512
515-45 M3 _ #15 e 4 x STS-3
STSM2 '" - #15
515411134115 - ___________ -.._.._.._.._.._..__.._.._.._.._..__.._.._.._.._.._..__.._.._..i_2..X,
4 x STS-48
4 4 x STS-12 A
STS-48 gt - #4 4 x STS-3 ,
STS " gt B4 ramers ttl - #4 4 x STS-48/STS-12lSTS-3 #1 - #4 4 x STSM8 STS48 M ""
515-3 M -#4 . A 4 x STS-12 A
Pointer Interpreter , 4 x STS-3 ,
4 X STSM8 PRBS Gen/Chk I
A 4 x STS-12 4 I I De-Framers I I
, STS-48 " - #8 4 x STS-3 " I i i !
STSM2 " .. " Framers Mux ' i i De-Muxl I
STS-3 " - " ! ' I iMux i
4 x STS-48 I ! ! De-skew I
4 4 x STS-12 I i I 1
, 515-48 " 4:12 2:53: 4 x STS-48/STS-12lSTS-3 , 4 x STSM8 : 5754;, #13 M6
515-12 " .1412 A Pointer Interpreter 4 x STS-12 4 f-""""''-'"""'
STS-3#9-#12 #13-it16 PRBS GenlChk # 3-#16 4XSTS-3
4 x STSM8 De-Framers
A 4 x STS-12 A
_ 515-43 #13 - '" 4 x STS-3
515-12 #13 - '"
STS-3 #13 - M6
Alarm TOHIPOH 32 bit data JTAG IIF TOHIPOH l Alarm
Force Add u-proc IIF Drop Drop
TethysTM 448 PEB1756E Block Diagram
Published by Infineon Technologies AG