PEB1755E ,Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic ApplicationsBlock DiagramInterfaces 16-bit processor interface for configu- 622.08 MHz 16-bit line interface r ..
PEB1756E ,Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic ApplicationsFeaturesenation streams STS-3c/STM-1, Pro Provides full TOH/POH Provides serial STS-48/STM-16, ST ..
PEB1756E// ,Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic ApplicationsFeatures (cont’d) Motorola 32-bit synchronous Specifications Provides B1, B2, H1 and H2 bit microp ..
PEB1757E ,Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic ApplicationsFeatures (cont’d) P-FCHBGA-1397 CBGA Standards Provides B1, B2, H1 and H2 bit Complies with GR-25 ..
PEB1757E ,Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic ApplicationsBlock DiagramPublished by Infineon Technologies AGP RELIMINARY P RODUCT F LYEROverviewTethys™ 4192 ..
PEB1757E ,Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic ApplicationsFeaturesSTS-12c/STM-4, STS-48c/STM-16 add/drop Complies with OIF specifications and STS-192c/STM-64 ..
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PIC16F874A , 28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers
PIC16F874A , 28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers
Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic Applications
Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed
Communications and Fiber Optic Applications
The FreaTM is a single-chip OC-192c/48c device that sup-
ports Resilient Packet Ring (RPR) protocol on both
RPR, a layer two Media Access Control (MAC) technology,
sigrifcantly increases the bandwidth efficiency of service
provider networks by utilizing twice the capacity of tradi-
tional SONETISDH rings. RPR delivers dynamic bandwidth
management while preserving the same kind of protection
and resiliency found in SONETISDH networks.
The Frea chip integrates RPR MAC, PoS (Packet-Over-
SONET) framer and XAUI SerDes (Serializer/Deserializer)
necessary to deploy RPR rings in Metropolitan Area Net-
works (MANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs). It also
eliminates external memory by including 1 MB of memory
on-chip for RPR operation. The Frea chip supports both
IEEE 802.17 RPR standard Draft 2.1, and RFC 2892 SRP
protocol. It also operates in a PoS framer-only mode,
which allows carriers unparalleled flexibility to build legacy
PoS networks that can later be configured to RPR through
'tit),'. &
a simple software upgrade.
High-level Features
on 10 GbE, and POS only applications
Maps RPR frames into PoS STS-
192cl48c or STM-64c/16c
Maps RPR frames into 10GbE
10GbE MAC processing, compliant
with IEEE P802.3ae
Integrated on-chip memory
On-chip XAUI mate Serdes
Provides built-in diagnostics
- BERT, loopbacks
SONETISDH Framer Features
SONET/SDH STS-192c/48c with full
duplex mapping of packets into
SONETISDH payloads
Pointer and payload processing
Full-duplex TOH add/drop
Performs frame-synchronous scram-
bling and de-scrambling of SONET
Processes section, line and path
overhead bytes
Hardware assistance for APS via K1
and K2 bytes
Detects SEF, LOS, LOF, LOP, and
Monitors line AIS-L, RDl-L, and REl-L
Handles J0 and J1 processing
Calculates, monitors, and counts B1,
B2, and B3 errors
Supports SF/SD BER algorithm
Supports REl-P error counting and
RDl-P monitoring
Supports path unequipped and pay-
load label mismatch
Meets ITU G.707, GR-253, T1.105
PoS Features
PoS on STS-192c148c
Option of CRC-16 or CRC-32
IETF RFC 2615, RFC 1662
RPR Mac Features
Map RPR frames into SONET/SDH
STS-192C/48c and 10GbE
Supports 802.17 RPR (Draft 2.1) and
RFC-2892 SRP protocols
16 bit HEC with 16-octet RPR header
Supports all traffic classes -
AO/A1/B(EIR and ClR)/C
F rea TM P EB 1 7 55E
RPR on STS-1920/48c SONET/SDH
application, RPR on 10GbE application,
STS-192c/48c PoS only application
Supports all fairness-control mecha-
nisms - single and multi-choke fairness
Supports all protection schemes -
steering and wrapping
On-chip low and high priority transit
PM counters
On-chip CAM for address lookup
Edge and core routers
Multi-Service and LAN switches
High-speed servers
PoS and RPR test equipment
P08 POH TOH deFramer SFI4 1 16@622M
M 4 2.5G
16@800M ll EH 2: apping SFI4.2 ©
g ii, XSBI 16 644M
L2 Mac
[email protected]RS LinelF
[email protected]Frea 10G Block Diagram
Interfaces " 16-bit processor interface for coMgu-
IT 622.08 MHz 16-bit line interface ration, management, and statistics
(SFI-4.1) gathering
I: 2.5 GHz 4-bit line interface (SFI-4.2)
n 644 MHz 16-bit line interface (XSBI) General Specifications
I: 3.125 GHz 4-bit line interface (XAUI) u 0.13 “m process
I: 800 MHz16-bitsysteminterface " Power:-8 W
(SPI-4.2) . . a Core Voltage: 1.3 V
II 3.125 GHZ 4-bit mate interface (XAUI) I1 IIO Buffer Voltage: 3.3 V
" TOH atdd/drop interface a Full Scan, JTAG, MemBIST
YT JTAG interface u Flipchip P-FCHBGA-979
tits nemaam Faigaso I
OC192/OC48 PoS PEB1755E P-FCHBGA 979
Framer and RPR Mac
Network Side Client Side
Fabric 10/100
How to reach us:
Published by
Infineon Technologies AG,
St.-Martin-Strasse 53,
D-81669 Miinchen
© Infineon Technologies AG 2003. All Rights Reserved.
Template: pb_tmplt.fml2l2003-05-01
Attention Weasel
The information herein is given to describe certain components
and shall not be considered as a guarantee of characteristics.
Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved.
We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not
limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits,
descriptions and charts stated herein.
For further information on technology, delivery terms
and conditions and prices please contact your nearest
Infineon Technologies Office in Germany or our
Infineon Technologies Representatives worldwide.
Published by Infineon Technologies AG
Due to technical requirements components may contain dan-
gerous substances. For information on the types in question
please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office.
Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-
support devices or systems with the express written approval
of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can
reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support
device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that
device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended
to be implanted in the human body, or to support andlor main-
tain and sustain andlor protect human life. If they fail, it is rea-
sonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons
may be endangered.
Ordering No. B115-H8198-X-X-7600
Printed in Germany
PS 05032. R&L