PCM1870RHFTG4 ,90 dB SNR Low-Power Stereo Audio ADC with Microphone Bias, ALC, Sound Effect, Notch filter 24-VQFN -40 to 85FEATURES • Package:• Analog Front End: – 24-QFN (4 mm × 5 mm)– Stereo Single End Input With MUX – 2 ..
PCM2704 ,Stereo Audio DAC with USB interface, Headphone Output and S/PDIF OutputMaximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
PCM2704 ,Stereo Audio DAC with USB interface, Headphone Output and S/PDIF OutputThis integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated cir ..
PCM2704CDBR ,98dB SNR Stereo Full Speed DAC with line-out & S/PDIF output, Bus/Self-powered (Ext. ROM Interface) 28-SSOP -25 to 85Features 2 Applications1• On-Chip USB Interface: • USB Headphones– No Dedicated Device Driver Neede ..
PCM2704DB ,Stereo Audio DAC with USB interface, Headphone Output and S/PDIF OutputMAXIMUM RATINGS(1)over operating free-air temperature range unless otherwise notedV –0.3 V to 6.5 V ..
PI49FCT3805DQEX , 3.3V, 2 x 1:5 CMOS Clock Driver
PI49FCT3805H , 3.3V Fast CMOS Buffer/Clock Driver
PI49FCT3805H , 3.3V Fast CMOS Buffer/Clock Driver
PI49FCT3807AS , 3.3V Fast CMOS Clock Driver
PI49FCT3807BQE , 3.3V Fast CMOS Clock Driver
PI49FCT3807DH , 1-10 Clock Buffer for Networking Applications
90 dB SNR Low-Power Stereo Audio ADC with Microphone Bias, ALC, Sound Effect, Notch filter 24-VQFN -40 to 85
16-Bit Low-Power Stereo Audio ADC With Microphone Bias and Microphone Amplifier Package: Analog Front End: – 24-QFN(4 mm×
5 mm) Stereo Single End Input With MUX – 24-DSBGA (2.49 mm×
3.49 mm) Mono Differential Input •
Operation Temperature Range: –40°Cto 85°C Stereo Programmable Gain Amplifier Microphone Boost Amplifier and Bias •
Portable Audio Player, Cellular Phone•
Analog Performances Dynamic Range:90 dB •
Video Camcorder, Movie Digital Still Camera•
Power-Supply Voltage •
PMP/DMB, Voice Recorder– 1.71Vto 3.6V for Digital I/O Section 1.71Vto 3.6V for Digital Core Section 2.4Vto 3.6V for Analog Section The PCM1870isa low-power stereo ADC designed•
Low Power Dissipation: for portable digital audio applications, with line-input
amplifier, boost amplifier, microphone bias,
– 13 mWin Record, 1.8/2.4V,48 kHz, Stereo programmable gain control, sound effects, and auto
– 5.3 mWin Record, 1.8/2.4V,8 kHz, Mono level control (ALC).Itis availablein 24-QFN (4-mm×
– 3.3 μWin All Power Down 5-mm) and 24-DSBGA (2.49-mm × 3.49-mm)
packagesto save footprint. The PCM1870 accepts•
Sampling Frequency:5 kHzto50 kHz right-justified, left-justified,I2S, and DSP formats,•
Auto Level Control for Recording providing easy interfacingto audio DSP and encoder•
Operationby Single Clock Input Without PLL chips. Sampling rates upto 50 kHz are supported.
The user-programmable functions are accessible•
System Clock: Common Audio Clockthrougha2-or 3-wire serial control port.
(256 fS/384 fS), 12/24, 13/26, 13.5/27, 19.2/38.4,
19.68/39.36 MHz 2(I2C)or3 (SPI) Wire Serial Control Programmable Functionby Register Control: Digital Soft Mute Power Up/Down Control for Each Module 30-dBto –12-dB Gain for Analog Inputs 0/12/20-dB Boost for Microphone Input Parameter Settings for ALC Three-Band Tone Control and 3D Sound High-Pass Filter and Two-Stage Notch Filter Pop Noise Reduction Circuit