PCM1789PWR ,113dB SNR Stereo DAC 24-TSSOP -40 to 85Features 2 Applications1• Enhanced Multi-Level Delta-Sigma DAC: • Blu-ray Disc™ Players– High Perfo ..
PCM1791A ,24-Bit 192 kHz Sampling Advanced Segment Audio Stereo DACmaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
PCM1791ADB ,24-Bit 192 kHz Sampling Advanced Segment Audio Stereo DACELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)all specifications at T = 25°C, V = 5 V, V = 3.3 V, f = 44.1 ..
PCM1791ADBR ,24-Bit 192 kHz Sampling Advanced Segment Audio Stereo DACMAXIMUM RATINGS(1)over operating free-air temperature range unless otherwise notedPCM1791AV F, V L, ..
PCM1792 ,24-Bit 192 kHz Sampling Advanced Segment Audio Stereo DACELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)all specifications at T = 25°C, V 1 = V 2L = V 2R = 5 V, f = ..
PCM1792 ,24-Bit 192 kHz Sampling Advanced Segment Audio Stereo DACFEATURES 5-V Tolerant Digital Inputs 24-Bit Resolution Small 28-Lead SSOP Package Analog Perfor ..
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PI3USB20L , 3.3V, Wide Bandwidth, 4-Channel, 2:1 Mux/DeMux USB 2.0 Switch w/ SiNGLE ENABLE
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PI3VDP411LSZBE , Digital Video Level Shifter from AC coupled digital video input to a DVI/HDMI transmitter
113dB SNR Stereo DAC
Burr-Brown Audio
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PCM1789 24-Bit, 192-kHz Sampling, Enhanced Multi-Level ΔΣ,
Stereo, Audio Digital-to-Analog Converter Features 2 Applications Enhanced Multi-Level Delta-Sigma DAC: • Blu-ray Disc™ Players DVD Players– High Performance: Differential,fS=48 kHz AV Receivers– THD+N: –94 dB Home Theaters– SNR: 113 dB Car Audio External Amplifiers– Dynamic Range: 113 dB Car Audio AVN Applications– Sampling Rate:8 kHzto 192 kHz System Clock: 128fS, 192fS, 256fS, 384fS,
3 Description512fS, 768fS, 1152fS
The PCM1789isa high-performance, single-chip, 24-– Differential Voltage Output:8 VPP bit, stereo, audio digital-to-analog converter (DAC)– Analog Low-Pass Filter Included with differential outputs. The two-channel, 24-bit DAC
employs an enhanced multi-level, delta-sigma (ΔΣ)– 4x/8x Oversampling Digital Filter:
modulator, and supports8 kHzto 192 kHz sampling– Passband Ripple: ±0.0018 dB rates anda 16-, 20-, 24-, 32-bit width digital audio– Stop Band Attenuation: –75 dB input wordon the audio interface. The audio interface Zero Flags (16-, 20-, 24-Bits) of PCM1789 supportsa 24-bit, DSP format in
addition toI2S, left-justified, and right-justified• Flexible Audio Interface: formats.– I/F Format:I2S, Left-/Right-Justified, DSP
The PCM1789 canbe controlled througha three-wire,– Data Length: 16, 20, 24,32 Bits SPI-compatible or two-wire,I2 C-compatible serial• Flexible Mode Control: interfacein software, which provides accessto all 3-Wire SPI, 2-WireI2 C-Compatible Serial functions including digital attenuation, soft mute, de-
emphasis, and so forth. Also, hardware control modeor Hardware Control
provides two user-programmable functions throughon One SPI Bus two control pins. The PCM1789is availableina 24-I2C I/F: pin TSSOP package.
(1) Mute– Digital 44.1kHz, 48kHz– Data Polarity– Power-Save Multi Functions Control:
Typical Application Audio I/F FormatI2S, Left-Justified Digital De-Emphasis 44.1kHz Analog Muteby Clock Halt Detection External Reset Pin Digital –40°Cto 85°C