PCM1742 ,24-Bit/ 192kHz Sampling Enhanced Multilevel/ Delta-Sigma/ Audio DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERSBAS176A–DECEMBER 2000–REVISED APRIL 2005(1)ABSOLUTE
PCM1742 ,24-Bit/ 192kHz Sampling Enhanced Multilevel/ Delta-Sigma/ Audio DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSAll specifications at T = 25°C, V = 5 V, V = 3.3 V, f = 44.1 kHz, system ..
PCM1742E ,24-Bit/ 192kHz Sampling Enhanced Multilevel/ Delta-Sigma/ Audio DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERSBAS176A–DECEMBER 2000–REVISED APRIL 2005(1)ABSOLUTE
PCM1742EG4 ,106dB SNR Stereo DAC 16-SSOP FEATURES APPLICATIONS• AV Receivers• 24-Bit Resolution• DVD Movie Players• Analog Performance (V = ..
PCM1742KE ,24-Bit/ 192kHz Sampling Enhanced Multilevel/ Delta-Sigma/ Audio DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERSBAS176A–DECEMBER 2000–REVISED APRIL 200524-Bit, 192-kHz Sampling, Enhanced Multilevel, Delta-Sigma ..
PCM1742KE/2KG4 ,106dB SNR Stereo DAC 16-SSOP SBAS176A–DECEMBER 2000–REVISED APRIL 200524-Bit, 192-kHz Sampling, Enhanced Multilevel, Delta-Sigma ..
PI3C32160A , 3.3V, High Bandwidth,16:32-Bit, PCI Hot-Plug Mux/Demux Bus Switch
PI3C3245LE , 2.5V/3.3V, High Bandwidth, Hot Insertion 8-Bit, 2-Port, Bus Switch
PI3C3245Q , 2.5V/3.3V, High Bandwidth, Hot Insertion 8-Bit, 2-Port, Bus Switch
PI3C3245Q , 2.5V/3.3V, High Bandwidth, Hot Insertion 8-Bit, 2-Port, Bus Switch
PI3C3245QE , 2.5V/3.3V, High Bandwidth, Hot Insertion 8-Bit, 2-Port, Bus Switch
PI3C3305LE , 2.5V/3.3V, High-Bandwidth, Hot-Insertion, 2-Bit, 2-Port Bus Switch w/ Individual Enables
106dB SNR Stereo DAC 16-SSOP
24-Bit, 192-kHz Sampling, Enhanced Multilevel, Delta-Sigma,
Audio Digital-to-Analog Converter AV Receivers•
24-Bit Resolution DVD Movie Players•
Analog Performance(VCC=5 V): DVD Add-On Cards for High-End PCs– Dynamic Range: •
DVD Audio Players•
106 dB, Typical (PCM1742KE) •
HDTV Receivers•
100 dB, Typical (PCM1742E) •
Car Audio Systems– SNR: •
Other Applications Requiring 24-Bit Audio•
106 dB, Typical (PCM1742KE) 100 dB, Typical (PCM1742E) THD+N: The PCM1742isa CMOS, monolithic, integrated•
0.002%, Typical (PCM1742KE) circuit which includes stereo digital-to-analog con-
verters (DACs) and support circuitry ina small•
0.003%, Typical (PCM1742E) SSOP-16 package. The data converters use Texas
– Full-Scale Output: 3.1Vp-p, Typical Instruments' enhanced multilevel delta-sigma archi-•
4x/8x Oversampling Digital Filter: tecture that employs fourth-order noise shaping and
Stop-Band Attenuation: –55 dB 8-level amplitude quantizationto achieve excellent
Pass-Band Ripple: ±0.03 dB dynamic performance and improved tolerance to
clock jitter. The PCM1742 accepts industry-standard•
Sampling Frequency:5 kHzto 200 kHz audio data formats with 16-to 24-bit data, providing•
System Clock: 128fS, 192fS, 256fS, 384fS, easy interfacingto audio DSP and decoder chips.
512fS, 768fS With Autodetect Sampling rates upto 200 kHz are supported.A full
Accepts 16-, 18-, 20-, and 24-Bit Audio Data set of user-programmable functionsis accessible
througha 3-wire serial control port that supports•
Data Formats: Standard,I2S, and register write functions.
Left-Justified User-Programmable Mode Controls:
Digital Attenuation:0 dBto –63 dB, 0.5
Digital De-Emphasis
Digital Filter Rolloff: Sharpor Slow
Soft Mute
Zero Flags for Each Output Dual-Supply Operation: 5-V Analog, 3.3-V
Digital 5-V Tolerant Digital Inputs Small SSOP-16 PackagePleasebe aware thatan important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and usein critical applicationsof Texas