PCM1602A ,105dB SNR 6-Channel Audio DAC 48-LQFP -25 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSAll specifications at T = 25°C, V = 5 V, V = 3.3 V, system clock = 384 f ..
PCM1602APT ,105dB SNR 6-Channel Audio DAC 48-LQFP -25 to 85features six 24-bit audio digital-to-analog– 5 kHz to 200 kHz (Channels 1 and 2)converters (DACs) a ..
PCM1602KY , 24-Bit, 192kHz Sampling, 6-Channel, Enhanced Multilevel, Delta-Sigma DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER
PCM1602KY , 24-Bit, 192kHz Sampling, 6-Channel, Enhanced Multilevel, Delta-Sigma DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER
PCM1606E ,24-BIT/ 192-kHz SAMPLING/ 6-CHANNEL/ ENHANCED MULTILEVEL/ DELTA-SIGMA DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERmaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
PCM1606E/2K ,24-Bit 192kHz Sampling 6-Ch Enhanced Multilevel Delta-Sigma D/A ConverterSLES014B − OCTOBER 2001 − REVISED AUGUST 2002 ..
PI2EQX3232BZDE , 3.2Gbps, 2-Port, SATAi/m, Serial Re-Driver
PI2EQX3431ZHE , 3.2Gbps, 1-port, SATA2/SAS Re-Driver
PI2EQX4402NBE , 2.5Gbps x2 Lane Serial PCI Express Repeater/Equalizer
PI2PCIE412-DZHE , Enhanced, 1.8V, PCI Express Compliant, 4-Differential Channel, 2:1 Mux/DeMux Switch, w/ Single Enable
PI3A125CX , SOTINY Low Voltage SPST Analog Switch/Bus Switch
PI3A212ZLEX , Small Plastic Package, Dual SPDT Analog Switch
105dB SNR 6-Channel Audio DAC 48-LQFP -25 to 85
www.ti.com SLES146A –AUGUST 2005–REVISED OCTOBER 2010
24-Bit, 192-kHz Sampling, 6-Channel, Enhanced Multilevel,
Delta-Sigma Digital-to-Analog Converter
Checkfor Samples: PCM1602A
2345• 24-Bit Resolution Integrated A/V Receivers• Analog Performance: DVD Movie and Audio Players– Dynamic Range: 105 dB, Typical • HDTV Receivers– SNR: 105 dB, Typical • Car Audio Systems– THD+N: 0.002%, Typical • DVD Add-On Cards for High-End PCs– Full-Scale Output: 3.1 VPP, Typical • Digital Audio Workstations• 4×/8× Oversampling Interpolation Filter: • Other Multichannel Audio Systems Stop-Band Attenuation: –55 dB Pass-Band Ripple: ±0.03 dB DESCRIPTION Sampling Frequency: The PCM1602Aisa CMOS, monolithic integrated
circuit that features six 24-bit audio digital-to-analog
– 5 kHzto 200 kHz (Channels1 and2)converters (DACs) and support circuitryina small
– 5 kHzto 100 kHz (Channels3,4,5, and6) LQFP-48 package. The DACs use Texas Instruments'
• Accepts 16-, 18-, 20-, and 24-Bit Audio Data enhanced multilevel, delta-sigma architecture that
Data Formats: Standard,I2 S™, and employs fourth-order noise shaping and 8-level
amplitude quantization to achieve excellent
Left-Justifiedsignal-to-noise performance anda high toleranceto
• System Clock: 128fS, 192fS, 256fS, 384fS, 512 clock jitter.
fS,or 768fSThe PCM1602A accepts industry-standard audio data
• User-Programmable Functions: formats with 16-to 24-bit audio data. Sampling rates
– Digital Attenuation:0 dBto –63 dB, up to 200 kHz (channels1 and 2) or 100 kHz
0.5 dB/Step (channels3,4,5, and6) are supported.A full setof
Soft Mute user-programmable functionsis accessible througha
4-wire serial control port that supports register write
– Zero Flags Can Be Used As General- and read functions.
Purpose Logic Output Sharpor Slow notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and usein critical applicationsof Texas