PCK2509SADH ,50-150 MHz 1:9 SDRAM clock driver
PCK2509SLDH ,50-150 MHz 1:9 SDRAM clock driver
PCK2509SLDH ,50-150 MHz 1:9 SDRAM clock driver
PCK2510S ,50-150 MHz 1:10 SDRAM clock driver
PCK2510SL ,50-150 MHz 1:10 SDRAM clock driver
PCK2510SL ,50-150 MHz 1:10 SDRAM clock driver
PHY1075 ,125Mbps to 4.25Gbps Laser Driver/Postamp with Digital Diagnosticsapplications. • Temperature compensated modulation current The transmitter integrates a high speed ..
PHY1078-01QS-RR ,125Mbps to 2.5Gbps FTTx Burst-Mode Laser Driver/Postamplifierapplications. Used with the • 7ns output switching in Burst Mode PHY1095 or PHY1097 transimpedance ..
PHY1078-01QT-RR ,125Mbps to 2.5Gbps FTTx Burst-Mode Laser Driver/PostamplifierApplications threshold and hysteresis. • GEPON Operating with a 3.3V supply and rated from -40 to • ..
PHY2078 ,125Mbps to 2.5Gbps FTTx Burst-Mode Laser Driver/PostamplifierApplications threshold and hysteresis. • GPON Operating with a 3.3V supply and rated from -40 to • ..
PHY2078QT-RR ,125Mbps to 2.5Gbps FTTx Burst-Mode Laser Driver/Postamplifierapplications. Used with the • 7ns output switching in Burst Mode PHY1095 or PHY1097 transimpedance ..
PI2DBS412ZHE , 1.8V, 1.8GHz, Differential Broadband Signal Switch,4-Differential Channel, 2:1 Mux/DeMux Switch,w/ Single Enable