PCI7421ZHK ,Integrated dual-socket UltraMedia PC Card controller, IEEE 1394 Open HCI host controller and PHY, anFEATURES • Fully interoperable with FireWire™ andi.LINK™ implementations of IEEE Std 1394• PC Card ..
PCI7510GHK ,Integrated PC Card, Smart Card and 1394 Controller
PCI7611 ,Integrated single-socket UltraMedia PC Card controller, Smart Card controller, IEEE 1394 open HCI ho
PCI7611 ,Integrated single-socket UltraMedia PC Card controller, Smart Card controller, IEEE 1394 open HCI ho
PCI7611GHK ,Integrated single-socket UltraMedia PC Card controller, Smart Card controller, IEEE 1394 open HCI ho
PCI7621GHK ,Integrated dual-socket UltraMedia PC Card controller, Smart Card controller, IEEE 1394 open HCI host
PHP29N08T ,N-channel TrenchMOS standard level FETGeneral descriptionStandard level N-channel enhancement mode Field-Effect Transistor (FET) in a pla ..
PHP3055E ,TrenchMOS(tm) standard level FET
PHP30NQ15T ,N-channel TrenchMOS standard level FET
PHP30NQ15T ,N-channel TrenchMOS standard level FETApplications DC-to-DC convertors Switched-mode power supplies1.4 Quick reference data Table 1. Qu ..
PHP32N06LT ,N-channel enhancement mode field effect transistor
PHP32N06LT ,N-channel enhancement mode field effect transistor
Integrated dual-socket UltraMedia PC Card controller, IEEE 1394 Open HCI host controller and PHY, an
SLLA248–JULY 2006
Dual/Single Socket CardBus and UltraMedia Controller With Integrated 1394a-2000 OHCI
Two-Port PHY/Link-Layer Controller With Dedicated Flash Media Socket Fully interoperable with FireWire™ and
i.LINK™ implementationsof IEEE Std 1394•
PC Card Standard 8.1 compliant Compliant with Intel Mobile Power Guideline•
PCI Bus Power Management Interface
2000Specification 1.1 compliant Full IEEE Std 1394a-2000 support includes:•
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface connection debounce, arbitrated short reset,(ACPI) Specification 2.0 compliant multispeed concatenation, arbitration•
PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.3 acceleration, fly-by concatenation, and portcompliant disable/suspend/resume•
PC 98/99 and PC2001 compliant •
Power-down featuresto conserve energyin•
Windows Logo Program 2.0 compliant battery-powered applications include:•
PCI Bus Interface Specification for automatic device power down duringPCI-to-CardBus Bridges suspend, PCI power management for Fully compliant with provisionsof IEEE Std link-layer, and inactive ports powered down,
1394-1995 fora high-performance serial bus ultralow-power sleep mode
and IEEE Std 1394a-2000 •
Two IEEE Std 1394a-2000 fully compliant Fully compliant with 1394 Open Host cable portsat 100M bits/s, 200M bits/s, and
Controller Interface Specification 1.1 400M bits/s 1.5-V core logic and 3.3-V I/O cells with •
Cable ports monitor line conditions for active
internal voltage regulatorto generate 1.5-V connectionto remote node
core VCC •
Cable power presence monitoring Universal PCI interfaces compatible with •
Separate cable bias (TPBIAS) for each port
3.3-V and 5-V PCI signaling environments •
Physical write postingof upto three•
Supports PC Cardor CardBus with hot outstanding transactionsinsertion and removal •
PCI burst transfers and deep FIFOsto•
Supports 132-MBps burst transfersto tolerate large host latency
maximize data throughput on both the PCI •
External cycle timer control for customizedbus and the CardBus synchronization•
Supports serialized IRQ with PCI interrupts •
Extended resume signaling for compatibility•
Programmable multifunction terminals with legacy DV components Many interrupt modes supported •
PHY-Link logic performs system initialization Serial ROM interface for loading subsystem and arbitration functions and subsystem vendorID •
PHY-Link encode and decode functions ExCA-compatible registers are mappedin included for data-strobe bit level encodingor I/O space •
PHY-Link incoming data resynchronizedto Intel register compatible local clock ring indicate, SUSPEND, and PCI •
Low-cost 24.576-MHz crystal provides