PCA9544APWR ,4-CHANNEL IC AND SMBus MULTIPLEXER WITH INTERRUPT LOGICMaximum Ratingsover operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITV Supp ..
PCA9545 ,4-channel I2C switch with interrupt logic and reset
PCA9545 ,4-channel I2C switch with interrupt logic and reset
PCA9545 ,4-channel I2C switch with interrupt logic and reset
PCA9545A ,4-channel I²C switch with interrupt logic and resetMaximum Ratings . 411.1 Power-On Reset Errata..... 207.2 Handling Ratings. 412 Layout.... 207.3 Rec ..
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4-channel I2C multiplexer with interrupt logic
SlavesA,A...A01 N
Slaves B, B01
I2C or SMBus
Channel 0
Channel 1SD1
Slaves B1SD2
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
PCA9544A Low Voltage 4-ChannelI2C and SMBus Multiplexer With Interrupt Logic Features 2 Applications 1-of-4 Bidirectional Translating Switches • ServersI2C Bus and SMBus Compatible • Routers (Telecom Switching Equipment) Four Active-Low Interrupt Inputs • Factory Automation Active-Low Interrupt Output • Products WithI2C Slave Address Conflicts (For
Example, Multiple, Identical Temp Sensors)• Three Address Pins, Allowingupto Eight Devices theI2C Bus
3 Description• Channel Selection ViaI2C Bus The PCA9544Aisa quad bidirectional translating• Power Up WithAll Switch Channels Deselected switch controlled via theI2C bus. The SCL/SDA• Low RON Switches upstream pair fans outto four downstream pairs,or
channels. One SCL/SDA pair can be selectedata• Allows Voltage-Level Translation Between 1.8-V,
time, and thisis determined by the contentsof the2.5-V, 3.3-V, and 5-V Buses programmable control register. Four interrupt inputs• No Glitchon Power Up (INT3–INT0), one for eachof the downstream pairs,• Supports Hot Insertion are provided. One interrupt output (INT) acts as an
ANDof the four interrupt inputs.• Low Standby Current Operating Power-Supply Voltage Rangeof A power-on reset function puts the registersin their2.3Vto 5.5V default state and initializes theI2C state machine,
withno channel selected.• 5.5-V Tolerant Inputs 0to 400-kHz Clock Frequency The pass gatesof the switches are constructed such
that the VCC pin can be usedto limit the maximum• Latch-Up Performance Exceeds 100 mA Per high voltage, which willbe passedby the PCA9544A.JESD78 This allows the useof different bus voltages on each• ESD Protection Exceeds JESD22 pair, so that 1.8-V, 2.5-V, or 3.3-V parts can 2000-V Human-Body Model (A114-A) communicate with 5-V parts, without any additional
protection. External pull-up resistors pull the bus up– 200-V Machine Model (A115-A) to the desired voltage level for each channel. All I/O– 1000-V Charged-Device Model (C101) pins are 5-V tolerant.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Simplified Application Diagram