PCA9544 ,4-channel I2C multiplexer with interrupt logic
PCA9544 ,4-channel I2C multiplexer with interrupt logic
PCA9544A ,4-channel I2C multiplexer with interrupt logicINTEGRATED CIRCUITSPCA9544A24-channel I C multiplexer with interrupt logicProduct data sheet 2004 S ..
PCA9544A ,4-channel I2C multiplexer with interrupt logicPin configuration — SO, TSSOPFigure 2.
PCA9544A ,4-channel I2C multiplexer with interrupt logicPIN CONFIGURATION — SO, TSSOP
PCA9544ABS ,4-channel I2C-bus multiplexer with interrupt logicFEATURESThe pass gates of the multiplexer are constructed such that the V• 1-of-4 bi-directional tr ..
PESD12VS1UL ,Unidirectional ESD protection diodesGeneral descriptionUnidirectional ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) protection diodes in a SOD882 leadl ..
PESD12VS1UL ,Unidirectional ESD protection diodesApplications Computers and peripherals Communication systems Audio and video equipment High-sp ..
PESD12VS2UAT ,Double ESD protection diode in SOT23 packageAPPLICATIONSPIN DESCRIPTION• Computers and peripherals1 anode 1• Communication systems2 anode 2• Au ..
PESD12VS2UAT ,Double ESD protection diode in SOT23 package DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEETPESDxS2UAT seriesDouble ESD protection diodes in SOT23 packagePr ..
PESD12VS2UQ ,Double ESD protection diodes in SOT663 packageGeneral descriptionUnidirectional double ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) protection diodes in a SOT66 ..
PESD12VS2UT ,PESDxS2UT series; Double ESD protection diodes in SOT23 packageFEATURES QUICK REFERENCE DATA• Uni-directional ESD protection of up to two linesSYMBOL PARAMETER VA ..