PCA9539PWG4 ,Remote 16-Bit I2C And SMBus, Low-Power I/O Expander With Interrupt Output, Reset & Config. Registers 24-TSSOP -40 to 85Features 2 DescriptionThis 16-bit I/O expander for the two-line bidirectional1• Low Standby-Current ..
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PCA9539RPW ,16-bit I虏C-bus and SMBus low power I/O port with interrupt and resetGeneral descriptionThe PCA9539; PCA9539R is a 24-pin CMOS device that provides 16 bits of General P ..
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PEMH4 ,NPN/NPN resistor-equipped transistors; R1 = 10 kOhm, R2 = open DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEETPEMH4; PUMH4NPN/NPN resistor-equipped transistors; R1 = 10 kΩ, R ..
PEMH7 ,NPN/NPN resistor-equipped transistors; R1 = 4.7 kOhm, R2 = open
PCA9539; 16-bit I²C and SMBus, low power I/O port with interrupt and reset
Product data sheet
Supersedes data of 2004 Aug 27
2004 Sep 30
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
PCA953916-bit I2 C and SMBus, low power I/O port
with interrupt and reset
FEATURES 16-bit I2C GPIO with interrupt and reset Operating power supply voltage range of 2.3 V–5.5 V 5 V tolerant I/Os Polarity inversion register Active LOW interrupt output Active LOW reset input Low stand-by current Noise filter on SCL/SDA inputs No glitch on power-up Internal power-on reset 16 I/O pins which default to 16 inputs 0 kHz to 400 kHz clock frequency ESD protection exceeds 2000 V HBM per JESD22-A114,
200 V MM per JESD22-A115, and 1000 V CDM per
JESD22-C101 Latch-up testing is done to JESDEC Standard JESD78 which
exceeds 100 mA Offered in three different packages: SO24, TSSOP24, and
DESCRIPTIONThe PCA9539 is a 24-pin CMOS device that provide 16 bits of
General Purpose parallel Input/Output (GPIO) expansion with
interrupt and reset for I2 C/SMBus applications and was developed
to enhance the Philips family of I2 C I/O expanders. I/O expanders
provides a simple solution when additional I/O is needed for ACPI
power switches, sensors, pushbuttons, LEDs, fans, etc.
The PCA9539 consists of two 8-bit Configuration (Input or Output
selection); Input, Output and Polarity inversion (Active HIGH or
Active LOW operation) registers. The system master can enable the
I/Os as either inputs or outputs by writing to the I/O configuration
bits. The data for each Input or Output is kept in the corresponding
Input or Output register. The polarity of the read register can be
inverted with the Polarity Inversion Register. All registers can be
read by the system master.
The PCA9539 is identical to the PCA9555 except for the removal of
the internal I/O pull-up resistor which greatly reduces power
consumption when the I/Os are held LOW, repleacement of A2 with
RESET and different address range.
The PCA9539 open-drain interrupt output is activated when any
input state differs from its corresponding input port register state and
is used to indicate to the system master that an input state has
changed. The power-on reset sets the registers to their default
values and initializes the device state machine. The RESET pin
causes the same reset/sonfiguration to occur without depowering
the device.
Two hardware pins (A0, A1) vary the fixed I2C address and allow up
to four devices to share the same I2C/SMBus.
ORDERING INFORMATIONStandard packing quantities and other packing data are available at www.standardproducts.philips.com/packaging.
I2C is a trademark of Philips Semiconductors Corporation.
SMBus as specified by the Smart Battery System Implementers Forum is a derivative of the Philips I2C patent.
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
PCA953916-bit I2 C and SMBus, low power I/O port
with interrupt and reset
Figure 1. Pin configuration — SO, TSSOP
Figure 2. Pin configuration — HVQFN
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
PCA953916-bit I2 C and SMBus, low power I/O port
with interrupt and reset
Figure 3. Block diagram
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
PCA953916-bit I2 C and SMBus, low power I/O port
with interrupt and reset
NOTE: At Power-on Reset, all registers return to default values.
Figure 4. Simplified schematic of I/Os
I/O portWhen an I/O is configured as an input, FETs Q1 and Q2 are off,
creating a high impedance input. The input voltage may be raised
above VDD to a maximum of 5.5 V.
If the I/O is configured as an output, then either Q1 or Q2 is on,
depending on the state of the Output Port register. Care should be
exercised if an external voltage is applied to an I/O configured as an
output because of the low impedance path that exists between the
pin and either VDD or VSS.
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
PCA953916-bit I2 C and SMBus, low power I/O port
with interrupt and reset
Command ByteThe command byte is the first byte to follow the address byte during
a write transmission. It is used as a pointer to determine which of the
following registers will be written or read.
Registers 0 and 1 — Input Port RegistersThis register is an input-only port. It reflects the incoming logic levels
of the pins, regardless of whether the pin is defined as an input or an
output by Register 3. Writes to this register have no effect.
The default value ‘X’ is determined by the externally applied logic
Registers 2 and 3 — Output Port RegistersThis register is an output-only port. It reflects the outgoing logic
levels of the pins defined as outputs by Register 6 and 7. Bit values
in this register have no effect on pins defined as inputs. In turn,
reads from this register reflect the value that is in the flip-flop
controlling the output selection, NOT the actual pin value.
Registers 4 and 5 — Polarity Inversion RegistersThis register allows the user to invert the polarity of the Input Port
register data. If a bit in this register is set (written with ‘1’), the Input
Port data polarity is inverted. If a bit in this register is cleared (written
with a ‘0’), the Input Port data polarity is retained.
Registers 6 and 7 — Configuration RegistersThis register configures the directions of the I/O pins. If a bit in this
register is set (written with ‘1’), the corresponding port pin is enabled
as an input with high impedance output driver. If a bit in this register
is cleared (written with ‘0’), the corresponding port pin is enabled as
an output. At reset the device’s ports are inputs.
POWER-ON RESETWhen power is applied to VDD, an internal power-on reset holds the
PCA9539 in a reset condition until VDD has reached VPOR. At that
point, the reset condition is released and the PCA9539 registers and
SMBus state machine will initialize to their default states. Therefore,
VDD must be lowered below 0.2 V to reset the device.
For a power reset cycle, VDD must be lowered below 0.2 V and then
restored to the operating voltage.
RESET InputA reset can be accomplished by holding the RESET pin LOW for a
minimum of tW. The PCA9539 registers and SMBus/I2C state
machine will be held in their default state until the RESET input is
once again HIGH. This input typically requires a pull-up to VDD.
Figure 5. PCA9539 address
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
PCA953916-bit I2 C and SMBus, low power I/O port
with interrupt and reset
Writing to the port registersData is transmitted to the PCA9539 by sending the device address
and setting the least significant bit to a logic 0 (see Figure 5 for
device address). The command byte is sent after the address and
determines which register will receive the data following the
command byte.
The eight registers within the PCA9539 are configured to operate
as four register pairs. The four pairs are Input Ports, Output Ports,
Polarity Inversion Ports, and Configuration Ports. After sending data
to one register, the next data byte will be sent to the other register in
the pair (see Figures 6 and 7). For example, if the first byte is sent to
Output Port (register 3), then the next byte will be stored in Output
Port 0 (register 2). There is no limitation on the number of data bytes
sent in one write transmission. In this way, each 8-bit register may
be updated independently of the other registers.
Reading the port registersIn order to read data from the PCA9539, the bus master must first
send the PCA9539 address with the least significant bit set to a
logic 0 (see Figure 5 for device address). The command byte is sent
after the address and determines which register will be accessed.
After a restart, the device address is sent again but this time, the
least significant bit is set to a logic 1. Data from the register defined
by the command byte will then be sent by the PCA9539 (see
Figures 8 , 9, and 10). Data is clocked into the register on the falling
edge of the acknowledge clock pulse. After the first byte is read,
additional bytes may be read but the data will now reflect the
information in the other register in the pair. For example, if you read
Input Port 1, then the next byte read would be Input Port 0. There is
no limitation on the number of data bytes received in one read
transmission but the final byte received, the bus master must not
acknowledge the data.
Interrupt OutputThe open-drain interrupt output is activated when one of the port
pins change state and the pin is configured as an input. The
interrupt is deactivated when the input returns to its previous state or
the input port register is read (see Figure 9). A pin configured as an
output cannot cause an interrupt. Since each 8-bit port is read
independently, the interrupt caused by Port 0 will not be cleared by a
read of Port 1 or the other way around.
Note that changing an I/O from an output to an input may cause a
false interrupt to occur if the state of the pin does not match the
contents of the Input Port register.
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
PCA953916-bit I2 C and SMBus, low power I/O port
with interrupt and reset
WRITE to output port registers
WRITE to configuration registers
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
PCA953916-bit I2 C and SMBus, low power I/O port
with interrupt and reset
READ from registerOP condition. When this occurs, data present at the latest acknowledge pha
se is valid (output mode).
READ input port register — scenario 1
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
PCA953916-bit I2 C and SMBus, low power I/O port
with interrupt and reset
OP condition. When this occurs, data present at the latest acknowledge pha
se is valid (output mode).
READ input port register — scenario 2
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
PCA953916-bit I2 C and SMBus, low power I/O port with interrupt
Figure 11. Typical application
Minimizing IDD when the I/O is used to control LEDsWhen the I/Os are used to control LEDs, they are normally connected to VDD through a resistor as shown in Figure 11. Since the LED acts as a
diode, when the LED is off the I/O VIN is about 1.2 V less than VDD. The supply current, IDD, increases as VIN becomes lower than VDD and is
specified as ΔIDD in the DC characteristics table.
Designs needing to minimize current consumption, such as battery power applications, should consider maintaining the I/O pins greater than or
equal to VDD when the LED is off. Figure 12 shows a high value resistor in parallel with the LED. Figure 13 shows VDD less than the LED supply
voltage by at least 1.2 V. Both of these methods maintain the I/O VIN at or above VDD and prevents additional supply current consumption when
the LED is off.