PCA9515APWR ,Dual Bidirectional I2C Bus and SMBus Repeater 8-TSSOP -40 to 85Block Diagram..... 73 Revision History........ 28.2 Feature Description...... 74 Description (Conti ..
PCA9515D ,I2C-bus repeaterFeaturesn 2 channel, bidirectional buffer2n I C-bus and SMBus compatiblen Active HIGH repeater enab ..
PCA9515DP ,I2C-bus repeaterfeatures of the I C-bus system, it permits2extension of the I C-bus by buffering both the data (SDA ..
PCA9516APW ,5-channel I2C-bus hubFeaturesn 5 channel, bidirectional buffer2n I C-bus and SMBus compatiblen Active HIGH individual re ..
PCA9516PW ,5-channel I2C hub
PCA9516PW ,5-channel I2C hub
PEF82912FV1.3 . ,Q-SMINTI (2B1Q Second Gen. Modular IS...Data Sheet, DS 1, March 2001®Q-SMINT I2B1Q Second Gen. Modular ISDN NT (Intelligent)PEF 82912/82913 ..
PEF82912HV1.3 ,Q-SMINTI (2B1Q Second Gen. Modular IS...Data Sheet, DS 1, March 2001®Q-SMINT I2B1Q Second Gen. Modular ISDN NT (Intelligent)PEF 82912/82913 ..
PEMB1 ,PNP resistor-equipped transistors R1 = 22kOhm/R2 = 22kOhmLIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).SYMBOL PARAMETER C ..
PEMB13 ,PNP/PNP resistor-equipped transistors; R1 = 4.7 k惟, R2 = 47 k惟
PEMB18 ,PEMB18; PUMB18; PNP/PNP resistor-equipped transistors; R1 = 4.7 kOhm, R2 = 10 kOhmapplications1.4 Quick reference dataTable 2: Quick reference dataSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Ty ..
PEMB19 ,PNP/PNP resistor-equipped transistors; R1 = 22 kOhm, R2 = openapplications1.4 Quick reference dataTable 2: Quick reference dataSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Ty ..
I2C-bus repeater
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
Dual BidirectionalI2C Bus and SMBus RepeaterTheI2C bus capacitance limitof 400 pF restricts the
1 Featuresnumber of devices and bus length. Using the Two-Channel Bidirectional Buffers PCA9515A enables the system designerto isolate•I2C Bus and SMBus Compatible two halves ofa bus, accommodating moreI2C
devicesor longer trace lengths.• Active-High Repeater-Enable Input Open-DrainI2C I/O The PCA9515A has an active-high enable (EN) input
withan internal pullup, which allows the userto select• 5.5-V TolerantI2C I/O and Enable Input Support when the repeateris active. This can be usedtoMixed-Mode Signal Operation isolatea badly behaved slave on power-up reset.It• Lockup-Free Operation never should change state during anI2C operation,• Accommodates Standard Mode and Fast Mode because disabling duringa bus operation hangs the2C Devices and Multiple Masters bus, and enabling part way througha bus cycle could
confuse theI2C parts being enabled. The EN input• Powered-Off High-ImpedanceI2C Pins should change state only when the global bus and• Latch-Up Performance Exceeds 100 mA Per the repeater port arein an idle state,to preventJESD 78, ClassII system failures. ESD Protection Exceeds JESD22 The PCA9515A also can be usedto run two buses:– 2000-V Human-Body Model (A114-A) oneat 5-V interface levels and the otherat 3.3-V 200-V Machine Model (A115-A) interface levels, or one at 400-kHz operating
frequency and the other at 100-kHz operating– 1000-V Charged-Device Model (C101) frequency.If the two buses are operatingat different
frequencies, the 100-kHz bus must be isolated when
2 Description the 400-kHz operationof the other busis required.IfThis dual bidirectionalI2C bufferis operationalat 2.3- the masteris running at 400 kHz, the maximumVto 3.6-V VCC. system operating frequency may be less than
400 kHz, becauseof the delays that are addedby theThe PCA9515A isa BiCMOS integrated circuit repeater.intended for I2C bus and SMBus systems
applications. The device contains two identical The PCA9515A does not support clock stretchingbidirectional open-drain buffer circuits that enableI2C across the repeater.and similar bus systems to be extended without
degradationof system performance.
Device Information(1)The PCA9515A buffers both the serial data (SDA)
and serial clock (SCL) signals on theI2C bus, whileretainingall the operating modes and featuresof theI2C system. This enables two busesof 400-pF bus
(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumatcapacitancetobe connectedinanI2C application. the endofthe datasheet.