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PC87410 PCI-IDE Interface Controller
October 1994
PC87410 PCI-IDE Interface Controller
General Description
The PCI-IDEInterface Controlleris designedto interfacethe
IDE drive directly ontothePCI bus.It provides write posting
and read pre-fetches, allowingthe CPUtorun concurrently
withIDE cycles.It connectsIDE drIves ‘‘gluelessly’’intothe
PCIbusand supports faster ATA devices using modes1,2
and3 throughPIO accesses.It supports dualIDE channels
foruptofour drives,and worksseamlesslywiththe National
Semiconductor’s SuperI/OTM familyof products.full suiteof software drives included with devicearefully
tested with DOS 5.0–6.x, Windows 3.x–4.x, WindowsNT,
OS/22.x, Novell Netware 3.1x–4.x,and SCO UNIX3.x.
Key Features Fully compatible withPCI specificationsrev2.0 (April,
1993) Programmable Base Address registers Interfaces withthe32bitsPCI localbustoIDE drives Support IDE PIO timing mode0,1,2of ANSI ATA
specifications Support Mode3 (11 MB/s) timing proposalon en-
hancedIDE (IDE-2or ATA-2) specifications Two IDE-2 channel supported (each channel supports2
devices) Supports primaryIDEor secondaryIDE address 16-Byte FIFO provide 4-level Posted Write and Read
ahead buffersper channelfor concurrent system
operation Programmable commandand recovery timingfor reads
and writesper channel Independent timingsfor command registers and data
registers Slew rate controlled output directly interface with IDE
devices Supports either IRQ14/15or INTAÝ/BÝ Hardwareand Software chip enable/disable capability 100pin PQFP package,NO other glue logic needed
and12mA transceiversare builtin
Block Diagram
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
SuperI/OTMisa trademark ofNationalSemiconductor Corporation
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M75/PrintedinU.S.A.