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Legacy-Reduced SuperI/O with Fast Infrared Port, Serial Port and GPIOs
PC87381 Legacy-Reduced SuperI/O with Fast Infrared Port, Serial Port and GPIOsDecember 2003
Revision 1.0
Legacy-Reduced SuperI/O with Fast Infrared Port,
Serial Port and GPIOs
General DescriptionThe PC87381,a memberof the National Semiconductor
LPC SuperI/O family,is targetedfor legacy-reduced ultra-
light portable applications. The PC87381is PC2001 and
ACPI compliant, and featuresa Fast Infrared port (FIR, IrDA
1.1 compliant), Serial Port and General-Purpose Input/Out-
put (GPIO) support for a total of 11 ports.
The PC87381 minimizes the numberof legacy deviceson
the motherboard, thus taking another step towardsa legacy-
free PC.
Outstanding Features LPC bus interface, based on Intel’s LPC Interface
Specification Revision 1.1, August 2002 (supports
CLKRUN and LPCPD signals) PC2001 and ACPI Revision 2.0 compliant Fast Infrared port Serial IRQ support Protection features, including GPIO lock and pin con-
figuration lock 11 GPIO ports, includingsix with “assert IRQ” capability Two testability modes (XOR Tree and TRI-STATE
pins) 5V tolerant and back-drive protected pins (except LPC
bus pins) 48-pin LQFP package
System Block DiagramLPC Bus
South Bridge