PC87322VF ,(Super I/O III) Floppy Disk Controller with Dual UARTs, Enhanced Parallel Port and IDE InterfacePC87322VF(SuperI/OIII)FloppyDiskControllerwithDualUARTs,EnhancedParallelPort,andIDEInterfacePRELIMI ..
PC87332VLJ ,(Super I/O III Premium) 3.3V/5V Super I/O with Floppy Disk Controller, Dual UARTs, IEEE1284 Parallel Port and IDE InterFeaturesYFloppy Disk Controller:The PC87332VLJ and PC87332VLJ-5 are single chip solu-Ð Software com ..
PC87332VLJ-5 ,(Super I/O III Premium) 3.3V/5V Super I/O with Floppy Disk Controller, Dual UARTs, IEEE1284 Parallel Port and IDE InterPIN DESCRIPTION 4.0FDC COMMAND SET DESCRIPTION4.1 Command Description2.0CONFIGURATION REGISTERS4.1. ..
PC87334VJG ,3.3V/5V SuperI/O with Floppy Disk Controller, Dual UARTS, Infrared, IEEE 1284 Parallel Port and IDEFeaturesY100% compatible with ISA, EISA, and MicroChannelThe PC87334VLJ/PC87334VJG is a single chip ..
PC87334VLJ ,3.3V/5V SuperI/O with Floppy Disk Controller, Dual UARTS, Infrared, IEEE 1284 Parallel Port and IDEPIN DESCRIPTION 4.0FDC COMMAND SET DESCRIPTION4.1 Command Description2.0CONFIGURATION REGISTERS4.1. ..
PC87338VJG ,SuperI/O 3.3V/5V Plug and Play Compatible Chip, FDC, 2 UARTs, Full Infrared and IEEE1284 Parallel PortPC87338VLJ/PC87338VJGSuperI/O3.3V/5VPlugandPlayCompatibleChip,withaFloppyDiskController,TwoUARTs,Fu ..
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PEB2081 NV3.4 ,SBCX (S-Bus Interface Circuit extended)applications, processes and cir-cuits implemented within compo-nents or assemblies.The information ..
PEB2081NV3.4 ,SBCX (S-Bus Interface Circuit extended)applications, processes and cir-cuits implemented within compo-nents or assemblies.The information ..
PEB2081NV3.4 ,SBCX (S-Bus Interface Circuit extended)ICs for CommunicationsS/T Bus Interface Circuit ExtendedSBCXPEB 2081 Version 3.4User’s Manual 11.96 ..
PEB2081NV3.4 ,SBCX (S-Bus Interface Circuit extended)applications, processes and cir-cuits implemented within compo-nents or assemblies.The information ..
PEB2081NV3.4 . ,SBCX (S-Bus Interface Circuit extended)ICs for CommunicationsS/T Bus Interface Circuit ExtendedSBCXPEB 2081 Version 3.4User’s Manual 11.96 ..
(Super I/O III) Floppy Disk Controller with Dual UARTs, Enhanced Parallel Port and IDE Interface
June 1994
PC87322VF (SuperI/OTM III)
Floppy Disk Controller with Dual UARTs,
Enhanced Parallel Port, and IDE Interface
General Description
The PC87322VF incorporatesa Floppy Disk Controller
(FDC),twofull function UARTs,an enhanced parallel port,
andIDE interface control logicinone chip.The PC87322VF
includes standardAT address decodingfor on-chip func-
tionsanda Configuration Registerset, offeringa singlechip
solutiontothe most commonly used ISA, EISAand Micro-
ChannelÉ peripherals.
The on-chip FDCis software compatibletothe PC8477,
which containsa supersetof the mDP8473 and NEC
mPD765 andthe N82077 floppy disk controller functions.
The on-chip analog data separator requiresno external
componentsand supportsthe4MB drive formataswellas
the other standard floppy drives used with 5.25× and 3.5×
media. Automatic media sense supportis provided. the PC87322VF the UARTs are equivalentto two
NS16450sor PC16550s. The bidirectional parallel port
maintains complete compatibility withthe ISA, EISA and
MicroChannel parallel ports. The enhanced parallel portis
compatible withthe IEEE 1284 standard,and also supports
The IDE control logic providesa complete IDE interface,
with DMA support, exceptforthe signal buffers.The Config-
uration Registers consistoffive byte-wide registers.AnIn-
dexanda Data Register whichcanbe relocated withinthe
ISAI/O address space accessthe Configuration Registers.
Features 100% compatible with ISA, EISA,and MicroChannel
architectures Floppy Disk Controller Software compatible withthe DP8473,the 765A and
the N82077 16-byte FIFO (default disabled) Burstand Non-Burst modes Perpendicular Recording drive support High performance internal analog data separator(no
external filter components required) Low power CMOS with power-down mode Automatic media sense support The UARTs Software compatible with the PC16550A and
PC16450 The Bidirectional Parallel Port Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP) compatible Bidirectional under either softwareor hardware
control Compatible with ISA, EISA,and MicroChannel
architectures Abilityto multiplex FDC signalson parallel port pins
for external FDC Includes protection circuit against damage caused
when printeris powered-up TheIDE Control Logic Providesa completeIDE interface with DMA control
(exceptfor optional buffers) The Address Decoder Provides selectionofall primary and secondary ISA
addresses including COM 1–4 100-pin PQFP packageThe PC87322VFispin compatible withthe PC87312
Block Diagram
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
IBMÉ, MicroChannelÉand PS/2Éare registeredtrademarksof InternationalBusiness MachinesCorporation.
SuperI/OTMisa trademark ofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.a registeredtrademarkofInternational BusinessMachinesCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M65/PrintedinU.S.A.