PC87311AVF ,PC87311A/PC87312 (SuperI/OTM II/III) Floppy Disk Controller with Dual UARTs/ Parallel Port/ and IDE InterfacePC87311A/PC87312(SuperI/OII/III)FloppyDiskControllerwithDualUARTs,ParallelPort,andIDEInterfaceOctob ..
PC87312VF ,PC87311A/PC87312 (SuperI/OTM II/III) Floppy Disk Controller with Dual UARTs/ Parallel Port/ and IDE InterfacePC87311A/PC87312(SuperI/OII/III)FloppyDiskControllerwithDualUARTs,ParallelPort,andIDEInterfaceOctob ..
PC87322VF ,(Super I/O III) Floppy Disk Controller with Dual UARTs, Enhanced Parallel Port and IDE InterfacePC87322VF(SuperI/OIII)FloppyDiskControllerwithDualUARTs,EnhancedParallelPort,andIDEInterfacePRELIMI ..
PC87332VLJ ,(Super I/O III Premium) 3.3V/5V Super I/O with Floppy Disk Controller, Dual UARTs, IEEE1284 Parallel Port and IDE InterFeaturesYFloppy Disk Controller:The PC87332VLJ and PC87332VLJ-5 are single chip solu-Ð Software com ..
PC87332VLJ-5 ,(Super I/O III Premium) 3.3V/5V Super I/O with Floppy Disk Controller, Dual UARTs, IEEE1284 Parallel Port and IDE InterPIN DESCRIPTION 4.0FDC COMMAND SET DESCRIPTION4.1 Command Description2.0CONFIGURATION REGISTERS4.1. ..
PC87334VJG ,3.3V/5V SuperI/O with Floppy Disk Controller, Dual UARTS, Infrared, IEEE 1284 Parallel Port and IDEFeaturesY100% compatible with ISA, EISA, and MicroChannelThe PC87334VLJ/PC87334VJG is a single chip ..
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PC87311A/PC87312 (SuperI/OTM II/III) Floppy Disk Controller with Dual UARTs/ Parallel Port/ and IDE Interface
October 1993
PC87311A/PC87312 (SuperI/OTM II/III)
Floppy Disk Controller with Dual UARTs,
Parallel Port, and IDE Interface
General Description
The PC87311A/12 incorporatesa floppy disk controller
(FDC),twofull function UARTs,a bidirectional parallel port,
andIDE interface control logicinone chip. The PC87311A
includes standard AT/XT address decodingfor on-chip
functions anda Configuration Register, offeringa single
chip solutiontothe most commonly used IBMÉ PCÉ,
PC-XTÉ, and PC-ATÉ peripherals. The PC87312 includes
standardAT address decodingfor on-chip functionsanda
Configuration Registerset, offeringa single chip solutionto
the most commonly used ISA, EISAand Micro Channelpe-
The on-chip FDCis software compatibletothe PC8477,
which containsa supersetofthe DP8473and NEC mPD765
andthe N82077 floppy disk controller functions. Theon-
chip analog data separator requiresno external compo-
nents and supportsthe4Mb drive formatas wellasthe
other standard floppy drives usedwith 5.25× and 3.5×me-
dia. the PC87311A, the UARTs are equivalentto two
INS8250N-Bsor NS16450s. The bidirectional parallel port
maintains complete compatibility withthe IBMPC,XTand
AT.Inthe PC87312the UARTsare equivalentto two
NS16450sor PC16550s. The bidirectional parallel port
maintains complete compatibility withthe ISA, EISAandMi-
cro Channel parallel ports.
TheIDE control logic providesa completeIDE interfaceex-
ceptforthe signal buffers.The Configuration Registers con-
sist ofthreebyte-wide registers.An Indexanda DataRegis-
ter whichcanbe relocatedwithintheISAI/O address space
accessthe Configuration Registers.
Features 100% compatible with IBM PC, XT, andAT architec-
tures (PC87311A),or ISA, EISA, and Micro Channelar-
chitectures (PC87312) FDC: Software compatible withthe DP8473,the 765A and
the N82077 16-byte FIFO (default disabled) Burstand Non-Burst modes Perpendicular Recording drive support High performance internal analog data separator(no
external filter components required) Low power CMOS with power down mode UARTs: Software compatible withthe INS8250N-B andthe
NS16450 (PC87311A),or PC16550A and PC16450
(PC87312) Parallel Port: Bidirectional under either softwareor hardware
control Compatible withall IBMPC,XTandAT architectures
(PC87311A),orall ISA, EISA,and Micro Channelar-
chitectures (PC87312) Back Voltage protection circuit against damage
caused when printeris poweredup IDE Control Logic: Providesa complete IDE interface exceptfor option- buffers Address Decoder: Provides selectionofall primary and secondary ISA
addresses including COM 1–4. 100-pin PQFP packageThe PC87311Aand PC87312arepin compatible
Block Diagram
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
SuperI/OTMisa trademark ofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.
IBMÉ,PCÉ,PC-ATÉ, PC-XTÉandPS/2Éareregistered trademarks ofInternationalBusinessMachines Corporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M75/PrintedinU.S.A.