PC87309IBW/VLJ ,SuperI/O Plug and Play Compatible Chip in Compact 100-Pin VLJ PackagingGeneral Descriptionoperation modes:The PC87309 is a single-chip solution to the most common-●®Mode ..
PC87309-ICK/VLJ ,SuperI/O Plug and Play Compatible Chip in Compact 100-Pin VLJ PackagingHighlights - March 1998PRELIMINARYApril 1998PC87309 SuperI/O Plug and Play Compatible Chipin Compac ..
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SuperI/O Plug and Play Compatible Chip in Compact 100-Pin VLJ Packaging
- March 1998
PC87309 SuperI/O Plug and Play Compatible Chip
in Compact 100-Pin VLJ Packaging
General DescriptionThe PC87309 is a single-chip solution to the most common-
ly used ISA, EISA and MicroChannel® peripherals in a com-
pact, 100-pin VLJ packaging. This fully Plug and Play (PnP)
and PC97 compatible chip conforms to the Plug and Play
ISA Specification Version 1.0a, May 5, 1994, and meets
specifications defined in the PC97 Hardware Design Guide.
The PC87309 incorporates: a Floppy Disk Controller (FDC),
a Mouse and Keyboard Controller (KBC), two enhanced
UARTs, one of which is with Infrared (IR) support, a full
IEEE 1284 parallel port and support for Power Management
(PM). The chip also provides a separate configuration reg-
ister set for each module.
The Infrared (IR) interface complies with the HP-SIR and
SHARP-IR standards, and supports all four basic protocols
for Consumer Remote Control circuitry (RC-5, RC-6, NEC,
RCA and RECS 80).
For flexible UART and IR support, the PC87309 offers two
operation modes: Mode 1: Full-IR Mode
UART1 works as UART; UART2 works as fully IR-
compliant device Mode 2: Two-UART Mode
Either both UARTs work as UARTs, or UART1 works
as UART and UART2 works as partially IR-compliant
device, providing only IRRX and IRTX support
Outstanding Features Full SuperI/O functionality in compact, cost-effective
100-pin VLJ packaging PC97 compliant
PC87309 Block DiagramHigh Current Driver
Controller (KBC)
Power Management
(PM) Logic
μP Address
IEEE 1284
Parallel Port
(Logical Device 4) (Logical Devices 5 & 6)
Data and
(Logical Device 0) (Logical Device 1)
Data and
Plug and Play Floppy Disk
Controller (FDC)
Floppy Drive
Mouse and Keyboard
Data Handshake
with IR (UART2)
(Logical Devices 2)
(Logical Devices 3)
Serial Port Serial Port