PC87109VBE ,PC87109VBE Advanced UART and Infrared ControllerFunctional Description 102.1 Device Overview 102.2 UART Mode 102.3 Sharp-IR Mode 102.4 IrDA 1.0 SIR ..
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PC87109VBE Advanced UART and Infrared Controller
General DescriptionThe PC87109 is a serial communication device with
infrared capability. It supports 6 modes of operation and is
backward compatible with the 16550 and 16450 (except for
the MODEM control functions). The operational modes are:
UART, Sharp-IR, IrDA 1.0 SIR, IrDA 1.1 MIR and FIR, and
Consumer Electronics IR (also referred to as TV Remote or
Consumer Remote Control).
In order to support existing legacy software based upon the
16550 UART, the PC87109 provides a special fallback
mechanism that automatically switches the device to 16550
compatibility mode when the baud generator divisor is
accessed through the legacy ports in bank 1.
The device architecture has been optimized to meet the
requirements of a variety of UART and infrared based
applications. DMA support for all operational modes has
been incorporated into the architecture.
The device uses one DMA channel. One channel is
required for infrared based applications since infrared
communications work in half duplex fashion.
To further ease driver design and simplify the
implementation of infrared protocols, a 12-bit timer with 125μs
resolution has also been included.
Features Compatible with 16550 and 16450 devices Extended UART mode Sharp-IR with selectable internal or external
modulation IrDA 1.0 SIR with up to 115.2 Kbaud data rate IrDA 1.1 MIR and FIR with 0.576, 1.152 and 4.0 Mbps
data rates Consumer Electronics IR mode UART mode data rates up to 1.5 Mbps Back-to-Back infrared frame transmission and
reception Full duplex infrared frame transmission and reception
■ Transmit deferral Automatic fallback to 16550 compatibility mode Selectable 16 or 32 level FIFOs 12-bit timer for infrared protocol support Programmable IRQ and DMA signals polarity Support for power management 5V or 3.3V operation with back drive protection 32-pin TQFP package
November 1997
PC87109VBE Advanced UART and Infrared Controller
Block Diagram
87109 CUART Module
Sharp-IR Module
IrDA 1.0 Module
115.2 Kbps
Consumer Electronics IR Module
IrDA 1.1 Module
0.576 & 1.152 Mbps
IrDA 1.1 Module
4.0 Mbps
To IR Transceivers
DMA Request
8 Bit Data Bus