PC87108VJE ,Advanced UART and Infrared ControllerFeaturesYFully compatible with 16550 and 16450 devicesThePC87108Aisaserialcommunicationsdevicewithi ..
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Advanced UART and Infrared Controller
October 1996
Advanced UART and Infrared Controller
General Description
The PC87108Aisa serialcommunications device with infra-
red capability.It supports6 modesofoperationandis back-
ward compatiblewiththe 16550and 16450.The operational
UART, Sharp-IR, IrDA1.0 SIR, IrDA1.1 MIR and FIR,and
Consumer-IR (also referredtoasTV Remoteor Consumer
Remote Control).
The device providestwo methodsto allowits internal regis-
terstobe accessed.Itcan either directly decodea 16-bit
address,oritcan acceptan externally generated chip select combination witha 4-bit address. Whena 16-bit address used,any oneoffourPC COMM port legacy addresses
canbe selectedasthe base address. orderto support existing legacy software based uponthe
16550 UART,the PC87108A providesa special fallback
mechanismthat automatically switchesthe deviceto 16550
compatibility mode whenthe baud generator divisorisac-
cessed throughthe legacy portsin bank1.
The device architecture has been optimizedto meetthe
requirementsofa varietyof UARTand infraredbased appli-
cations. DMA supportforall operational modeshas been
incorporatedintothe architecture. Routingfor interruptand
DMA handshake signalsis providedto meet Plug-and-Play wellasPC’95 requirements.
The devicecanuse either1or2 DMA channels. One chan-
nelis requiredfor infrared based applications, since infrared
communications workinhalf duplex fashion. Two channels
would normallybe neededto handle high-speedfull duplex
UART based applications. further ease driver designand simplifythe implementa-
tionof infrared protocols,a 12-bit timerwith125ms resolu-
tionhas also been included.
Features Fully compatible with 16550and 16450 devices Extended UART mode Sharp-IR with selectable internalor external modulation IrDA1.0SIR withupto 115.2 kbaud data rate IrDA1.1 MIRand FIR with 0.576, 1.152 and4.0 Mbps
data rates Consumer-IR mode UART mode data ratesupto1.5 Mbps Back-to-Back infrared frame transmissionand reception Full duplex infrared frame transmissionand reception Transmit deferral Automatic fallbackto 16550 compatibility mode IrDA modes pipelining Selectable16or32 level FIFOs Supportfor Plug-n-Play infrared adapters Automaticor manual transceiver configuration 12-bit timerfor infrared protocol support4 general purposeI/O pins Interrupt signal routingto1of7 output pins DMA handshake signal routingfor either1or2 chan-
nels Full 16-bit address decode Selectable base addressor chip select mode Supportfor power management5Vor 3.3V operation ISA compatible interface 80-pin TQFP package
Block Diagram
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C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M116/Printed inU.S.A. http://