P82B96DGKRG4 ,Dual Bidirectional Bus Buffer 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Features... 1 9 Detailed Description........ 139.1 Overview.. 132 Applications..... 19.2 Functional
P82B96DR ,Dual Bidirectional Bus Buffer 8-SOIC -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe P82B96 device is a bus buffer that supports1• Operating Power-Supply Volt ..
P82B96DRG4 ,Dual Bidirectional Bus Buffer 8-SOIC -40 to 85Maximum Ratings . 511 Power Supply Recommendations... 217.2 ESD Ratings........ 512 Layout.... 217. ..
P82B96P ,Dual Bidirectional Bus Buffer 8-PDIP -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics: V = 3 V to 3.6 V.. 7CC13.1 Community Resources...... 227.7
P82B96PN ,Dual bidirectional bus buffer
P82B96PWRG4 ,Dual Bidirectional Bus Buffer 8-TSSOP -40 to 85Sample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareP82B96SCPS144C–MAY 2 ..
PCA2002T ,32 kHz watch circuit with programmable output period and pulse width
PCA2125 , SPI Real time clock / calendar
PCA24S08ADP ,1024 x 8-bit CMOS EEPROM with access protectionGeneral descriptionThe PCA24S08A provides 8192 bits of serial Electrically Erasable and Programmabl ..
PCA24S08D ,PCA24S08; 1024 x 8-bit CMOS EEPROM with access protection
PCA24S08DP ,1024 ?8-bit CMOS EEPROM with access protection
PCA24S08DP ,1024 ?8-bit CMOS EEPROM with access protection
Dual Bidirectional Bus Buffer 8-SOIC -40 to 85
SCLMain Enclosure Remote-Control EnclosureV 12VV
Long Cables
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
Community• 400-kHz Fast20 Metersof Wire2C Latch-Up PerformanceJESD 78, ClassII• ESD Protection Exceeds
2 Applications HDMI DDC
Device Information• LongI2C Communication• GalvanicI2C Isolation• Industrial Communications
(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Long-DistanceI2C Communications