P6KE300ARL ,TRANSILAbsolute Maximum Ratings (T = 25°C)ambSymbol Parameter Value UnitP T initial = TPeak pulse power di ..
P6KE300ARL ,TRANSILFEATURES■ Peak pulse power: 600 W (10/1000 µs )■ Stand-off voltage range 6.8 to 440V■ Unidirectiona ..
P6KE30ARL ,600 Watt Peak Power Surmetic -40 Zener Transient Voltage SuppressorsFEATURES■ Peak pulse power: 600 W (10/1000 µs )■ Stand-off voltage range 6.8 to 440V■ Unidirectiona ..
P6KE30CA ,600w Transient Voltage Suppressor
P6KE30CA ,600w Transient Voltage Suppressor
P6KE33A ,600 WATT PEAK POWER TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORSFeatures:• Working Peak Reverse Voltage Range – 5.8 to 171 V• Peak Power – 600 Watts @ 1 ms• ESD Ra ..
PC358 , Mini-Flat Package,High Collector-emitter Voltage Type Photocoupler
PC3H4 , Mini-falt Package AC Input Type Half Pitch Photocoupler
PC3H4 , Mini-falt Package AC Input Type Half Pitch Photocoupler
PC3Q65 , High Sensitivity Type Half Pitch Photocoupler
PC3Q66Q , Mini-flat Package, High Collector-Emitter Voltage Type Half Pitch Photocoupler
REV. 5
October 2004
FEATURES Peak pulse power: 600 W (10/1000 µs ) Stand-off voltage range 6.8 to 440V Unidirectional and Bidirectional types Low clamping factor Fast response time UL recognized
DESCRIPTIONTransil diodes provide high overvoltage protection
by clamping action. Their instantaneous response
to transient overvoltages makes them particularly
suited to protect voltage sensitive devices such as
MOS Technology and low voltage supplied IC’s.
Table 2: Absolute Maximum Ratings (Tamb = 25°C)
Table 3: Thermal Resistances
Note 1: For a surge greater than the maximum values, the diode will fail in short-circuit.
Table 1: Order Codes
Table 4: Electrical Characteristics (Tamb = 25°C)
Note 2: Pulse test : tp < 50 ms.
Note 3: ∆VBR = αT . (Ta - 25) . VBR(25°C).
Note 4: VR = 0 V, F = 1 MHz. For bidirectional types, capacitance value is divided by 2.
Figure 1: Pulse waveform (10/1000µs) Figure 2: Peak power dissipation versus initial
junction temperature (printed circuit board)
Figure 3: Peak pulse power versus exponential
pulse duration
Figure 4: Clamping voltage versus peak pulse
current (note 5)
Note 5: The curves of the figure 4 are specified for a junction temperature of 25°C before surge. The given results may be extrapolated for other junction temperatures by using the following formula : ∆VBR = αT * [Tamb -25] * VBR(25°C)
For intermediate voltages, extrapolate the given results.
Figure 5: Capacitance versus reverse applied
voltage for unidirectional types (typical values)
Figure 6: Capacitance versus reverse applied
voltage for bidirectional types (typical values)
Figure 10: Ordering Information Scheme
Figure 7: Peak forward voltage drop versus
peak forward current for unidirectional types
(typical values)
Note: multiply by 2 for units with VBR ≥ 200V
Figure 8: Transient thermal impedance
junction to ambient versus pulse duration (for
FR4 PC Board with Llead = 10mm)
Figure 9: Relative variation of leakage current
versus junction temperature
Figure 11: DO-15 (DO-204AC) Package Mechanical Data
Table 5: Ordering InformationMarking: Logo, data code, type code, cathode band (for unidirectional types only)
Table 6: Revision History
P6KE. consequences
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