P175 ,V(rrm): 1200V; 25A passivated assembled circuit element. For power supplies, control circuits and battery chargersINTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER
"u-rem-ricotta-erase-rims-git):))]] i,
e 4855452 [NTERNATXON ..
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PALCE16V8L-25JC ,Flash-Erasable Reprogrammable CMOS PAL DeviceFeatures• 7.5 ns com’l version• Active pull-up on data input pins5 ns tCO• Low power version (16V8L ..
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V(rrm): 400V; 25A passivated assembled circuit element. For power supplies, control circuits and battery chargers
. .——*_.
55 DEDHBSSHSE‘ 00051.55 7 (T
55C 05 19 5 D
Data Sheet No. PD-4.001C
'''tCtChre'lAl''1Ctct SERIES
Passivated Assembléd Circuit Elements
Major ratings and characteristics
P(RHOO Units
lo, 26 A
50Hz 357 A
ITSM 60Hz 375 A
50Hz 637 A25
60Hz 550 A25
12¢ ' 6365 AV
VRRM 400 to 1200 v
VINS 2500
T J -40 to 125 "C
Descri ption
The P100 series of Integrated Power Circuits
consists of power thyristors and power diodes
configured in a single package. With its isolating
base plate mechanical designs are greatly simplified
giving advantag
size. Applications include power supplies, control
circuits and battery chargers.
. Glass passivated junctions for greater reliability
OEIectrically isolated base plate
oAvailable up to 1200V VRRMI VDRM
. High dynamic Characteristics. .
oAvailable with screw terminals as 'TR" series.
es of cost reduction and reduced
31.8 (1.25)
25.0 (0.98) MAX .
63.5 (2.50)
See page 0-62
for PR outline
I) "P" Outline
61.65 ((1.06)
12.7 12.7
(0.50005i F .
58) max
2' (a 50) max.
Fasmn 6,35 x 0.8
2 i-lit; t
l I--.-,,-.-.-,:.,-.----, l
1 48.7(l.91)
p- - .
63.5 (2.50)
IR Case Style D-19
All dimensions in mm (inches)
P100, PR100 Series '
Voltage ratings'
ss os:lFsss%iie J:uoso,ni, n T
55: 05196 _ D
Ci)ftttortimatxlrt". le.
Typo number VHRM: maximum npallIiva vttsw meximum non- VDRM- maxlmum
peak rovers; voltage repetitive 'penk - repuilive peak otfatgte
il voltage voltage, gan open circuit
PiRl10t.HRltt1,PlRl12hHRlt31,PtRlt41,t'0tlW1,r'0t)171 400 600 400
P(RHOZ, F(R1112, P1111122, P(RHSI, P1111142, P1131182, Ptftlt72 600 700 600
P(RHOG, P1511113. POtl123, P(RHSS. P1111143, P(R1163. P1111173 800 800 800
''tttmr4.r'iRliIR1i24,Pt8l134,i'iR)u4,nRl164,Ptrtlt74 1000 1100 1000
P1311115, P1111115, F(R)126, P(RHSS, PfRItA5,FtRH65, P(RI175 1200 1300 1200
Forward conduction
HR) 100 Sarlu " Unlls Cnndilluns
lo Maximum " output current 25 A Te I 85° thfull bddgn circuit: o, t,2 and 3
'T(AV) Maximum avaragu on-sma 12.5 A 180° sin: wave conduction circuits o, 1, 2, 3. 4, ' and 7
[F (AV) and forward current
'RMS Maximum RMS current 28 A tMP tirte wave conduction circuit 4
'TSM Maximum peak, onacvcll "orvrepetiti" 300 A tthm 100% VRRM
tm onstqte or forward current 315 A 8.3m: reappllod Sinusoidal half wnve,
'FSM initial Tg . T J max
357 A 10ms No voltage .
375 A 8.3ms reapplied
Pt Maximum m for fusing 450 Ms 10ms 100% VRRM
410 A’s 8.3m: reapplied
lnltlal Tg I r: max
637 A's 10ms No voltage
580 Ms 8,3ms reapplied
13/ Maximum 17/ hr fusing CD 6365 AW t I 0.1 to 10ms, no volxage veapplled
V1170) Maximum value of 1hreshald voltage 0.82 V Tg I 125°C
r- Maximum valua o1on-sma 12 mil . Ts = 125t'tl
T slope resistance
V Ma 1 um ak mate or 1.85 V I I xl
TM ' lotgaand uit;'"' TM T "AV, Tg I 25' C, 180° conduction
VFM l.35 V I1=M‘7r’"F(AV)
dildt Maximum mmopet'rtive ma M rise of Alps Ts I 12iP C, from 0.67 VDRM-
turned M tairrgnt ITM I 11'x 'T(AV1v'g I BOOmA, tre 0.6143,“, > 8 u!
IH Maxlmum holding current 100 mA T: I 25''C, anuduuppiv I 6V, resiniva load. gate open circuit
IL Maximum latching current 250 mA Ts I 25" C, anode supply I 6V, misliva load
PGM Maximum puk gate power 8.0 W
PG1AV) Maximum average gala power 2.0 W
[GM Maximum peak gate current 2.0 A
'VGM Maximum puk negative gate voltage 10 V
VGT Maximum gala volume requlud 3.0 V T: I -4000
to "lager
2.0 V Tg I 25''C Anode supply I 6V rulnivu load
, .0 V T J I tLP c
lar M-xlmum gm current 90 mA Tg I -40''C
ruquired to ulggcr _ .
60 mA T: I 2iPC Anudl supply I 6V mmm load
M mA T J I 125“C
V Maxlmum gate voltage 0.2 V T I 125°C, rated V a lied
GD thet will not trigger J DEM pp
I M-xlmum gun currcm
GD ttttst will not ulnar. mA
Blocking '
dr/dt Maximum critleal mo of visa M 200 Wo T: I 126°C, uponanllll m 0.87 VDRM: we open clrcult
album voltage
‘RM Mlxlmum puk nvme Ind oleo 10 mA T,; I Tg mu, am open clrcult
Ityst leaking curram n Vit RM, VDRM 2
,_._7 . d
VINS RMS holulon voltage 2500 V 60m, clrcult to bus, aliterrttirtalg momd
. n, -m...__..__.__.________ .