P1087 ,P-Channel Switchapplications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations.
P1087 ,P-Channel SwitchP1087P1087P-Channel Switch• This device is designed for low level analog switching sample and hold ..
P1087 ,P-Channel SwitchP1087P1087P-Channel Switch• This device is designed for low level analog switching sample and hold ..
P1087 ,P-Channel SwitchP1087P1087P-Channel Switch• This device is designed for low level analog switching sample and hold ..
P1087 ,P-Channel Switchapplications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations.
P1087 ,P-Channel Switchapplications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations.
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P-Channel Switch
P1087 P1087 P-Channel Switch • This device is designed for low level analog switching sample and hold circuits and chopper stabilized amplifiers. • Sourced from process 88. TO-92 D SG Absolute Maximum Ratings T =25°C unless otherwise noted C Symbol Parameter Value Units V Drain-Gate Voltage - 30 V DG V Gate-Source Voltage 30 V GS I Forward Gate Current 50 mA GF T , T Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range -55 ~ +150 °C J STG * These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired. NOTES: 1. These ratings are based on a maximum junction temperature of 150 degrees C. 2. These are steady state limits. The factory should be consulted on applications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations. Electrical Characteristics T =25°C unless otherwise noted C Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units BV Gate-Source Breakdown Voltage V = 0V, IG = 1μA30 V GSS DS I Gate Reverse Current V = 15V 2 nA GSS GS I (off) Drain Cutoff Leakage Current V = 15V 10 nA D DS V = 7V GS T = +85°C0.5 μA I Drain-Gate Leakage Current V = 15V 2nA DGO DG I = 0 S T = +85°C0.1 μA I Zero-Gate Voltage Drain Current V = 20V, V = 0V 5 mA DSS DS GS V (off) Gate-Source Cutoff Voltage V = 15V, I = 1μA5V GS DS D V (on) Drain-Source On Voltage V = 0V, I = 3mA 0.5 V DS GS D r (on) Drain-Source On Resistance V = 0V, I = 1mA 150 Ω DS GS D r (on) Drain-Source On Resistance V = 0V, I = 0, f = 1kHz 150 Ω ds GS D C Input Capacitance V = 15V, V = 0V, f = 1MHz 45 pF iss DS GS C Reverse Transfer Capacitance V = 0V, V = 7V, f = 1MHz 10 pF rss DS GS t (on) Trun On Time V = -6V 15 ns d DD V (off) = +7V t Rise Time GS 75 ns r R = 1.8kΩ L t (off) Trun Off Time 25 ns d I (on) = -3mA D t Fall Time 100 ns f Thermal Characteristics T =25°C unless otherwise noted A Symbol Parameter Max. Units P Total Device Dissipation 350 mW D Derate above 25°C 2.8 mW/°C R Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case 125 °C/W θJC R Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient 357 °C/W θJA ©2002 Rev. A, February 2002