OPA544FKTTT ,High-Voltage, High-Current Operational AmplifierFEATURES DESCRIPTIONl HIGH OUTPUT CURRENT: 2A min The OPA544 is a high-voltage/high-current opera-t ..
OPA544FKTTTG3 ,High-Voltage, High-Current Operational Amplifier 5-DDPAK/TO-263 FEATURES DESCRIPTIONl HIGH OUTPUT CURRENT: 2A min The OPA544 is a high-voltage/high-current opera-t ..
OPA544T ,High-Voltage, High-Current Operational AmplifierFEATURES DESCRIPTIONl HIGH OUTPUT CURRENT: 2A min The OPA544 is a high-voltage/high-current opera-t ..
OPA547F ,High-Voltage, High-Current Operational AmplifierTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSAt T = +25°C, V = ±30V, and E/S pin open, unless otherwise noted.CASE S OPE ..
OPA547FKTWT ,High-Voltage, High-Current Op Amp, Excellent Output SwingOPA547OPA547OPA547OPA547SBOS056F – JANUARY 2002 – JULY 2005High-Voltage, High-CurrentOPERATIONAL AM ..
OPA547FKTWTG3 ,High-Voltage, High-Current Op Amp with shutdown capability 7-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 85(1)ABSOLUTE
P80C51FA , POWERFUL MICROCONTROLLER from the MCS 51 controller family 40 pin DIP
P80C51FA , POWERFUL MICROCONTROLLER from the MCS 51 controller family 40 pin DIP
P80C51FA-4A ,80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 8K-64K/256-1K OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage 2.7V-5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz)INTEGRATED CIRCUITS8XC52/54/58/80C328XC51FA/FB/FC/80C51FA8XC51RA+/RB+/RC+/RD+/80C51RA +80C51 8-bit ..
P80C51FA-4B ,80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 8K.64K/256.1K OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage 2.7V.5.5V, low power, high speed 33 MHzINTEGRATED CIRCUITS8XC52/54/58/80C328XC51FA/FB/FC/80C51FA8XC51RA+/RB+/RC+/RD+/80C51RA +80C51 8-bit ..
P80C51FA-5A ,80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 8K.64K/256.1K OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage 2.7V.5.5V, low power, high speed 33 MHzapplications requiring 4K ROM/EPROM, see the 8XC51/80C31– ROM – 2 bits8-bit CMOS (low voltage, low ..
P80C51FA-5A ,80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 8K.64K/256.1K OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage 2.7V.5.5V, low power, high speed 33 MHzapplications that require pulse width modulation, high-speed I/O andup/down counting capabilities s ..
High-Voltage, High-Current Operational Amplifier 5-DDPAK/TO-263
® OPA544 High-Voltage, High-Current OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER FEATURES DESCRIPTION lHIGH OUTPUT CURRENT: 2A min The OPA544 is a high-voltage/high-current opera- tional amplifier suitable for driving a wide variety of lWIDE POWER SUPPLY RANGE: high power loads. High performance FET op amp ±10 to ±35V circuitry and high power output stage are combined on lSLEW RATE: 8V/μs a single monolithic chip. lINTERNAL CURRENT LIMIT The OPA544 is protected by internal current limit and lTHERMAL SHUTDOWN PROTECTION thermal shutdown circuits. lFET INPUT: I = 100pA max B The OPA544 is available in industry-standard l5-LEAD TO-220 PLASTIC PACKAGE 5-lead TO-220 and 5-lead surface-mount power pack- ages. Its copper tab allows easy mounting to a heatl5-LEAD SURFACE MOUNT PACKAGE sink for excellent thermal performance. It is specified for operation over the extended industrial temperature APPLICATIONS range, –40°C to +85°C. lMOTOR DRIVER lPROGRAMMABLE POWER SUPPLY lSERVO AMPLIFIER lVALVES, ACTUATOR DRIVER lMAGNETIC DEFLECTION COIL DRIVER lAUDIO AMPLIFIER Tab is connected Tab is connected to V– supply. to V– supply. 5-Lead 5-Lead TO-220 Surface Mount and Stagger-Formed TO-220 123 4 5 123 4 5 + V V– V+ IN – V V IN O + V V– V+ IN – V V IN O International Airport Industrial Park • Mailing Address: PO Box 11400, Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85706 • Tel: (520) 746-1111 • Twx: 910-952-1111 Internet: http://www.burr-brown.com/ • FAXLine: (800) 548-6133 (US/Canada Only) • Cable: BBRCORP • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX: (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132 ©1994 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-1250B Printed in U.S.A. September, 1995 SBOS038