OPA4872IDR ,4:1 High Speed Multiplexer 14-SOIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: V =±5VSAt T = +25°C, G = +2V/V, R = 523Ω, and R = 150Ω, unless otherwis ..
OPA501SM ,Brown Corporation - High Current, High Power OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER
OPA512BM ,Very-High Current.High Power OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER
OPA541AM ,High Power Monolithic Operational AmplifierFeatures... 18 Application and Implementation........ 92 Applications..... 18.1 Application Informa ..
OPA541AP ,High Power Monolithic Operational AmplifierMaximum Ratings.. 410.2 Layout Example....... 156.2 ESD Ratings ...... 411 Device and Documentation ..
OPA541APG3 ,High Power Monolithic Operational Amplifier 11-TO-220 -25 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe OPA541 device is a power-operational amplifier1• Power Supplies to ±40 Vc ..
P80C51 ,80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 8K-64K/256-1K OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage 2.7V-5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz)
P80C51FA , POWERFUL MICROCONTROLLER from the MCS 51 controller family 40 pin DIP
P80C51FA , POWERFUL MICROCONTROLLER from the MCS 51 controller family 40 pin DIP
P80C51FA-4A ,80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 8K-64K/256-1K OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage 2.7V-5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz)INTEGRATED CIRCUITS8XC52/54/58/80C328XC51FA/FB/FC/80C51FA8XC51RA+/RB+/RC+/RD+/80C51RA +80C51 8-bit ..
P80C51FA-4B ,80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 8K.64K/256.1K OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage 2.7V.5.5V, low power, high speed 33 MHzINTEGRATED CIRCUITS8XC52/54/58/80C328XC51FA/FB/FC/80C51FA8XC51RA+/RB+/RC+/RD+/80C51RA +80C51 8-bit ..
P80C51FA-5A ,80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 8K.64K/256.1K OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage 2.7V.5.5V, low power, high speed 33 MHzapplications requiring 4K ROM/EPROM, see the 8XC51/80C31– ROM – 2 bits8-bit CMOS (low voltage, low ..
4:1 High Speed Multiplexer
To 50LoadW
IN3 A0A1
G = 1V/V
G = 2V/V
www.ti.com SBOS346C
4:1 High-Speed Multiplexer
Checkfor Samples: OPA4872
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe OPA4872 offersa very wideband 4:1 multiplexer
500MHz SMALL-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH in an SO-14 package. Using only 10.6mA, the•
500MHz, 2VPP BANDWIDTH OPA4872 providesa user-settable output amplifier
0.1dB GAIN FLATNESSto 120MHz gain with greater than 500MHz large-signal
bandwidth (2VPP). The switching glitchis improved•
10ns CHANNEL SWITCHING TIME over earlier solutions usinga new (patented) input•
LOW SWITCHING GLITCH: 40mVPP stage switching approach. This technique uses•
2300V/μs SLEW RATE current steeringas the input switch while maintaining overall closed-loop design. The OPA4872 exhibits•
0.035%/0.005° DIFFERENTIAL GAIN, PHASEoff isolationof 88dBin either Disableor Shutdown•
QUIESCENT CURRENT= 10.6mA mode. With greater than 500MHz small-signal•
1.1mA QUIESCENT CURRENTIN SHUTDOWN bandwidthata gainof2, the OPA4872 givesa typical
MODE 0.1dB gain flatnessto greater than 120MHz.
88dB OFF ISOLATIONIN DISABLE OR System power may be optimized using the chip
SHUTDOWN (10MHz) enable feature for the OPA4872. Taking the chip
enable (EN) line high powers down the OPA4872to
APPLICATIONS less than 3.4mA total supply current. Further power
reduction to 1.1mA quiescent current can be•
VIDEO ROUTER achieved by bringing the shutdown (SD) line high.•
LCD AND PLASMA DISPLAY Muxing multiple OPA4872s outputs together, then•
HIGH SPEED PGA using the chip enableto select which channels are
active, increases the numberof possible inputs.•