OPA4376AIPW ,Precision, Low Noise, Low Quiescent Current Operational Amplifier 14-TSSOP -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe OPA376 family represents a new generation of1• Low Noise: 7.5 nV/√Hz at 1 ..
OPA4376AIPWR ,Precision, Low Noise, Low Quiescent Current Operational Amplifier 14-TSSOP -40 to 125Block Diagram... 14Information..... 257.3 Feature Description.... 144 Revision HistoryNOTE: Page nu ..
OPA4379AIPWR ,1.8V, 2.9uA, 90kHz, Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational Amplifiers 14-TSSOP -40 to 125MAXIMUM RATINGSOver operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted).OPA379, OPA2379, ..
OPA445ADDA ,High Voltage FET-Input Operational Amplifier 8-SO PowerPAD -55 to 125OPA445SBOS156B − MARCH 1987 − REVISED APRIL 2008High Voltage FET-InputOPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER
OPA445ADDAR ,High Voltage FET-Input Operational Amplifier 8-SO PowerPAD -55 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTION WIDE-POWER SUPPLY RANGE:±10V to ±45V The OPA445 is a monolithic operational a ..
OPA445AP ,High Voltage FET-Input Operational AmplifierMAXIMUM RATINGSInstruments recommends that all integrated circuits behandled with appropriate preca ..
P80C32IBAA , CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontrollers
P80C32IBPN , CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontrollers
P80C32IFAA , CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontrollers
P80C32SBAA ,80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 128/256 byte RAM ROMless low voltage (2.7 V-5.5 V), low power, high speed (33 MHz)INTEGRATED CIRCUITS8XC52/54/58/80C328XC51FA/FB/FC/80C51FA8XC51RA+/RB+/RC+/RD+/80C51RA +80C51 8-bit ..
P80C32SBBB ,80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 8K.64K/256.1K OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage 2.7V.5.5V, low power, high speed 33 MHzINTEGRATED CIRCUITS8XC52/54/58/80C328XC51FA/FB/FC/80C51FA8XC51RA+/RB+/RC+/RD+/80C51RA +80C51 8-bit ..
P80C32SBPN ,80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 8K.64K/256.1K OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage 2.7V.5.5V, low power, high speed 33 MHzINTEGRATED CIRCUITS80C31/80C3280C51 8-bit microcontroller family128/256 byte RAM ROMless low voltag ..
Precision, Low Noise, Low Quiescent Current Operational Amplifier
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OPAx376 Low-Noise, Low Quiescent Current, Precision Operational Amplifier
e-trim Series Features 3 DescriptionThe OPA376 family representsa new generationof Low Noise: 7.5 nV/√Hzat1 kHz low-noise operational amplifiers with e-trim™, offering• 0.1 Hzto10 Hz Noise: 0.8 μVPP outstandingdc precision andac performance. Rail-to-• Quiescent Current: 760 μA (typical) rail input and output, low offset (25 μV, maximum),
low noise (7.5 nV/√Hz), quiescent currentof 950 μA• Low Offset Voltage:5 μV (typ) (maximum), anda 5.5-MHz bandwidth make this part• Gain Bandwidth Product: 5.5 MHz very attractive fora varietyof precision and portable• Rail-to-Rail Input and Output applications.In addition, this device hasa reasonably
wide supply range with excellent PSRR, makingit• Single-Supply Operation
attractive for applications that run directly from• Supply Voltage: 2.2Vto 5.5V batteries without regulation.• Space-Saving Packages:
The OPA376 (single version) is available in– SC70, SOT-23, DSBGA, VSSOP, TSSOP MicroSIZE SC70-5, SOT-23-5, and SOIC-8
packages. The OPA2376 (dual)is offeredin the
2 Applications DSBGA-8, VSSOP-8, and SOIC-8 packages. The
OPA4376 (quad)is offeredina TSSOP-14 package.• ADC Buffer
All versions are specified for operation from –40°Cto• Audio Equipment +125°C.• Medical Instrumentation Handheld Test Equipment
Device Information(1) Active Filtering• Sensor Signal Conditioning
Input Noise Voltage Spectral Density Offset Voltage Production Distribution