OPA4353UA ,High-Speed, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail Operational Amplifiers MicroAmplifier SeriesOPA2353 OPA4353OPA4353®OPA353OPA2353OPA4353For most current data sheet and other productinformation ..
OPA4353UAG4 ,High-Speed, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail Operational Amplifiers MicroAmplifier(TM) Series 14-SOIC FEATURES APPLICATIONSl RAIL-TO-RAIL INPUT l CELL PHONE PA CONTROL LOOPSl RAIL-TO-RAIL OUTPUT (withi ..
OPA4354AID ,250MHz, Rail-to-Rail I/O, CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierMaximum Ratings.. 611.3 Power Dissipation.... 237.2 ESD Ratings........ 611.4 PowerPAD Thermally-En ..
OPA4354AIDR ,250MHz, Rail-to-Rail I/O, CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierFeatures... 19 Application and Implementation...... 212 Applications..... 19.1 Application Informat ..
OPA4354AIDRG4 ,250MHz, Rail-to-Rail I/O, CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier 14-SOIC -40 to 125 SBOS233F–MARCH 2002–REVISED JUNE 20165 Device Comparison Table
OPA4354AIPWR ,250MHz, Rail-to-Rail I/O, CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierFeatures 3 DescriptionThe OPA354 series of high-speed, voltage-feedback1• Unity-Gain Bandwidth: 250 ..
P80C32EBBB , CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontrollers
P80C32EBBB , CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontrollers
P80C32EBBB , CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontrollers
P80C32IBAA , CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontrollers
High-Speed, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail Operational Amplifiers MicroAmplifier(TM) Series 16-SSOP -40 to 85
OPA2353 OPA4353 OPA4353 ® OPA353 OPA2353 OPA4353 For most current data sheet and other product information, visit www.burr-brown.com High-Speed, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS ™ MicroAmplifier Series FEATURES APPLICATIONS lRAIL-TO-RAIL INPUTl CELL PHONE PA CONTROL LOOPS lRAIL-TO-RAIL OUTPUT (within 10mV)l DRIVING A/D CONVERTERS l VIDEO PROCESSINGlWIDE BANDWIDTH: 44MHz lHIGH SLEW RATE: 22V/msl DATA ACQUISITION lLOW NOISE: 5nV/√Hzl PROCESS CONTROL l AUDIO PROCESSINGl LOW THD+NOISE: 0.0006% l UNITY-GAIN STABLElCOMMUNICATIONS lMicroSIZE PACKAGESlACTIVE FILTERS lTEST EQUIPMENTlSINGLE, DUAL, AND QUAD DESCRIPTION extends 300mV beyond the supply rails. Output voltage OPA353 series rail-to-rail CMOS operational amplifi- swing is to within 10mV of the supply rails with a 10kWers are designed for low cost, miniature applications. load. Dual and quad designs feature completely indepen- They are optimized for low voltage, single-supply op- dent circuitry for lowest crosstalk and freedom from eration. Rail-to-rail input/output, low noise (5nV/√Hz), interaction. and high speed operation (44MHz, 22V/ms) make them ideal for driving sampling analog-to-digital converters. The single (OPA353) packages are the tiny 5-lead SOT- They are also well suited for cell phone PA control 23-5 surface mount and SO-8 surface mount. The dual loops and video processing (75W drive capability) as (OPA2353) comes in the miniature MSOP-8 surface well as audio and general purpose applications. Single, mount and SO-8 surface mount. The quad (OPA4353) dual, and quad versions have identical specifications packages are the space-saving SSOP-16 surface mount for design flexibility. and SO-14 surface mount. All are specified from –40°C to +85°C and operate from –55°C to +125°C. The OPA353 series operates on a single supply as low as 2.5V with an input common-mode voltage range that OPA4353 SPICE Model available at www.burr-brown.com OPA353 Out A 1 16 Out D –In A 2 15 –In D NC 1 8 NC AD +In A 3 14 +In D V+ –In 2 7 +V 4 13 –V Output +In 3 6 OPA2353 +In B 5 12 +In C V– 4 5 NC BC OPA353 Out A 1 8 V+ –In B 6 11 –In C A SO-8 –In A 2 7 Out B Out 1 5 V+ Out B 7 10 Out C B +In A 3 6 –In B V– 2 NC NC 8 9 V– 4 5 +In B +In 3 4 –In SSOP-16 (SO-14 package not shown) SO-8, MSOP-8 SOT-23-5 International Airport Industrial Park • Mailing Address: PO Box 11400, Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85706 • Tel: (520) 746-1111 Twx: 910-952-1111 • Internet: http://www.burr-brown.com/ • Cable: BBRCORP • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX: (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132 © 1998 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-1479B Printed in U.S.A. March, 1999 SBOS103