OPA241UAG4 ,Single-Supply, MicroPower Operational Amplifiers 8-SOIC -40 to 85OPA241OPA4251OPA2251OPA4241®OPA241OPA2241OPA4241OPA251OPA2251OPA4251Single-Supply, MicroPOWEROPERAT ..
OPA244 ,MicroPower, Single-Supply OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS MicroAmplifier Series®OPA2244OPA244OPA4244OPA2244OPA244®OPA244OPA2244OPA4244MicroPower, Single-SupplyOPERATIONAL AMPLIFI ..
OPA244NA ,Brown Corporation - MicroPower, Single-Supply OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS MicroAmplifier ™ Series
OPA244NA/250G4 ,MicroPower Single-Supply Operational Amplifier MicroAmplifier(TM) Series 5-SOT-23 ®OPA2244OPA244OPA4244OPA2244OPA244®OPA244OPA2244OPA4244MicroPower, Single-SupplyOPERATIONAL AMPLIFI ..
OPA244NA/250G4 ,MicroPower Single-Supply Operational Amplifier MicroAmplifier(TM) Series 5-SOT-23 ®OPA2244OPA244OPA4244OPA2244OPA244®OPA244OPA2244OPA4244MicroPower, Single-SupplyOPERATIONAL AMPLIFI ..
OPA244NA/3K ,MicroPower Single-Supply Operational Amplifier MicroAmplifier(TM) Series®OPA2244OPA244OPA4244OPA2244OPA244®OPA244OPA2244OPA4244MicroPower, Single-SupplyOPERATIONAL AMPLIFI ..
P6KE440ARL ,Transil™, transient voltage surge suppressor (TVS)Electrical characteristics - definitionsIIIISymbol ParameterII IIF F PP PPUnidirectionalV Stand-off ..
P6KE440CA ,600 Watt peak power transient voltage suppressor. Reverse stand-off voltage VRWM = 376.00 V. Test current IT = 1 mA.
P6KE440CA ,600 Watt peak power transient voltage suppressor. Reverse stand-off voltage VRWM = 376.00 V. Test current IT = 1 mA.
P6KE47CA ,600w Transient Voltage Suppressor
Single-Supply, MicroPower Operational Amplifiers 8-PDIP
OPA241 OPA4251 OPA2251 OPA4241 ® OPA241 OPA2241 OPA4241 OPA251 OPA2251 OPA4251 Single-Supply, MicroPOWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS DESCRIPTION OPA241 Family optimized for +5V supply. The OPA241 series and OPA251 series are specifically OPA251 Family optimized for ±15V supply. designed for battery powered, portable applications. In addi- tion to very low power consumption (25μA), these amplifi- ers feature low offset voltage, rail-to-rail output swing, high FEATURES common-mode rejection, and high open-loop gain. lMicroPOWER: I = 25μA The OPA241 series is optimized for operation at low power Q supply voltage while the OPA251 series is optimized forlSINGLE-SUPPLY OPERATION high power supplies. Both can operate from either single lRAIL-TO-RAIL OUTPUT (within 50mV) (+2.7V to +36V) or dual supplies (±1.35V to ±18V). The lWIDE SUPPLY RANGE input common-mode voltage range extends 200mV below Single Supply: +2.7V to +36V the negative supply—ideal for single-supply applications. Dual Supply: ±1.35V to ±18V They are unity-gain stable and can drive large capacitive lLOW OFFSET VOLTAGE: ±250μV max loads. Special design considerations assure that these prod- lHIGH COMMON-MODE REJECTION: 124dB ucts are easy to use. High performance is maintained as the lHIGH OPEN-LOOP GAIN: 128dB amplifiers swing to their specified limits. Because the initial lSINGLE, DUAL, AND QUAD offset voltage (±250μV max) is so low, user adjustment is usually not required. However, external trim pins are pro- vided for special applications (single versions only). APPLICATIONS The OPA241 and OPA251 (single versions) are available in standard 8-pin DIP and SO-8 surface-mount packages. l BATTERY OPERATED INSTRUMENTS The OPA2241 and OPA2251 (dual versions) come in 8-pin l PORTABLE DEVICES DIP and SO-8 surface-mount packages. The OPA4241 and l MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS OPA4251 (quad versions) are available in 14-pin DIP and lTEST EQUIPMENT SO-14 surface-mount packages. All are fully specified from –40°C to +85°C and operate from –55°C to +125°C. OPA4241, OPA4251 OPA241, OPA251 OPA2241, OPA2251 Out A 1 14 Out D Offset Trim 1 8 NC Out A 1 8 V+ A –In A 2 13 –In D –In 2 7 V+ –In A 2 7 Out B AD B +In A 3 12 +In D +In 3 6 Output +In A 3 6 –In B V+ 4 11 V– V– 4 5 Offset Trim V– 4 5 +In B +In B 5 10 +In C BC 8-Pin DIP, SO-8 8-Pin DIP, SO-8 –In B 6 9 –In C Out B 7 8 Out C 14-Pin DIP, SO-14 International Airport Industrial Park • Mailing Address: PO Box 11400, Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85706 • Tel: (520) 746-1111 • Twx: 910-952-1111 Internet: http://www.burr-brown.com/ • FAXLine: (800) 548-6133 (US/Canada Only) • Cable: BBRCORP • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX: (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132 ® OPA241, 2241, 4241 © 1997 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-1406B Printed in U.S.A. October, 1998 1 OPA251, 2251, 4251 SBOS075