OPA2333AQDGKRQ1 ,Automotive catalog 1.8V, 17uA, 2uV, microPOWER CMOS Zero-Drift Series Operational Amplifier 8-VSSOP FEATURESD OR DGK PACKAGE• Qualified for Automotive Applications(TOP VIEW)• Low Offset Voltage: 23mV ..
OPA2333AQDRQ1 ,Automotive catalog 1.8V, 17uA, 2uV, microPOWER CMOS Zero-Drift Series Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 125ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: V = 1.8 V to 5.5 VSBoldface limits apply over the specified temperature ..
OPA2334AIDGSR ,0.05uV/C max, Single-Supply CMOS Operational AmplifierFEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe OPA334 and OPA335 series of CMOS operational* LOW OFFSET VOLTAGE: 5µ V (max ..
OPA2334AIDGST ,0.05uV/C max, Single-Supply CMOS Operational AmplifierMAXIMUM RATINGSELECTROSTATICSupply Voltage ... +7VDISCHARGE SENSITIVITY(2)Signal Input Terminals, V ..
OPA2334AIDGSTG4 ,0.05uV/C max, Single-Supply CMOS Operational Amplifier 10-VSSOP -40 to 125ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSBoldface limits apply over the specified temperature range, T = –40°C to ..
OPA2335 ,0.05uV/C max, Single-Supply CMOS Operational AmplifierTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSAt T = +25°C, V = +5V, R = 10kΩ connected to V /2, and V = V /2, unless othe ..
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Automotive catalog 1.8V, 17uA, 2uV, microPOWER CMOS Zero-Drift Series Operational Amplifier
0.1HzTO 10Hz NOISE
Rail-to-Rail Input/Output
APPLICATIONS Transducer Applications Temperature Measurements Electronic Scales Medical Instrumentation Battery-Powered Instruments Handheld Test Equipment
DESCRIPTION/ORDERING INFORMATIONThe OPA2333A CMOS operational amplifiers usea proprietary auto-calibration techniqueto simultaneously
provide very low offset voltage (10 mV max) and near-zero drift over time and temperature. These miniature
high-precision low-quiescent-current amplifiers offer high-impedance inputs that havea common-mode range
100 mV beyond the rails and rail-to-rail output that swings within 50 mVof the rails. Singleor dual suppliesas
lowas 1.8V (±0.9V) andupto 5.5V (±2.75V) may be used. They are optimized for low-voltage single-supply