OPA137NA/250E4 ,Low Cost FET-Input Operational Amplifiers 5-SOT-23 FEATURES DESCRIPTIONOPA137 series FET-input operational amplifiers are designedl FET INPUT: I = 5pA ..
OPA137PA ,Low Cost FET-Input Operational AmplifiersMAXIMUM RATINGSELECTROSTATICSupply Voltage, V+ to V– ...... 36VDISCHARGE SENSITIVITYInput Voltage . ..
OPA137U ,Low Cost FET-Input Operational AmplifiersOPA4137OPA137OPA4137OPA2137®OPA137OPA2137OPA4137LOW COSTFET-INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS™MicroAmpli ..
OPA137UA ,Low Cost FET-Input Operational AmplifiersOPA4137OPA137OPA4137OPA2137®OPA137OPA2137OPA4137LOW COSTFET-INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS™MicroAmpli ..
OPA137UA/2K5G4 ,Low Cost FET-Input Operational Amplifiers 8-SOIC OPA4137OPA137OPA4137OPA2137®OPA137OPA2137OPA4137LOW COSTFET-INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS™MicroAmpli ..
OPA1612AID ,SoundPlus? Audio Operational Amplifier with 1.1nV/?Hz Noise, Low THD and Precision 8-SOIC -40 to 85 SBOS450C–JULY 2009–REVISED AUGUST 20145 Pin Configuration and FunctionsD PackageD PackageOPA1611, ..
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Low Cost FET-Input Operational Amplifiers
OPA4137 OPA137 OPA4137 OPA2137 ® OPA137 OPA2137 OPA4137 LOW COST FET-INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS ™ MicroAmplifier Series FEATURES DESCRIPTION OPA137 series FET-input operational amplifiers are designedlFET INPUT: I = 5pA B for low cost and miniature applications. In addition to small lLOW OFFSET VOLTAGE: 1.5mV size (SOT-23-5 and MSOP-8 packages), they provide low lWIDE SUPPLY RANGE: ±2.25V to ±18V input bias current (5pA), low quiescent currrent (220μA/ lLOW QUIESCENT CURRENT: 220μA/channel channel), and high open-loop gain (94dB). lEXCELLENT SPEED/POWER: 1MHz Either single (+4.5V to +36V) or dual (±2.25 to ±18V) supplies can be used. The input common-mode voltage rangelINPUT TO POSITIVE SUPPLY includes the positive supply—suitable for many single-supply MicroSIZE PACKAGES: SOT-23-5, MSOP-8l applications. Single, dual, and quad versions have identical lSINGLE, DUAL, AND QUAD specifications for maximum design flexibility. OPA137 op amps are easy to use and free from phase inversion and overload problems found in some FET-input APPLICATIONS amplifiers. High performance, including linearity, is main- tained as the amplifiers swing to their specified limits. In l STRAIN GAGE AMPLIFIER addition, the combination of high slew rate (3.5V/μs) and l PHOTODETECTOR AMPLIFIER wide bandwidth (1MHz) provide fast settling time assuring l PRECISION INTEGRATOR good dynamic response. Dual and quad designs feature com- pletely independent circuitry for lowest crosstalk and freedom l BATTERY-POWERED INSTRUMENTS from interaction. lTEST EQUIPMENT The single (OPA137) packages are the tiny 5-lead SOT-23-5 l ACTIVE FILTERS surface mount, SO-8 surface mount, and 8-pin DIP. The dual (OPA2137) comes in the miniature MSOP-8 surface mount, SO-8 surface mount, and 8-pin DIP packages. The quad (OPA4137) packages are the SO-14 surface mount and the 14-pin DIP. All are specified from –40°C to +85°C and operate from –55°C to +125°C. A SPICE macromodel is available for design analysis. OPA137 NC NC 1 8 OPA4137 –In 2 7 V+ Output +In 3 6 Out A 1 14 Out D V– 4 5 NC OPA2137 –In A 2 13 –In D AD OPA137 +In A 3 12 +In D Out A 1 8 V+ 8-Pin DIP, SO-8 V+ 4 11 V– A Out 1 5 V+ –In A 2 7 Out B +In B 5 10 +In C B V– 2 BC +In A 3 6 –In B –In B 6 9 –In C +In 3 4 –In V– 4 5 +In B Out B 7 8 Out C SOT-23-5 8-Pin DIP, SO-8, MSOP-8 14-Pin DIP SO-14 International Airport Industrial Park • Mailing Address: PO Box 11400, Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85706 • Tel: (520) 746-1111 • Twx: 910-952-1111 Internet: http://www.burr-brown.com/ • FAXLine: (800) 548-6133 (US/Canada Only) • Cable: BBRCORP • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX: (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132 © 1998 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-1438A Printed in U.S.A. August, 1998 SBOS089