OPA132UA ,High speed FET-input operational amplifierMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITSup ..
OPA132UA . ,High speed FET-input operational amplifierMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITSup ..
OPA132UA/2K5E4 ,High Speed FET-Input Operational Amplifiers 8-SOIC -40 to 125Features... 1 8 Application and Implementation...... 118.1 Application Information........ 112 Appl ..
OPA132UAG4 ,High Speed FET-Input Operational Amplifiers 8-SOIC -40 to 125Maximum Ratings.. 411 Device and Documentation Support........ 166.2 ESD Ratings........ 411.1 Devi ..
OPA132UG4 ,High Speed FET-Input Operational Amplifiers 8-SOIC Pin Functions OPA2132 and OPA4132 (continued)PINI/O DESCRIPTIONOPA2132 OPA4132NAMENO. NO.+In C – 10 ..
OPA134 ,High Performance AUDIO OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITSup ..
P5103AAL , SIDACtor Balanced Series - Modified TO-220
P5103AAL , SIDACtor Balanced Series - Modified TO-220
P5103ABL , SIDACtor® Protection Thyristors Baseband Protection (Voice-DS1)
P5103ABL , SIDACtor® Protection Thyristors Baseband Protection (Voice-DS1)
P5103ACL , SIDACtor® Protection Thyristors Baseband Protection (Voice-DS1)
P5103ACL , SIDACtor® Protection Thyristors Baseband Protection (Voice-DS1)
OPA132P-OPA132PA-OPA132U-OPA132U/2K5G4-OPA132UA-OPA132UA .-OPA132UA/2K5E4-OPA132UAG4-OPA132UG4
High Speed FET-Input Operational Amplifiers
oltage Noise (nV/
Frequency (Hz) 100 1k 10k 100k 1M
Current Noise (fA/
Voltage Noise
Current Noise
The OPAx132 series of FET-input operational FET input:IB=50 pA Maximum amplifiers provides highspeed and excellent DC• Wide Bandwidth:8 MHz performance. The combinationof high slew rate and• High Slew Rate:20 V/µs wide bandwidth provide fast settling time. Single,• Low Noise: 8nV/√Hz(1 kHz)• Low Distortion: 0.00008%)• High Open-loop Gain: 130 dB (600-Ω load)• Wide Supply Range: ±2.5to ±18V• Low Offset Voltage: 500 µV Maximum• Single, Dual, and Quad Versions
2 Applications• SAR ADC Driver Voltage Reference Buffer• Trans-impedance Amplifier• Photodiode Amplifier Active Filters• Integrators
Low Noise JFET Input(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.