OP279GRU ,Rail-to-Rail High Output Current Operational AmplifiersApplications that benefit from the high output current of the–V +IN BOP179/OP279 include driving he ..
OP279GS ,Rail-to-Rail High Output Current Operational AmplifiersFEATURESRail-to-Rail Inputs and Outputs5-Lead SOT-23-5High Output Current: 660 mA(RT-5)Single Suppl ..
OP279GSZ , Rail-to-Rail High Output Current Operational Amplifiers
OP27AJ/883C ,Low Noise, Precision Operational AmplifierFEATURES PIN CONNECTIONSLow Noise: 80 nV p-p (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz), 3 nV/÷HzTO-99Low Drift: 0.2 V/C(J ..
OP27AJ/883C ,Low Noise, Precision Operational Amplifierapplications.Exceptionally low noise, e = 3.5 nV/÷Hz, at 10 Hz, a low 1/fn 8-Pin Hermetic DIPnoise ..
OP27AJ/883C ,Low Noise, Precision Operational AmplifierCHARACTERISTICS (@ V = ±15 V, T = 25C, unless otherwise noted.)S A OP27A/E OP27F ..
P3203ACLRP , Low voltage overshoot Balanced overvoltage protection
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P3206UCL , SIDACtor® Balanced Multiport Series - MS-013
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P322DT10UI , 32 Megabit (2 M x 16-Bit) CMOS 1.8 Volt-only (1.8 V to 2.2 V) Simultaneous Read/Write Page-Mode Boot Sector Flash Memory
Rail-to-Rail High Output Current Operational Amplifiers
Rail-to-Rail High Output
Current Operational Amplifiers
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe OP179 and OP279 are rail-to-rail, high output current,
single-supply amplifiers. They are designed for low voltage
applications that require either current or capacitive load drive
capability. The OP179/OP279 can sink and source currents of60 mA (typical) and are stable with capacitive loads to 10 nF.
Applications that benefit from the high output current of the
OP179/OP279 include driving headphones, displays, transform-
ers and power transistors. The powerful output is combined with a
unique input stage that maintains very low distortion with
wide common-mode range, even in single supply designs.
The OP179/OP279 can be used as a buffer to provide much
greater drive capability than can usually be provided by CMOS
outputs. CMOS ASICs and DAC often have outputs that can
swing to both the positive supply and ground, but cannot drive
more than a few milliamps.
Bandwidth is typically 5 MHz and the slew rate is 3 V/ms, mak-
ing these amplifiers well suited for single supply applications
that require audio bandwidths when used in high gain configu-
rations. Operation is guaranteed from voltages as low as 4.5 V,
up to 12 V.
Very good audio performance can be attained when using the
OP179/OP279 in +5 volt systems. THD is below 0.01% with a
600W load, and noise is a respectable 21nV/√Hz. Supply cur-
rent is less than 3.5 mA per amplifier.
The single OP179 is available in the 5-lead SOT-23-5 package.
It is specified over the industrial (–40°C to +85°C) temperature
The OP279 is available in 8-lead plastic DIP, TSSOP and
SO-8 surface mount packages. They are specified over the
industrial (–40°C to +85°C) temperature range.
8-Lead SOIC and TSSOP
SO-8 (R) and RU-8
8-Lead Plastic DIP
Rail-to-Rail Inputs and Outputs
High Output Current:660 mA
Single Supply:+5 V to +12 V
Wide Bandwidth: 5 MHz
High Slew Rate:3 V/ms
Low Distortion:0.01%
Unity-Gain Stable
No Phase Reversal
Short Circuit Protected
Drives Capacitive Loads:10 nF
DAA Transformer Driver
LCD Driver
Low Voltage Servo Control
FET Drivers
5-Lead SOT-23-5
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS(@ VS = +5.0 V, VCM = 2.5 V, –408C £ TA £ +858C unless otherwise noted)POWER SUPPLY␣
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS(@ VS = 65.0 V, –408C £ TA £ +858C unless otherwise noted)POWER SUPPLY␣
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSupply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+16 V
Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+16 V
Differential Input Voltage1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–1 V
Output Short-Circuit Duration to GND . . . . . . . . . .Indefinite
Storage Temperature Range
P, S, RT, RU Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–65°C to +150°C
Operating Temperature Range
OP179G/OP279G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–40°C to +85°C
Junction Temperature Range
P, S, RT, RU Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature Range (Soldering, 60 sec) . . . . . . .+300°C
CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily
accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection.
Although the OP179/OP279 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage
may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD
precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.
NOTESThe inputs are clamped with back-to-back diodes. If the differential input voltage
exceeds 1 volt, the input current should be limited to 5 mA.qJA is specified for the worst case conditions, i.e., qJA is specified for device in socket
for P-DIP, packages; qJA is specified for device soldered in circuit board for SOIC
Typical Performance Graphs
UNITSFigure 1.Input Offset Distribution
2.032Figure 4.Offset Voltage vs.
Common-Mode Voltage
OPEN-LOOP GAIN – V/mVFigure 7.Open-Loop Gain vs.
SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT – mAFigure 2.Short Circuit Current vs.
SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT – mAFigure 5.Short Circuit Current vs.
SLEW RATE – V/Figure 8.Slew Rate vs.
Figure 3.Input Bias Current
vs. Common-Mode Voltage
Figure 6.Bandwidth vs.
Common-Mode Voltage
Figure 9.Open-Loop Gain and
Phase vs. Frequency
SUPPLY CURRENT – mAFigure 10.Supply Current vs.
100Figure 13.Power Supply Rejection vs.
MAXIMUM OUTPUT SWING – VoltsFigure 16.Maximum Output Swing
vs. Frequency
SLEW RATE – V/Figure 11.Slew Rate vs. Temperature
MAXIMUM OUTPUT SWING – VoltsFigure 14.Maximum Output
Swing vs. Frequency
CLOSED-LOOP GAIN – dBFigure 17.Closed-Loop Gain vs.
Figure 12.Open-Loop Gain and
Phase vs. Frequency
IMPEDANCE – Figure 15.Closed-Loop Output
Impedance vs. Frequency
Figure 18.Small Signal Overshoot
vs. Load Capacitance
Typical Performance Graphs
THEORY OF OPERATIONThe OP179/OP279 is the latest entry in Analog Devices’ ex-
panding family of single-supply devices, designed for the multi-
media and telecom marketplaces. It is a high output current
drive, rail-to-rail input /output operational amplifier, powered
from a single +5 V supply. It is also intended for other low
supply voltage applications where low distortion and high out-
put current drive are needed. To combine the attributes of high
output current and low distortion in rail-to-rail input/output
operation, novel circuit design techniques are used.
For example, Figure 1 illustrates a simplified equivalent circuit
for the OP179/OP279’s input stage. It is comprised of two PNP
differential pairs, Q5-Q6 and Q7-Q8, operating in parallel, with
diode protection networks. Diode networks D5-D6 and D7-D8
serve to clamp the applied differential input voltage to the
OP179/OP279, thereby protecting the input transistors against
avalanche damage. The fundamental differences between these
two PNP gain stages are that the Q7-Q8 pair are normally OFF
and that their inputs are buffered from the operational amplifier
inputs by Q1-D1-D2 and Q9-D3-D4. Operation is best under-
stood as a function of the applied common-mode voltage:
When the inputs of the OP179/OP279 are biased midway be-
tween the supplies, the differential signal path gain is controlled
by the resistively loaded (via R7, R8) Q5-Q6. As the input
common-mode level is reduced toward the negative supply
(VNEG or GND), the input transistor current sources, I1 and I3,
are forced into saturation, thereby forcing the Q1-D1-D2 and
Q9-D3-D4 networks into cutoff; however, Q5-Q6 remain
active, providing input stage gain. On the other hand, when the
common-mode input voltage is increased toward the positive
supply, Q5-Q6 are driven into cutoff, Q3 is driven into satura-
tion, and Q4 becomes active, providing bias to the Q7-Q8 dif-
ferential pair. The point at which the Q7-Q8 differential pair
becomes active is approximately equal to (VPOS – 1 V).
IN–IN+Figure 22.OP179/OP279 Equivalent Input Circuit
The key issue here is the behavior of the input bias currents in
this stage. The input bias currents of the OP179/OP279 over
the range of common-mode voltages from (VNEG + 1V) to
(VPOS – 1V) are the arithmetic sum of the base currents in Q1-
Q5 and Q9-Q6. Outside of this range, the input bias currents
are dominated by the base current sum of Q5-Q6 for input
signals close to VNEG, and of Q1-Q5 (Q9-Q6) for input signals
close to VPOS. As a result of this design approach, the input bias
currents in the OP179/OP279 not only exhibit different ampli-
tudes, but also exhibit different polarities. This input bias cur-
rent behavior is best illustrated in Figure 3. It is, therefore, of
paramount importance that the effective source impedances
connected to the OP179/OP279’s inputs are balanced for opti-
VOLTAGE NOISE DENSITY – nV/Figure 19.Voltage Noise Density vs.
Figure 21.Common-Mode
Rejection vs. Frequency
VOLTAGE NOISE DENSITY – nV/Figure 20.Voltage Noise Density vs.
Common-Mode Voltage
In order to achieve rail-to-rail output behavior, the OP179/OP279
design employs a complementary common-emitter (or gmRL)
output stage (Q15-Q16), as illustrated in Figure 23. These
amplifiers provide output current until they are forced into
saturation which occurs at approximately 50 mV from either
supply rail. Thus, their saturation voltage is the limit on the
maximum output voltage swing in the OP179/OP279. The
output stage also exhibits voltage gain, by virtue of the use of
common-emitter amplifiers; and, as a result, the voltage gain of
the output stage (thus, the open-loop gain of the device) exhib-
its a strong dependence to the total load resistance at the output
of the OP179/OP279 as illustrated in Figure 7.
VOUTFigure 23.OP179/OP279 Equivalent Output Circuit
Input Overvoltage ProtectionAs with any semiconductor device, whenever the condition
exists for the input to exceed either supply voltage, the device’s
input overvoltage characteristic must be considered. When an
overvoltage occurs, the amplifier could be damaged, depending
on the magnitude of the applied voltage and the magnitude of
the fault current. Figure 24 illustrates the input overvoltage
characteristic of the OP179/OP279. This graph was generated
with the power supplies at ground and a curve tracer connected
to the input. As can be seen, when the input voltage exceeds
either supply by more than 0.6 V, internal pn-junctions ener-
gize, which allows current to flow from the input to the supplies.
As illustrated in the simplified equivalent input circuit (Figure
22), the OP179/OP279 does not have any internal current limit-
ing resistors, so fault currents can quickly rise to damaging
This input current is not inherently damaging to the device as
long as it is limited to 5 mA or less. For the OP179/OP279,
once the input voltage exceeds the supply by more than 0.6 V,
the input current quickly exceeds 5 mA. If this condition con-
tinues to exist, an external series resistor should be added. The
size of the resistor is calculated by dividing the maximum over-
voltage by 5mA. For example, if the input voltage could reach
100 V, the external resistor should be (100 V/5 mA) = 20 kW.
This resistance should be placed in series with either or both
ensure optimum dc and ac performance, it is important to bal-
ance source impedance levels. For more information on general
overvoltage characteristics of amplifiers refer to the 1993 Seminar
Applications Guide, available from the Analog Devices Literature
Figure 24.OP179/OP279 Input Overvoltage Characteristic
Output Phase ReversalSome operational amplifiers designed for single supply opera-
tion exhibit an output voltage phase reversal when their inputs
are driven beyond their useful common-mode range. Typically
for single-supply bipolar op amps, the negative supply deter-
mines the lower limit of their common-mode range. With these
devices, external clamping diodes, with the anode connected to
ground and the cathode to the inputs, input signal excursions
are prevented from exceeding the device’s negative supply (i.e.,
GND), preventing a condition that could cause the output
voltage to change phase. JFET input amplifiers may also
exhibit phase reversal and, if so, a series input resistor is usually
required to prevent it.
The OP179/OP279 is free from reasonable input voltage range
restrictions provided that input voltages no greater than the
supply voltages are applied. Although the device’s output will
not change phase, large currents can flow through the input
protection diodes, shown in Figure 22. Therefore, the tech-
nique recommended in the Input Overvoltage Protection sec-
tion should be applied in those applications where the
likelihood of input voltages exceeding the supply voltages is
Capacitive Load DriveThe OP179/OP279 has excellent capacitive load driving capa-
bilities. It can drive up to 10 nF directly as the performance
graph titled Small Signal Overshoot vs. Load Capacitance (Fig-
ure 18) shows. However, even though the device is stable, a
capacitive load does not come without a penalty in bandwidth.
As shown in Figure 25, the bandwidth is reduced to under 1 MHz
for loads greater than 3 nF. A “snubber” network on the out-
put won’t increase the bandwidth, but it does significantly re-
duce the amount of overshoot for a given capacitive load. A
snubber consists of a series R-C network (RS, CS), as shown in
Figure 26, connected from the output of the device to ground.
This network operates in parallel with the load capacitor, CL, to
BANDWIDTH – MHzFigure 25.OP179/OP279 Bandwidth vs. Capacitive Load
100mV p-p
VOUTFigure 26.Snubber Network Compensates for Capacitive
The first step is to determine the value of the resistor, RS. A
good starting value is 100 W (typically, the optimum value will
be less than 100 W). This value is reduced until the small-signal
transient response is optimized. Next, CS is determined—10 mF
is a good starting point. This value is reduced to the smallest
value for acceptable performance (typically, 1 mF). For the case
of a 10 nF load capacitor on the OP179/OP279, the optimal
snubber network is a 20 W in series with 1 mF. The benefit is
immediately apparent as seen in the scope photo in Figure 27.
The top trace was taken with a 10 nF load and the bottom trace
with the 20 W, 1 mF snubber network in place. The amount of
overshot and ringing is dramatically reduced. Table I illustrates
a few sample snubber networks for large load capacitors.
10010nF LOAD
IN CIRCUIT10Figure 27.Overshoot and Ringing Is Reduced by Adding a
“Snubber” Network in Parallel with the 10 nF Load
Table I.Snubber Networks for Large Capacitive Loads
Overload Recovery TimeOverload, or overdrive, recovery time of an operational amplifier
is the time required for the output voltage to recover to its linear
region from a saturated condition. This recovery time is impor-
tant in applications where the amplifier must recover after a
large transient event. The circuit in Figure 28 was used to
evaluate the OP179/OP279’s overload recovery time. The
OP179/OP279 takes approximately 1 ms to recover from positive
saturation and approximately 1.2 ms to recover from negative
Figure 28.Overload Recovery Time Test Circuit
Output Transient Current RecoveryIn many applications, operational amplifiers are used to provide
moderate levels of output current to drive the inputs of ADCs,
small motors, transmission lines and current sources. It is in
these applications that operational amplifiers must recover
quickly to step changes in the load current while maintaining
steady-state load current levels. Because of its high output
current capability and low closed-loop output impedance, the
OP179/OP279 is an excellent choice for these types of applica-
tions. For example, when sourcing or sinking a 25 mA steady-
state load current, the OP179/OP279 exhibits a recovery time of
less than 500 ns to 0.1% for a 10 mA (i.e., 25 mA to 35 mA and
35 mA to 25 mA) step change in load current.
A Precision Negative Voltage ReferenceIn many data acquisition applications, the need for a precision
negative reference is required. In general, any positive voltage
reference can be converted into a negative voltage reference
through the use of an operational amplifier and a pair of matched
resistors in an inverting configuration. The disadvantage to that
approach is that the largest single source of error in the circuit is
the relative matching of the resistors used.
The circuit illustrated in Figure 29 avoids the need for tightly
matched resistors with the use of an active integrator circuit. In
this circuit, the output of the voltage reference provides the
input drive for the integrator. The integrator, to maintain cir-
cuit equilibrium, adjusts its output to establish the proper rela-
tionship between the reference’s VOUT and GND. Thus, various
negative output voltages can be chosen simply by substituting