OP1177AR ,Precision Low Noise, Low Input Bias Current Operational AmplifiersGENERAL DESCRIPTION14-Lead SOIC 14-Lead TSSOPThe OPx177 family consists of very high-precision, sin ..
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OP11EP ,Quad Matched 741-Type Operational AmplifiersSpecifications subject to change without noticeELECTRICAL
OP11EY ,Quad Matched 741-Type Operational AmplifiersCHARACTERISTICS(@ V = 15 V, 40C £ T £ +85C, R £ 100 , unless otherwise noted)S A S OP1 ..
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Precision Low Noise, Low Input Bias Current Operational Amplifiers
Precision Low Noise, Low Input
Bias Current Operational Amplifiers
Low Offset Voltage: 60 �V Max
Very Low Offset Voltage Drift: 0.7 �V/�C Max
Low Input Bias Current: 2 nA Max
Low Noise: 8 nV/√Hz
CMRR, PSRR, and AVO > 120 dB Min
Low Supply Current: 400 �A/Amp
Dual Supply Operation: �2.5 V to �15 V
Unity Gain Stable
No Phase Reversal
Inputs Internally Protected Beyond Supply Voltage
Wireless Base Station Control Circuits
Optical Network Control Circuits
Sensors and Controls
Strain Bridges
Shunt Current Measurements
Precision Filters
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe OPx177 family consists of very high-precision, single, dual,
and quad amplifiers featuring extremely low offset voltage and
drift, low input bias current, low noise, and low power con-
sumption. Outputs are stable with capacitive loads of over
1,000 pF with no external compensation. Supply current is less
than 500 µA per amplifier at 30 V. Internal 500 Ω series resis-
tors protect the inputs, allowing input signal levels several volts
beyond either supply without phase reversal.
Unlike previous high-voltage amplifiers with very low offset voltages, the
OP1177 and OP2177 are available in the tiny MSOP 8-lead sur-
face-mount package, while the OP4177 is available in TSSOP14.
Moreover, specified performance in the MSOP/TSSOP package is
identical to performance in the SOIC package.
OPx177 family offers the widest specified temperature range of
any high-precision amplifier in surface-mount packaging. All
versions are fully specified for operation from –40°C to +125°C for
the most demanding operating environments.
Applications for these amplifiers include precision diode power
measurement, voltage and current level setting, and level detec-
tion in optical and wireless transmission systems. Additional
applications include line powered and portable instrumentation
8-Lead MSOP
8-Lead SOIC
8-Lead SOIC
8-Lead MSOP
14-Lead TSSOP
14-Lead SOIC
(@ VS = �5.0 V, VCM = 0 V, TA = 25�C, unless
otherwise noted.)MULTIPLE AMPLIFIERS
*Typical values cover all parts within one standard deviation of the average value. Average values, given in many competitors’ data sheets as “typical,” give unrealistically
low estimates for parameters that can have both positive and negative values.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(@ VS = �15 V, VCM = 0 V, TA = 25�C, unless otherwise noted.)MULTIPLE AMPLIFIERS
*Typical values cover all parts within one standard deviation of the average value. Average values, given in many competitors’ data sheets as “typical,” give unrealistically
low estimates for parameters that can have both positive and negative values.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 V
Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VS– to VS+
Differential Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±Supply Voltage
Storage Temperature Range
R, RM, and RU Packages . . . . . . . . . . . –65°C to +150°C
Operating Temperature Range
OP1177/OP2177/OP4177 . . . . . . . . . . . –40°C to +125°C
Junction Temperature Range
R, RM, and RU Packages . . . . . . . . . . . –65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature Range (Soldering, 10 sec) . . . . . . . 300°C
*Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause perma-
nent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the
device at these or any other conditions above those listed in the operational sections
of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating condi-
tions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
NOTESθJA is specified for worst-case conditions, i.e., θJA is specified for device soldered
in circuit board for surface-mount packages.MSOP is only available in tape and reel.
CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily
accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although
the OP1177/OP2177/OP4177 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage
may occur on devices subjected to high-energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD
precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.
TPC 1.Input Offset Voltage
TPC 4.Output Voltage to Supply
Rail vs. Load Current
TPC 7.Closed-Loop Gain vs.
TPC 2.Input Offset Voltage
Drift Distribution
TPC 5.Input Bias Current vs.
TPC 8.Output Impedance vs.
TPC 3.Input Bias Current
TPC 6.Open-Loop Gain and
Phase Shift vs. Frequency
TPC 9.Large Signal Transient
OP1177/OP2177/OP4177 TPC 10.Small Signal Transient
TPC 13.Negative Overvoltage
TPC 16.0.1 Hz to 10 Hz Input
Voltage Noise
TPC 11.Small Signal Overshoot vs.
Load Capacitance
TPC 14.CMRR vs. Frequency
TPC 17.Voltage Noise Density
TPC 12.Positive Overvoltage
TPC 15.PSRR vs. Frequency
TPC 18.Short Circuit Current vs.
TPC 19.Output Voltage Swing vs.
TPC 22.CMRR vs. Temperature
TPC 25.Output Voltage to
Supply Rail vs. Load Current
TPC 20.Warm-Up Drift
TPC 23.PSRR vs. Temperature
TPC 26.Open-Loop Gain and Phase
Shift vs. Frequency
TPC 21.|VOS| vs. Temperature
TPC 24.Input Offset Voltage
TPC 27.Closed-Loop Gain vs.
OP1177/OP2177/OP4177 TPC 28.Output Impedance vs.
TPC 31.Small Signal Overshoot vs.
Load Capacitance
TPC 34.No Phase Reversal
TPC 29.Large Signal
Transient Response
TPC 32.Positive Overvoltage
TPC 35.CMRR vs. Frequency
TPC 30.Small Signal
Transient Response
TPC 33.Negative Overvoltage
TPC 36.PSRR vs. Frequency
TPC 37.0.1 Hz to 10 Hz Input Voltage
TPC 40.Output Voltage Swing vs.
TPC 43.Supply Current vs. Supply
TPC 38.Voltage Noise Density
TPC 41.|VOS| vs. Temperature
TPC 44.Channel Separation vs.
TPC 39.Short Circuit Current vs.
TPC 42.Supply Current vs.
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONOP1177 is the fourth generation of ADI’s industry standard OP07
amplifier family. OP1177 is a very high-precision, low-noise opera-
tional amplifier with the highly desirable combination of extremely
low offset voltage and very low input bias currents. Unlike JFET
amplifiers, the low bias and offset currents are relatively insensitive
to ambient temperatures, even up to 125°C.
For the first time, Analog Devices’ proprietary process technology
and linear design expertise have produced a high-voltage
amplifier with superior performance to the OP07, OP77, and
OP177 in a tiny MSOP 8-lead package. Despite its small size
the OP1177 offers numerous improvements including low wide-
band noise, very wide input and output voltage range, lower
input bias current, and complete freedom from phase inversion.
OP1177 has the widest specified operating temperature range of
any similar device in a plastic surface-mount package. This is
increasingly important as PC board and overall system sizes
continue to shrink, causing internal system temperatures to rise.
Power consumption is reduced by a factor of four from the OP177
while bandwidth and slew rate increase by a factor of two. The low
power dissipation and very stable performance versus temperature
also act to reduce warm-up drift errors to insignificant levels.
Open-loop gain linearity under heavy loads is superior to competitive
parts like OPA277, improving dc accuracy and reducing distortion
in circuits with high closed-loop gains. Inputs are internally protected
from overvoltage conditions referenced to either supply rail.
Like any high-performance amplifier, maximum performance is
achieved by following appropriate circuit and PC board guidelines.
The following sections provide practical advice on getting the most
out of the OP1177 under a variety of application conditions.
Total Noise Including Source ResistorsThe low input current noise and input bias current of the OP1177
make it useful for circuits with substantial input source resistance.
Input offset voltage increases by less than 1 µV max per 500 Ω
of source resistance.
The total noise density of the OP1177 is:
Where,en is the input voltage noise density
in is the input current noise density
RS is the source resistance at the noninverting terminal
k is Boltzman’s constant (1.38 � 10–23 J/K)
T is the ambient temperature in Kelvin (T = 273 + °C)
For RS < 3.9 kΩ, en dominates and
For 3.9 kΩ < RS < 412 kΩ, voltage noise of the amplifier, current
noise of the amplifier translated through the source resistor, and
thermal noise from the source resistor all contribute to the total
For RS > 412 kΩ, the current noise dominates and
Where BW is the bandwidth in Hertz.
NOTE: The above analysis is valid for frequencies larger than
50 Hz. When considering lower frequencies, flicker noise (also
known as 1/f noise) must be taken into account.
For a reference on noise calculations refer to Bandpass KRC or
Sallen-Key Filter section.
Gain LinearityGain linearity reduces errors in closed-loop configurations. The
straighter the gain curve, the lower the maximum error over the
input signal range will be. This is especially true for circuits with
high closed-loop gains.
The OP1177 has excellent gain linearity even with heavy loads,
shown in Figure 1. Compare its performance to the OPA277,
shown in Figure 2. Both devices were measured under identical
conditions with RL = 2 kΩ. The OP2177 (dual) has virtually no
distortion at lower voltages. It was compared to the OPA277 at
several supply voltages and various loads. Its performance exceeded
that of its counterpart by far.
Figure 1.Gain Linearity
Figure 2.Gain Linearity
Input Overvoltage ProtectionWhen their input voltage exceeds the positive or negative supply
voltage, most amplifiers require external resistors to protect them
from damage.
The OP1177 has internal protective circuitry that allows volt-