OP113ES ,Low Noise, Low Drift Single-Supply Operational AmplifiersGENERAL DESCRIPTION –IN B+IN A 3 6 –IN BV– 4 5 +IN BThe OP113 family of single supply operational a ..
OP113ESZ , Low Noise, Low Drift Single-Supply Operational Amplifiers
OP113FP ,Low Noise, Low Drift Single-Supply Operational AmplifiersCHARACTERISTICSOffset Voltage V OP113 75 150 μVOS–40°C ≤ T ≤ +85°C 125 225 μVAOP213 100 250 μV–40°C ..
OP113FS ,Low Noise, Low Drift Single-Supply Operational AmplifiersSpecifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. COP113/OP213/OP413(@ V = +5.0 V, T = +258C ..
OP-113FS ,Low Noise, Low Drift Single-Supply Operational Amplifiersapplications benefit from thevolt operation over the XIND—extended industrial (–40°C tovery low noi ..
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Low Noise, Low Drift Single-Supply Operational Amplifiers
Low Noise, Low Drift
Single-Supply Operational Amplifiers
Single- or Dual-Supply Operation
Low Noise: 4.7 nV/√Hz @ 1 kHz
Wide Bandwidth: 3.4 MHz
Low Offset Voltage: 100 mV
Very Low Drift: 0.2 mV/8C
Unity Gain Stable
No Phase Reversal
Digital Scales
Strain Gages
Battery Powered Instrumentation
Temperature Transducer Amplifier
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe OP113 family of single supply operational amplifiers fea-
tures both low noise and drift. It has been designed for sys-
tems with internal calibration. Often these processor-based
systems are capable of calibrating corrections for offset and
gain, but they cannot correct for temperature drifts and noise.
Optimized for these parameters, the OP113 family can be used
to take advantage of superior analog performance combined
with digital correction. Many systems using internal calibration
operate from unipolar supplies, usually either +5 volts or +12
volts. The OP113 family is designed to operate from single
supplies from +4 volts to +36 volts, and to maintain its low
noise and precision performance.
The OP113 family is unity gain stable and has a typical gain
bandwidth product of 3.4 MHz. Slew rate is in excess of 1 V/μs.
Noise density is a very low 4.7 nV/√Hz, and noise in the 0.1 Hz
to 10 Hz band is 120 nV p-p. Input offset voltage is guaranteed
and offset drift is guaranteed to be less than 0.8 μV/°C. Input
common-mode range includes the negative supply and to within
1 volt of the positive supply over the full supply range. Phase
reversal protection is designed into the OP113 family for cases
where input voltage range is exceeded. Output voltage swings
also include the negative supply and go to within 1 volt of the
positive rail. The output is capable of sinking and sourcing
current throughout its range and is specified with 600 Ω loads.
Digital scales and other strain gage applications benefit from the
very low noise and low drift of the OP113 family. Other appli-
cations include use as a buffer or amplifier for both A/D and
8-Lead Plastic DIP8-Lead Narrow-Body SO
16-Lead Wide-Body SO14-Lead Plastic DIP
8-Lead Narrow-Body SO
8-Lead Plastic DIPD/A sigma-delta converters. Often these converters have high
resolutions requiring the lowest noise amplifier to utilize their
full potential. Many of these converters operate in either single
supply or low supply voltage systems, and attaining the greater
signal swing possible increases system performance.
The OP113 family is specified for single +5 volt and dual ±15
volt operation over the XIND—extended industrial (–40°C to
+85°C) temperature range. They are available in plastic and
SOIC surface mount packages.
NOTESLong-term offset voltage is guaranteed by a 1000-hour life test performed on three independent lots at 125°C, with an LTPD of 1.3.Guaranteed specifications, based on characterization data.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
(@ VS = 615.0 V, TA = +258C unless otherwise noted)
NOTESLong-term offset voltage is guaranteed by a 1000 hour life test performed on three independent lots at 125°C, with an LTPD of 1.3.Guaranteed specifications, based on characterization data.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
(@ VS = +5.0 V, TA = +258C unless otherwise noted)
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .±18 V
Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .±18 V
Differential Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .±10 V
Output Short-Circuit Duration to GND . . . . . . . . . .Indefinite
Storage Temperature Range
P, S Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–65°C to +150°C
Operating Temperature Range
OP113/OP213/OP413E, F . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–40°C to +85°C
Junction Temperature Range
P, S Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature Range (Soldering, 60 sec) . . . . . . .+300°C
NOTESAbsolute maximum ratings apply to both DICE and packaged parts, unless
otherwise noted.θJA is specified for the worst case conditions, i.e., θJA is specified for device in socket
for cerdip, P-DIP, and LCC packages; θJA is specified for device soldered in circuit
board for SOIC package.
2 mV trim range may be somewhat excessive. Reducing the
trimming potentiometer to a 2 kΩ value will give a more reason-
able range of ±400 μV.
Figure 1.Precision Load Cell Scale Amplifier
A High Precision Industrial Load-Cell Scale AmplifierThe OP113 family makes an excellent amplifier for conditioning
a load-cell bridge. Its low noise greatly improves the signal reso-
lution, allowing the load cell to operate with a smaller output
range, thus reducing its nonlinearity. Figure 1 shows one half of
the OP113 family used to generate a very stable 10.000 V bridge
excitation voltage while the second amplifier provides a differen-
tial gain. R4 should be trimmed for maximum common-mode
A Low Voltage Single Supply, Strain-Gage AmplifierThe true zero swing capability of the OP113 family allows the
amplifier in Figure 2 to amplify the strain-gage bridge accurately
even with no signal input while being powered by a single +5
volt supply. A stable 4.000 V bridge voltage is made possible by
the rail-to-rail OP295 amplifier, whose output can swing to
within a millivolt of either rail. This high voltage swing greatly
increases the bridge output signal without a corresponding in-
crease in bridge input.
APPLICATIONSThe OP113, OP213 and OP413 form a new family of high
performance amplifiers that feature precision performance in
standard dual supply configurations and, more importantly,
maintain precision performance when a single power supply is
used. In addition to accurate dc specifications, it is the lowest
noise single supply amplifier available with only 4.7 nV/√Hz
typical noise density.
Single supply applications have special requirements due to the
generally reduced dynamic range of the output signal. Single
supply applications are often operated at voltages of +5 volts or
+12 volts, compared to dual supply applications with supplies of12 volts or ±15 volts. This results in reduced output swings.
Where a dual supply application may often have 20 volts of
signal output swing, single supply applications are limited to, at
most, the supply range and, more commonly, several volts be-
low the supply. In order to attain the greatest swing the single
supply output stage must swing closer to the supply rails than in
dual supply applications.
The OP113 family has a new patented output stage that allows
the output to swing closer to ground, or the negative supply,
than previous bipolar output stages. Previous op amps had
outputs that could swing to within about ten millivolts of the
negative supply in single supply applications. However, the
OP113 family combines both a bipolar and a CMOS device in
the output stage, enabling it to swing to within a few hundred
microvolts of ground.
When operating with reduced supply voltages, the input range is
also reduced. This reduction in signal range results in reduced
signal-to-noise ratio, for any given amplifier. There are only two
ways to improve this: increase the signal range or reduce the
noise. The OP113 family addresses both of these parameters.
Input signal range is from the negative supply to within one
volt of the positive supply over the full supply range. Com-
petitive parts have input ranges that are a half a volt to five
volts less than this. Noise has also been optimized in the OP113
family. At 4.7 nV/√Hz, it is less than one fourth that of competi-
tive devices.
Phase ReversalThe OP113 family is protected against phase reversal as long as
both of the inputs are within the supply ranges. However, if there
is a possibility of either input going below the negative supply
(or ground in the single supply case), the inputs should be pro-
tected with a series resistor to limit input current to 2 mA.
OP113 Offset AdjustThe OP113 has the facility for external offset adjustment, using
the industry standard arrangement. Pins 1 and 5 are used in
conjunction with a potentiometer of 10 kΩ total resistance,
connected with the wiper to V– (or ground in single supply
applications). The total adjustment range is about ±2 mV using
this configuration.
Adjusting the offset to zero has minimal effect on offset
drift (assuming the potentiometer has a tempco of less than
1000 ppm/°C). Adjustment away from zero, however, (like all
bipolar amplifiers) will result in a TCVOS of approximately
3.3 μV/°C for every millivolt of induced offset.
A High Accuracy Thermocouple AmplifierFigure 4 shows a popular K-type thermocouple amplifier with
cold-junction compensation. Operating from a single +12 volt
supply, the OP113 family’s low noise allows temperature mea-
surement to better than 0.02°C resolution from 0°C to 1000°C
range. The cold-junction error is corrected by using an inexpen-
sive silicon diode as a temperature measuring device. It should
be placed as close to the two terminating junctions as physically
possible. An aluminum block might serve well as an isothermal
Figure 4.Accurate K-Type Thermocouple Amplifier
R6 should be adjusted for a zero-volt output with the thermo-
couple measuring tip immersed in a zero-degree ice bath. When
calibrating, be sure to adjust R6 initially to cause the output to
swing in the positive direction first. Then back off in the nega-
tive direction until the output just stops changing.
An Ultralow Noise, Single Supply Instrumentation AmplifierExtremely low noise instrumentation amplifiers can be built
using the OP113 family. Such an amplifier that operates off a
single supply is shown in Figure 5. Resistors R1–R5 should be
of high precision and low drift type to maximize CMRR perfor-
mance. Although the two inputs are capable of operating to zero
volt, the gain of –100 configuration will limit the amplifier input
common mode to not less than 0.33 V.
Figure 5.Ultralow Noise, Single Supply Instrumentation
A High Accuracy Linearized RTD Thermometer AmplifierZero suppressing the bridge facilitates simple linearization of the
RTD by feeding back a small amount of the output signal to the
RTD (Resistor Temperature Device). In Figure 3 the left leg of
the bridge is servoed to a virtual ground voltage by amplifier
A1, while the right leg of the bridge is also servoed to zero-volt
by amplifier A2. This eliminates any error resulting from
common-mode voltage change in the amplifier. A three-wire
RTD is used to balance the wire resistance on both legs of the
bridge, thereby reducing temperature mismatch errors. The
5.000 V bridge excitation is derived from the extremely stable
AD588 reference device with 1.5 ppm/°C drift performance.
Linearization of the RTD is done by feeding a fraction of the
output voltage back to the RTD in the form of a current. With
just the right amount of positive feedback, the amplifier output
will be linearly proportional to the temperature of the RTD.
VOUT (10mV/8C)
–1.50V = –1508C
+5.00V = +5008C
10mFFigure 3.Ultraprecision RTD Amplifier
To calibrate the circuit, first immerse the RTD in a zero-degree
ice bath or substitute an exact 100 Ω resistor in place of the
RTD. Adjust the ZERO ADJUST potentiometer for a 0.000 V
output, then set R9 LINEARITY ADJUST potentiometer to
the middle of its adjustment range. Substitute a 280.9 Ω resistor
(equivalent to 500°C) in place of the RTD, and adjust the
FULL-SCALE ADJUST potentiometer for a full-scale voltage
of 5.000 V.
To calibrate out the nonlinearity, substitute a 194.07 Ω resistor
(equivalent to 250°C) in place of the RTD, then adjust the
LINEARITY ADJUST potentiometer for a 2.500 V output.
Check and readjust the full-scale and half-scale as needed.
Once calibrated, the amplifier outputs a 10 mV/°C temperature
coefficient with an accuracy better than ±0.5°C over an RTD
measurement range of –150°C to +500°C. Indeed the amplifier
can be calibrated to a higher temperature range, up to 850°C.
Supply Splitter CircuitThe OP113 family has excellent frequency response characteris-
tic that makes it an ideal pseudo-ground reference generator as
shown in Figure 6. The OP113 family serves as a voltage fol-
lower buffer. In addition, it drives a large capacitor that serves
as a charge reservoir to minimize transient load changes, as well
as a low impedance output device at high frequencies. The
circuit easily supplies 25 mA load current with good settling
5kV+ = +5V +12V+OUTPUTFigure 6.False Ground Generator
Low Noise Voltage ReferenceFew reference devices combine low noise and high output drive
capabilities. Figure 7 shows the OP113 family used as a two-
pole active filter that band limits the noise of the 2.500 V refer-
ence. Total noise measures 3 μV p-p.
Figure 7.Low Noise Voltage Reference
+5 V Only Stereo DAC for MultimediaThe OP113 family’s low noise and single supply capability are
ideally suited for stereo DAC audio reproduction or sound
synthesis applications such as multimedia systems. Figure 8
shows an 18-bit stereo DAC output setup that is powered from a
single +5 volt supply. The low noise preserves the 18-bit dynamic
range of the AD1868. For DACs that operate on dual supplies,
the OP113 family can also be powered from the same supplies.
+5V SUPPLYFigure 8.+5 V Only 18-Bit Stereo DAC
Precision Voltage ComparatorWith its PNP inputs and zero volt common-mode capability, the
OP113 family can make useful voltage comparators. There is
only a slight penalty in speed in comparison to IC comparators.
However, the significant advantage is its voltage accuracy. For
example, VOS can be a few hundred microvolts or less, combined
with CMRR and PSRR exceeding 100 dB, while operating on
5 V supply. Standard comparators like the 111/311 family oper-
ate on 5 volts, but not with common-mode at ground, nor with
offset below 3 mV. Indeed, no commercially available single
supply comparator has a VOS less than 200 μV.
Figure 11 shows the OP113 family response to a 10 mV over-
drive signal when operating in open loop. The top trace shows
the output rising edge has a 15 μs propagation delay, while the
bottom trace shows a 7 μs delay on the output falling edge. This
ac response is quite acceptable in many applications.
tr = tf = 5ms610mV OVERDRIVE
Figure 11.Precision Comparator
The low noise and 250 μV (maximum) offset voltage enhance
the overall dc accuracy of this type of comparator. Note that
zero crossing detectors and similar ground referred comparisons
can be implemented even if the input swings to –0.3 volts below
Low Voltage Headphone AmplifiersFigure 9 shows a stereo headphone output amplifier for the
AD1849 16-bit SoundPort® Stereo Codec device. The pseudo-
reference voltage is derived from the common-mode voltage
generated internally by the AD1849, thus providing a conve-
nient bias for the headphone output amplifiers.
10mFFigure 9. Headphone Output Amplifier for Multimedia
Sound Codec
Low Noise Microphone Amplifier for MultimediaThe OP113 family is ideally suited as a low noise microphone
preamp for low voltage audio applications. Figure 10 shows a
gain of 100 stereo preamp for the AD1849 16-bit SoundPort
Stereo Codec chip. The common-mode output buffer serves as
a “phantom power” driver for the microphones.