ONET8501PRGTT ,11.3 Gbps Rate-Selectable Limiting Amplifier 16-QFN -40 to 100SLLS885–FEBRUARY 2008PACKAGEThe ONET8501P is available in a small footprint 3 mm × 3 mm 16-pin RoHS ..
ONET8501V ,11.3Gbps Differential VCSEL Driver with Output Waveform ShapingFeatures• XENPAK, XPAK, X2 and 300-pin MSA• Analog Temperature Sensor Output Transponder Modules• S ..
ONET8501VRGPT ,11.3Gbps Differential VCSEL Driver with Output Waveform Shaping 20-QFN -40 to 85SLLS837B–JUNE 2007–REVISED SEPTEMBER 2007PACKAGEThe ONET8501V is packaged in a small footprint 4mm ..
OP02 ,GeneralCHARACTERISTICS at VS = s15V, -55°C s TA +125°C, unless otherwise noted.
OP-02A OP-02
OP02A ,GeneralCHARACTERISTICS at Vs = '-15V, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.
PACKAGE TYPE Its (Note 2) 1C U ..
This high-performance general-purpose operational ampli-
fier providessigni ..
P2300-E , TO-92 SIDACtor solid state protection devices protect telecommunications equipment such
P2300EAL , TO-92 SIDACtor solid state protection devices protect telecommunications equipment such
P2300EAL , TO-92 SIDACtor solid state protection devices protect telecommunications equipment such
P2300EBL , TO-92 SIDACtor solid state protection devices protect telecommunications equipment such
P2300EBL , TO-92 SIDACtor solid state protection devices protect telecommunications equipment such
P2300ECL , TO-92 SIDACtor solid state protection devices protect telecommunications equipment such
11.3 Gbps Rate-Selectable Limiting Amplifier
11.3-Gbps RATE-SELECTABLE LIMITING AMPLIFIER Upto 11.3-Gbps Operation •
Output Disable 2-Wire Digital Interface •
Surface Mount Small Footprint3 mm×
3 mm
16-Pin RoHS compliant QFN Package•
Digitally Selectable Input Bandwidth Adjustable LOS Threshold Digitally Selectable Output Voltage •
10-Gigabit Ethernet Optical Receivers•
Digitally Selectable Output Pre-Emphasis •
8x and 10x Fiber Channel Optical Receivers•
Adjustable Input Threshold Voltage •
SONET OC-192/SDH-64 Optical Receivers•
Low Power Consumption •
SFP+ and XFP Transceiver Modules Input Offset Cancellation •
XENPAK, XPAK, X2 and 300-pin MSA
Transponder Modules•
CML Data Outputs with On-Chip 50-Ω
Back-Terminationto VCC •
Cable Driver and Receiver Single +3.3-V SupplyThe ONET8501Pisa high-speed, 3.3-V limiting amplifier for multiple fiber optic and copper cable applications
with data rates from2 Gbps upto 11.3 Gbps.
The device providesa two-wire serial interface which allows digital controlof the bandwidth, output amplitude,
output pre-emphasis, input threshold voltage (slice level) and the lossof signal assert level. Predetermined
settings for bandwidth and LOS assert levels can alsobe selected with external rate selection pins.
The ONET8501P providesa gainof about 40dB which ensuresa fully differential output swing for input signals lowas 10 mVpp. The output amplitude canbe adjustedto 300 mVpp, 600 mVpp,or 900 mVpp. To compensate
for frequency dependent lossof microstripsor striplines connectedto the outputof the device, programmable
pre-emphasisis includedin the output stage.A settable lossof signal detection and output disable are also
The part, availablein RoHS compliant small footprint3 mm×3 mm 16-pin QFN package, typically dissipates
less than 160 mW andis characterized for operation from –40°Cto 100°C.