NZX36C ,Single Zener diodesApplications General regulation functions1.4 Quick reference data Table 1. Quick reference dataT = ..
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Single Zener diodes
1. Product profile
1.1 General descriptionGeneral-purpose Zener diodes in a SOD27 (SC-40) small hermetically sealed glass
1.2 Features and benefitsT otal power dissipation: Ptot 500 mW Low differential resistance Low leakage current
1.3 Applications General regulation functions
1.4 Quick reference data[1] Pulse test: tp 300 s; 0.02.
2. Pinning information[1] The marking band indicates the cathode.
NZX series
Single Zener diodes
Rev. 4 — 28 November 2011 Product data sheet
Table 1. Quick reference data =25 C unless otherwise specified. forward voltage IF =200 mA [1] --1.5 V
Table 2. Pinning
NXP Semiconductors NZX series
Single Zener diodes
3. Ordering information[1] The series consists of 112 types with nominal working voltages from 2.1Vto36V.
4. Marking
5. Limiting values
6. Thermal characteristics[1] Device mounted on an FR4 Printed-Circuit Board (PCB) without metallization pad;
maximum lead length8 mm.
Table 3. Ordering informationNZX2V1B to NZX36X[1] SC-40 hermetically sealed glass package; axial leaded; leads
Table 4. Marking codesNZX2V1B to NZX36X the diodes are type branded
Table 5. Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). forward current - 250 mA
Ptot total power dissipation Ttp25 C- 500 mW junction temperature - 175 C
Tamb ambient temperature 55 +175 C
Tstg storage temperature 65 +175 C
Table 6. Thermal characteristicsRth(j-a) thermal resistance from
junction to ambient
in free air [1] --380 K/W
Rth(j-t) thermal resistance from
junction to tie-point
[1] --300 K/W
NXP Semiconductors NZX series
Single Zener diodes
7. Characteristics[1] Pulse test: tp 300 s; 0.02.
Table 7. Characteristics =25 C unless otherwise specified. forward voltage IF= 200 mA [1] --1.5 V
Table 8. Characteristics per type; NZX2V1B to NZX18C =25 C unless otherwise specified.
2V1 B 2.0 2.2 100 5 0.5
2V4 A 2.3 2.5 100 50 1
B2.4 2.6
2V7 A 2.5 2.7 100 20 1
B2.6 2.8
C2.7 2.9
3V0 A 2.8 3.0 100 10 1
B2.9 3.1
C3.0 3.2
3V3 A 3.1 3.3 100 5 1
B3.2 3.4
C3.3 3.5
NXP Semiconductors NZX series
Single Zener diodes3V6 A 3.4 3.6 100 5 1
B3.5 3.7
C3.6 3.8
3V9 A 3.7 3.9 100 3 1
B3.8 4.0
C3.9 4.1
4V3 A 4.0 4.2 100 3 1
B4.1 4.3
C4.2 4.4
D4.3 4.5
4V7 A 4.4 4.6 100 3 2
B4.5 4.7
C4.6 4.8
D4.7 4.9
5V1 A 4.8 5.0 100 2 2
B4.9 5.1
C5.0 5.2
D5.1 5.3
5V6 A 5.2 5.5 40 1 2
B5.3 5.6
C5.4 5.7
D5.5 5.8
E5.6 5.9
6V2 A 5.7 6.0 15 3 4
B5.8 6.1
C6.0 6.3
D6.1 6.4
E6.3 6.6
6V8 A 6.4 6.7 15 2 4
B6.6 6.9
C6.7 7.0
D6.9 7.2
Table 8. Characteristics per type; NZX2V1B to NZX18C …continued =25 C unless otherwise specified.
NXP Semiconductors NZX series
Single Zener diodes7V5 A 7.0 7.3 15 1 5
B7.2 7.6
C7.3 7.7
D7.5 7.9 7.07 7.45
8V2 A 7.7 8.1 20 0.7 5
B7.9 8.3
C8.1 8.5
D8.3 8.7
9V1 A 8.5 8.9 20 0.5 6
B8.7 9.1
C8.9 9.3
D9.1 9.5
E9.3 9.7 A 9.5 9.9 25 0.2 7 9.7 10.1 9.9 10.3 10.2 10.6 A 10.4 10.8 25 0.1 8
B10.7 11.1
C10.9 11.3 11.1 11.6 A 11.4 11.9 35 0.1 8 11.6 12.1 11.9 12.4 12.2 12.7 11.44 12.03 A 12.4 12.9 35 0.1 8 12.6 13.1 12.9 13.4 A 13.2 13.7 35 0.05 9.8 13.5 14.0 13.8 14.3
Table 8. Characteristics per type; NZX2V1B to NZX18C …continued =25 C unless otherwise specified.
NXP Semiconductors NZX series
Single Zener diodes A 14.1 14.7 40 0.05 10.5 14.5 15.1 14.9 15.5 14.35 15.09 A 15.3 15.9 45 0.05 11.2 15.7 16.5 16.3 17.1 A 16.9 17.7 55 0.05 12.6 17.5 18.3 18.1 19.0
Table 8. Characteristics per type; NZX2V1B to NZX18C …continued =25 C unless otherwise specified.