NUS2401SNT1 ,Integrated PNP/NPN Digital Transistors ArrayELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Unless otherwise noted: T = 25°C for typical values, common for Q1, Q2, ..
NUS2401SNT1G ,Integrated PNP/NPN Digital Transistors Array2NUS2401SNT1400 1350300250 T = −25°CA0.1 75°C20015025°C100 R = 357°C/WJA50I /I = 10C B0.010−50 0 5 ..
NUS2501W6T1 ,Integrated NPN Digital transistor with switching diode arrayELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted.)ACharacteristic Symbol Test Conditions ..
NUS3045MNT1 , Overvoltage Protection IC with Integrated MOSFET
NUS3045MNT1G , Overvoltage Protection IC with Integrated MOSFET
NUS3055MUTAG , Low Profile Overvoltage Protection IC with Integrated MOSFET
OZ965IR , High-Efficiency Inverter Controller
OZ965IR , High-Efficiency Inverter Controller
OZ990S , Intelligent Manager Smart PMU/GPIO
OZ990S , Intelligent Manager Smart PMU/GPIO
OZ-SS-105L1 , 16A Miniature Power PC Board Relay
OZ-SS-148L , 16A Miniature Power PC Board Relay
Integrated PNP/NPN Digital Transistors Array
Integrated PNP/NPN Digital
Transistors Array
This new option of integrated digital transistors is designed to
replace a discrete solution array of three transistors and their external
resistor bias network. BRTs (Bias Resistor Transistors) contain a
single transistor with a monolithic bias network consisting of two
resistors; a series base resistor and a base−emitter resistor. The BRT
technology eliminates these individual components by integrating
them into a single device, therefore the integration of three BRTs
results in a significant reduction of both system cost and board space.
This new device is packaged in the SC−74/Case 318F package which
is designed for low power surface mount applications.
Features Integrated Design Reduces Board Space and Components Count Simplifies Circuitry Design Offered in Surface Mount Package Technology (SC−74) Available in 3000 Unit Tape and Reel Pb−Free Package is Available
Typical Applications Audio Muting Applications Drive Circuits Applications Industrial: Small Appliances, Security Systems, Automated Test Consumer: TVs and VCRs, Stereo Receivers, CD Players,
Cassette Recorders
MAXIMUM RATINGS (Maximum Ratings are those values beyond whichdamage to the device may occur. Electrical Characteristics are not
guaranteed over this range.)
THERMAL CHARACTERISTICSMaximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.
Maximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (not
normal operating conditions) and are not valid simultaneously. If these limits
are exceeded, device functional operation is not implied, damage may occur
and reliability may be affected.