NTTS2P02R2 ,Power MOSFET -2.4 Amps, -20 VoltsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted) *CCharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Un ..
NTTS2P02R2 ,Power MOSFET -2.4 Amps, -20 VoltsMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JRating Symbol Value UnitDrain–to–Source Voltage V ..
NTTS2P03 ,Power MOSFET -2.48 Amps, -30 VoltsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted) (Note 6.)CCharacteristic Symbol Min Ty ..
NTTS2P03R2 ,Power MOSFET -2.48 Amps, -30 VoltsMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JRating Symbol Value UnitDrain−to−Source Voltage V ..
NTUD3128NT5G , Small Signal MOSFET 20 V, 200 mA, Dual N-Channel, 1.0 mm x 1.0 mm SOT-963 Package
NTUD3169CZT5G , Small Signal MOSFET 20 V, 220 mA / −200 mA, Complementary, 1.0 x 1.0 mm SOT−963 Package
OZ962R , High-Efficiency Inverter Controller
OZ964G , Change Summary
OZ964G , Change Summary
OZ965IR , High-Efficiency Inverter Controller
OZ965IR , High-Efficiency Inverter Controller
OZ990S , Intelligent Manager Smart PMU/GPIO
Power MOSFET -2.4 Amps, -20 Volts
Power MOSFET -2.4 Amps, -20 Volts
Single P–Channel Micro8�
Features• Ultra Low RDS(on)• Higher Efficiency Extending Battery Life• Logic Level Gate Drive• Miniature Micro–8 Surface Mount Package• Diode Exhibits High Speed, Soft Recovery• Micro8 Mounting Information Provided
Applications• Power Management in Portable and Battery–Powered Products, i.e.:
Cellular and Cordless Telephones and PCMCIA Cards
MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted) Minimum FR–4 or G–10 PCB, Steady State. Mounted onto a 2″ square FR–4 Board (1″ sq. 2 oz Cu 0.06″ thick single
sided), Steady State. Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 300 �s, Duty Cycle ≤ 2%.