NTP65N02R ,Power MOSFET 24V N-Channel TO-220ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C Unless otherwise specified) JCharacteristics Symbol Min Typ Ma ..
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Power MOSFET 24V N-Channel D2PAK
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C Unless otherwise specified) JCharacteristics Symbol Min Typ Max UnitOFF CHARACTERISTICSDrain−to−Source Breakdown Voltage (Note 3) V V(BR)DSS dc(V = 0 V , I = 250 A ) 24 27.5 −GS dc D dcTemperature Coefficient (Positive) − 25.5 − mV/°CZero Gate Voltage Drain Current I ADSS dc(V = 20 V , V = 0 V ) − − 1.5DS dc GS dc(V = 20 V , V = 0 V , T = 150°C) − − 10DS dc GS dc JGate−Body Leakage Current I nAGSS dc(V = ±20 V , V = 0 V ) − − ±100GS dc DS dcON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 3)Gate Threshold Voltage (Note 3) V VGS(th) dc(V = V , I = 250 A ) 1.0 1.5 2.0DS GS D dcThreshold Temperature Coefficient (Negative) − 4.1 − mV/°CStatic Drain−to−Source On−Resistance (Note 3) R mDS(on)(V = 4.5 V , I = 15 A ) − 11.2 12.5GS dc D dc(V = 10 V , I = 20 A ) − 8.4 10.5GS dc D dc(V = 10 V , I = 30 A ) − 8.2 −GS dc D dcForward Transconductance (Note 3) g MhosFS(V = 10 V , I = 15 A ) − 27 −DS dc D dcDYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSInput Capacitance C − 948 1330 pFissOutput Capacitance C − 456 640(V ( = 20 V , V , = 0 V,) , f = 1 MHz)ossDS DS dc dc GS GSTransfer Capacitance C − 160 225rssSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Note 4)Turn−On Delay Time t − 7.0 − nsd(on)Rise Time t − 53 −r(V (V = 10 V = 10 V , , V V = 10 V = 10 V ,,GS GS d dc c DD DD d dc cI = 30 A , R = 3)D dc GTurn−Off Delay Time t − 14 −d(off)Fall Time tf − 10 −Gate Charge nCQ − 9.5 −T(V = 4.5 V , I = 30 A ,GS dc D dcQ − 3.0 −1V V = 10 V = 10 V ) ) ( (Note Note 3 3) )DS DS dc dcQ − 4.4 −2SOURCE−DRAIN DIODE CHARACTERISTICSForward On−V Forward On−Voltage oltage (I (I = 20 = 20 A A , V , V = 0 V = 0 V ) ) (Note 3) (Note 3) V V − − 0 0.88 .88 1.2 1.2 V VS S dc dc GS GS dc dc SD SD d dc c(I ( = 30 A , , V = 0 V ) ) − 1.10 −S S dc dc GS GS dc dc(I (I = 15 15 A A , V V = 0 V 0V , T T = 125 125° °C) C) − 0.80 080 −S dc GS dc JReverse Recovery Time nst − 29.1 −rrt − 13.6 −a(I (I = 30 = 30 A A , V , V = 0 V = 0 V ,,S S d dc c GS GS dc dcdI /dt = 100 A/s) (Note 3)St − 15.5 −bReverse Recovery Stored Charge Q − 0.02 − CRR3. Pulse Test: Pulse Width 300 s, Duty Cycle 2%.4. Switching characteristics are independent of operating junction temperatures.