NTMD3P03R2 ,Power MOSFET -3.05 Amps, -30 VoltsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted) (Note 5)JCharacteristic Symbol Min Typ ..
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NTMD4184PF ,Power MOSFET and Schottky Diode, -30 V, -4.0 A, Single P-ChannelELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition M ..
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Power MOSFET -3.05 Amps, -30 Volts
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted) (Note 5)JCharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max UnitOFF CHARACTERISTICSDrain−to−Source Breakdown Voltage V Vdc(BR)DSS(V = 0 Vdc, I = −250 μAdc) −30 − −GS DTemperature Coefficient (Positive) − −30 − mV/°CZero Gate Voltage Drain Current I μAdcDSS(V = −24 Vdc, V = 0 Vdc, T = 25°C) − − −1.0DS GS J(V = −24 Vdc, V = 0 Vdc, T = 125°C) − − −20DS GS J(V = −30 Vdc, V = 0 Vdc, T = 25°C) − − −2.0DS GS JGate−Body Leakage Current I nAdcGSS(V = −20 Vdc, V = 0 Vdc) − − −100GS DSGate−Body Leakage Current I nAdcGSS(V = +20 Vdc, V = 0 Vdc) − − 100GS DSON CHARACTERISTICSGate Threshold Voltage V VdcGS(th)(V = V , I = −250 μAdc) −1.0 −1.7 −2.5DS GS DTemperature Coefficient (Negative) − 3.6 −Static Drain−to−Source On−State Resistance R ΩDS(on)(V = −10 Vdc, I = −3.05 Adc) − 0.063 0.085GS D(V = −4.5 Vdc, I = −1.5 Adc) − 0.090 0.125GS DForward Transconductance (V = −15 Vdc, I = −3.05 Adc) g − 5.0 − MhosDS D FSDYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSInput Capacitance C − 520 750 pFiss(V (V = −24 Vdc, V 24 Vd V = 0 Vdc, 0VdDS GSOutput CapacitanceC − 170 325ossf = 1.0 MHz f = 1.0 MHz) )Reverse Transfer CapacitanceC − 70 135rssSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Notes 6 and 7)Turn−On Delay Time t − 12 22 nsd(on)(V = −24 Vdc, I = −3.05 Adc,Rise Time DD D t − 16 30rV V = −10 Vdc, = 10 VdcGS GSTurn−Off Delay Time t − 45 80d(off)R R = 6.0 6.0 Ω Ω) )G GFall Time t − 45 80fTurn−On Delay Time t − 16 − nsd(on)(V = −24 Vdc, I = −1.5 Adc,Rise Time DD D t − 42 −rV V = −4.5 Vdc, = 4 5 VdcGS GSTurn−Off Delay Time t − 32 −R R = 6.0 6.0 Ω Ω) ) d(off)G GFall Time t − 35 −fnCTotal Gate Charge Q − 16 25tot(V (V = − =−24 24 Vdc Vdc, ,DS DSGate−Source Charge V = −10 Vdc, Q − 2.0 −GS GS gsII = −3.05 Adc) 305Ad )DGate−Drain Charge Q − 4.5 −gdBODY−DRAIN DIODE RATINGS (Note 6)Diode Forward On−Voltage (I = −3.05 Adc, V = 0 V) V − −0.96 −1.25 VdcS GS SD(I = −3.05 Adc, V = 0 V, T = 125°C) − −0.78 −S GS JReverse Recovery Time t − 34 − nsrr(I (I = −3.05 Adc, V 305Ad V = 0 Vdc, 0VdS GSt − 18 −adI dI /dt = 100 A/ /dt = 100 A/μ μs) s)S St − 16 −bReverse Recovery Stored Charge Q − 0.03 − μCRR5. Handling precautions to protect against electrostatic discharge is mandatory.6. Indicates Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 300 μs max, Duty Cycle = 2%.7. Switching characteristics are independent of operating junction temperature.