NTMD2C02R2 ,Power MOSFET 2 Amps, 20 Volts, Complimentary SO-8, DualMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted) (Note 1)JRating Symbol Value Unit1D2C02Drain–to–S ..
NTMD2C02R2 ,Power MOSFET 2 Amps, 20 Volts, Complimentary SO-8, DualELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted) (Note 3)ACharacteristic Symbol Polarit ..
NTMD2C02R2G , Power MOSFET 2 Amps, 20 Volts
NTMD2P01R2G , Power MOSFET −2.3 Amps, −16 Volts
NTMD3P03R2 ,Power MOSFET -3.05 Amps, -30 VoltsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted) (Note 5)JCharacteristic Symbol Min Typ ..
NTMD3P03R2G , Power MOSFET -3.05 Amps, -30 Volts
OX16PCI954-TQA1G , Integrated Quad UART and PCI interface
OXCB950 , Integrated High Performance UART Cardbus / 3.3v PCI interface
OXCF950-TQ-B , Single full-duplex asynchronous channel 128-byte deep transmitter / receiver FIFO
OXCFU950-QFAG , USB/UART multi-function 16-bit PC Card device
OXMPCI952-VBAG , Integrated High Performance Dual UARTs, 8-bit Local Bus/Parallel Port. 3.3v PCI/miniPCI interface.
OXmPCI952-VBAG , Integrated High Performance Dual UARTs, 8-bit Local Bus/Parallel Port. 3.3v PCI/miniPCI interface.
Power MOSFET 2 Amps, 20 Volts, Complimentary SO-8, Dual
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted) (Note 3)ACharacteristic Symbol Polarity Min Typ Max UnitOFF CHARACTERISTICSDrain–Source Breakdown Voltage V (N) 20 – – Vdc(BR)DSS(V = 0 Vdc, I = 250 μAdc) (P) 20 – –GS DZero Gate Voltage Drain Current I μAdcDSS(V = 0 Vdc, V = 20 Vdc) (N) – – 1.0GS DS(V = 0 Vdc, V = 12 Vdc) (P) – – 1.0GS DSGate–Body Leakage Current I nAdcGSS(V = ±12 Vdc, V = 0) – – – 100GS DSON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 4)Gate Threshold Voltage V (N) 0.6 0.9 1.2 VdcGS(th)(V = V , I = 250 μAdc) (P) 0.6 0.9 1.2DS GS DDrain–to–Source On–Resistance R OhmDS(on)(V = 4.5 Vdc, I = 4.0 Adc) (N) – 0.028 0.043GS D(V = 4.5 Vdc, I = 2.4 Adc) (P) 0.07 – 0.1GS DDrain–to–Source On–Resistance R OhmDS(on)(V = 2.7 Vdc, I = 2.0 Adc) (N) – 0.033 0.048GS D(V = 2.7 Vdc, I = 1.2 Adc) (P) 0.1 – 0.13GS DForward Transconductance g mhosFS(V = 2.5 Vdc, I = 2.0 Adc) (N) 3.0 6.0 –DS D(V = 2.5 Vdc, I = 1.0 Adc) (P) 3.0 4.75 –DS DDYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSInput Capacitance C (N) – 785 1100 pFiss(P) – 540 750Output Capacitance(V = 10 Vdc, V = 0 Vdc, C (N) – 210 450DS GS ossf = 1.0 MHz) ) (P) – 215 325Transfer CapacitanceC (N) – 75 180rss(P) – 100 175SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Note 5)Turn–On Delay Time t (N) – 11 18 nsd(on)(P) – 15 –(V (V = 16 Vdc, I 16 Vdc, I = 4.0 Adc, 4.0 Adc,DD DD D DV = 4.5 Vdc,GSRise Time t (N) – 35 65rR = 6.0 Ω)G(P) – 40 –Turn–Off Delay Time t (N) – 45 75d(off)(V = 10 Vdc, I = 1.2 Adc,DD D(P) – 35 –V V = 2.7 Vdc, = 2.7 Vdc,GS GSR = 6.0 Ω)Fall Time t (N) – 60 110Gf(P) – 35 –Turn–On Delay Time t (N) – 12 20d(on)(P) – 10 20(V (V = 16 Vdc, I 16 Vdc, I = 6.0 Adc, 6.0 Adc,DS DS D DV = 4.5 Vdc,Rise Time GS t (N) – 50 90rR = 6.0 Ω)G(P) – 35 65Turn–Off Delay Time t (N) – 45 75d(off)(V = 10 Vdc, I = 2.4 Adc,DS D(P) – 33 60V V = 4.5 Vdc, = 4.5 Vdc,GS GSR = 6.0 Ω)Fall Time t (N) – 80 130Gf(P) – 29 553. Negative signs for P–Channel device omitted for clarity.4. Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 300 μs, Duty Cycle ≤ 2%.5. Switching characteristics are independent of operating junction temperature.