NTJS3151P ,Trench Power MOSFET 12 V, 3.3A, Single P-Channel ESD Protected SC-88ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T =25°C unless otherwise stated)JParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Ty ..
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Trench Power MOSFET 12 V, 3.3A, Single P-Channel ESD Protected SC-88
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T =25°C unless otherwise stated)JParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitOFF CHARACTERISTICSDrain−to−Source Breakdown Voltage V V = 0 V, I = −250 A−12 V(BR)DSSGS DDrain−to−Source Breakdown Voltage V /T 10 mV/°C(BR)DSS JTemperature CoefficientZero Gate Voltage Drain Current I T = 25°C−1.0 ADSS JV = −9.6 V, GSV = 0 VDST = 125°C−2.5JGate−to−Source Leakage Current I V = 0 V, V = ±4.5 V ±1.5 AGSS DS GSV = 0 V, V = ±12 V ±10 mADS GSON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 2)Gate Threshold Voltage V V = V , I = 100 A−0.40 VGS(TH) GS DS DNegative Threshold Temperature V /T 3.4 mV/°CGS(TH) JCoefficientDrain−to−Source On Resistance R V = −4.5 V, I = −3.3 A 45 60mDS(on) GS DV = −2.5 V, I = −2.9 A 67 90GS DV = −1.8 V, I = −1.0 A 133 160GS DForward Transconductance g V = −10 V, I = −3.3 A 15 SFS GS DCHARGES AND CAPACITANCESInput Capacitance C 850 pFISSV = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz, GSOutput Capacitance C 170OSSV = −12 VDSReverse Transfer Capacitance C 110RSSTotal Gate Charge Q 8.6 nCG(TOT)V = −4.5 V, V = −5.0 V, GS DSGate−to−Source Charge Q 1.3GSI = −3.3 ADGate−to−Drain Charge Q 2.2GDGate Resistance R 3000 GSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Note 3)Turn−On Delay Time t 0.86 sd(ON)Rise Time t 1.5rV = −4.5 V, V = −6.0 V, GS DDI = −1.0 A, R = 6.0 D GTurn−Off Delay Time t 3.5d(OFF)Fall Time t 3.9fDRAIN−SOURCE DIODE CHARACTERISTICS (Note 2)Forward Diode Voltage V T = 25°C−0.85−1.2 VSD JV = 0 V, GSI = −3.3 AST = 125°C−0.7J2. Pulse Test: pulse width ≤ 300s, duty cycle ≤ 2%.3. Switching characteristics are independent of operating junction temperatures.