NTHS5445T1 ,OBSOLETEELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition M ..
NTJD2152P ,Trench Small Signal MOSFET 8 V Dual P-Channel, ESD Protection2NTJD2152PTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)J1.41.4V = −4.5 V to −2.6 VGS ..
NTJD2152PT1 ,Trench Small Signal MOSFET 8 V Dual P-Channel, ESD ProtectionELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T =25°C unless otherwise stated)JParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Ty ..
NTJD2152PT1G ,Trench Small Signal MOSFET 8 V Dual P-Channel, ESD ProtectionMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise stated)JParameter Symbol Value UnitDrain−to−Source Volta ..
NTJD4001N ,Small Signal MOSFET 30 V, 250 mA, Dual NELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise stated)JParameter Symbol Test Condition Min T ..
NTJD4001NT1G ,Small Signal MOSFET 30 V, 250 mA, Dual NMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise stated)JS 1 6 D1 1Parameter Symbol Value UnitsDrain−to−S ..
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ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitStaticGate Threshold Voltage V V = V , I = –250 μA –0.45 – – VGS(th) DS GS DGate–Body Leakage I V = 0 V, V = 8.0 V – – 100 nAGSS DS GSZero Gate Voltage Drain Current I V = –6.4 V, V = 0 V – – –1.0 μADSS DS GSV = –6.4 V, V = 0 V, – – –5.0DS GST = 85°CJOn–State Drain Current (Note 3.) I V –5.0 V, V = –4.5 V –20 – – AD(on) DS GSDrain–Source On–State Resistance (Note 3.) r V = –4.5 V, I = –5.2 A – 0.030 0.035 ΩDS(on) () GS DV = –2.5 V, I = –4.5 A – 0.040 0.047GS DV = –1.8 V, I = –2.0 A – 0.052 0.062GS DForward Transconductance (Note 3.) g V = –5.0 V, I = –5.2 A – 18 – Sfs DS DDiode Forward Voltage (Note 3.) V I = –1.1 A, V = 0 V – –0.8 –1.2 VSD S GSDynamic (Note 4.)Total Gate Charge Q – 17 26 nCgV V = –4.0 V 40V, V V = –4.5 V 45V, DS GSGate–Source Charge Q – 2.8 –gsII = –5.2 A = –5.2 AD DGate–Drain Charge Q – 2.6 –gdTurn–On Delay Time t – 15 25 nsd(on)V = –4.0 V, R = 4 ΩRise Time t DD L – 45 70rII –1.0 A, V –10A V = –4.5 V =–45V,D D GE GEN NTurn–Off Delay Time t – 110 165d(off)R R = 6 6 Ω ΩG GFall Time t – 65 100fSource–Drain Reverse Recovery Time t I = –1.1 A, di/dt = 100 A/μs – 30 60rr F2. Surface Mounted on 1″ x 1″ FR4 Board.3. Pulse Test: Pulse Width 300 μs, Duty Cycle 2%.4. Guaranteed by design, not subject to production testing.